.DESCRIPTION This test verifies, that all strings that have been used, are listed in the language files and thus have a message being displayed. It also checks, whether the language files have orphaned entries that need cleaning up. #> Describe "Testing localization strings" { $moduleRoot = (Get-Module MDCA).ModuleBase $stringsResults = Export-PSMDString -ModuleRoot $moduleRoot $exceptions = & "$global:testroot\general\strings.Exceptions.ps1" foreach ($stringEntry in $stringsResults) { if ($stringEntry.String -eq "key") { continue } # Skipping the template default entry It "Should be used & have text: $($stringEntry.String)" -TestCases @{ stringEntry = $stringEntry; exceptions = $exceptions } { if ($exceptions.LegalSurplus -notcontains $stringEntry.String) { $stringEntry.Surplus | Should -BeFalse } if ($exceptions.NoTextNeeded -notcontains $stringEntry.String) { $stringEntry.Text | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } } } } |