function Set-MDSConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Set module configuration variables .DESCRIPTION Some functions in the module require variables that are unique to the environment. This function allows for the setting of those variables. Supported variables may be tab completed with the name parameter. Those variables include: ADConnectServer (Start-MDSADSyncSyncCycle) SkypeOnPremServer (Import-MDSSkypeOnPrem) .PARAMETER Name Valid values: ADConnectServer, SkypeOnPremServer .PARAMETER Value String value for the variable specified in the name parameter .EXAMPLE Set-MDSConfiguration -Name ADConnectServer -Value .NOTES Uses the 'Configuration' module by Joel Bennett ( #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [ValidateSet("ADConnectServer","SkypeOnPremServer")] [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$Value ) begin {} process { Try { $Configuration = Import-Configuration -ErrorAction Stop If ($null -ne $Configuration) { If ($Configuration[$Name]) { Write-Verbose 'Removing old value' $Configuration.Remove($Name) } Write-Verbose 'Adding old value' $Configuration.Add($Name,$Value) Get-Module MDSTools -ErrorAction Stop | Export-Configuration $Configuration -Scope Enterprise -ErrorAction Stop } Else { Write-Verbose "Exporting new value" $FirstEntry = @{$Name = $Value} Get-Module MDSTools -ErrorAction Stop | Export-Configuration $FirstEntry -Scope Enterprise -ErrorAction Stop } } Catch { Write-Error $PSItem } } end {} } |