$moduleRoot = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path # Create aliases Write-Verbose "Creating Aliases" New-Alias -Name Start-MDSEMC -Value Start-MDSExchMgmtConsole -Force New-Alias -Name Import-MDSEXO -Value Import-MDSExchOnline -Force # Import everything in the functions folders Write-Verbose "Importing Functions" $privateFunctions = Get-ChildItem "$moduleRoot\Private\*.ps1" | Where-Object { -not ($_.FullName.Contains(".Tests.")) } $privateFunctions | ForEach-Object {Write-Verbose "Private Function: $($_.FullName)"; . ([scriptblock]::Create([io.file]::ReadAllText($PSItem)))} $publicFunctions = Get-ChildItem "$moduleRoot\Public\*.ps1" | Where-Object { -not ($_.FullName.Contains(".Tests.")) } $publicFunctions | ForEach-Object {Write-Verbose "Public Function: $($_.FullName)"; . ([scriptblock]::Create([io.file]::ReadAllText($PSItem)))} # Create Variables Write-Verbose "Creating Variables" New-Variable CredentialFileName -Value 'MDSCredentials.xml' -Option ReadOnly -Scope Script New-Variable CredentialFilePath -Value (Get-MDSCredentialPath -FileName $CredentialFileName) -Option ReadOnly -Scope Script Try { $null = Get-MDSConfiguration } Catch { $ConfigurationFilePath = Get-MDSConfigurationPath -FileName Configuration.psd1 Write-Host "Thank you for using MDS Tools. You must configure your module settings to avoid this warning when importing the module. Use 'Get-Help Set-MDSConfiguration' to see configuration settings and 'Set-MDSConfiguration' to set them. The store file will be saved in $ConfigurationFilePath." -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Yellow } # Export module members Write-Verbose 'Export module members' $ExportModule = @{ Alias = @('Start-MDSEMC','Import-MDSEXO') Function = @($publicFunctions.BaseName) Variable = @() } Export-ModuleMember @ExportModule # Register Argument Completers - Version 5+ If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 5) { # Allows the MDSCredential parameter to auto-complete with the names of each Get-MDSCredential entry # across any command that has MDSCredential as a parameter Register-ArgumentCompleter -ParameterName MDSCredential -ScriptBlock {(Get-MDSCredential).Name} } |