function Get-MDSConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Set module configuration variables .DESCRIPTION Some functions in the module require variables that are unique to the environment. This function displays the configuration variables. .EXAMPLE Get-MDSConfiguration List the module configuration file .NOTES Uses the 'Configuration' module by Joel Bennett ( #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [ValidateSet('ADConnectServer','SkypeOnPremServer','ErrorTest')] [Parameter()] [String]$Setting ) begin {} process { Try { $Configuration = Import-Configuration -ErrorAction Stop # Return the specified setting If ($PSBoundParameters.Setting) { $ConfigSetting = $Configuration[$Setting] If (-not $ConfigSetting) { Throw "The module configuration does not have $Setting configured. Use 'Set-MDSConfiguration -Name $Setting -Value <string>' to configure your settings." } $ConfigSetting } # Throw an error if no settings are set ElseIf ($Configuration.count -eq 0) { Throw "Thank you for using the MDS Tools module. Please run Set-MDSConfiguration to configure the module settings." } # Return all settings Else { $Configuration } } Catch { Write-Error $PSItem } } end {} } |