.Synopsis Uploads a proxy/firewall log file to a Cloud App Security tenant for discovery. .DESCRIPTION Send-MCASDiscoveryLog uploads an edge device log file to be analyzed for SaaS discovery by Cloud App Security. When using Send-MCASDiscoveryLog, you must provide a log file by name/path and a log file type, which represents the source firewall or proxy device type. Also required is the name of the discovery data source with which the uploaded log should be associated; this can be created in the console. Send-MCASDiscoveryLog does not return any value .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Send-MCASDiscoveryLog -LogFile C:\Users\Alice\MyFirewallLog.log -LogType CISCO_IRONPORT_PROXY -DiscoveryDataSource 'My CAS Discovery Data Source' This uploads the MyFirewallLog.log file to CAS for discovery, indicating that it is of the CISCO_IRONPORT_PROXY log format, and associates it with the data source name called 'My CAS Discovery Data Source' .FUNCTIONALITY Uploads a proxy/firewall log file to a Cloud App Security tenant for discovery. #> function Send-MCASDiscoveryLog { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Specifies the credential object containing tenant as username (e.g. '') and the 64-character hexadecimal Oauth token as the password. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential = $CASCredential, # The full path of the Log File to be uploaded, such as 'C:\mylogfile.log'. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=0)] [Validatescript({Test-Path $_})] [Validatescript({(Get-Item $_).Length -le 5GB})] [alias("FullName")] [string]$LogFile, # Specifies the source device type of the log file. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=1)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [device_type]$LogType, # Specifies the discovery data source name as reflected in your CAS console, such as 'US West Microsoft ASA'. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=2)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$DiscoveryDataSource, # Specifies that the uploaded log file should be made into a snapshot report, in which case the value provided for -DiscoveryDataSource will become the snapshot report name. [switch]$UploadAsSnapshot, # Specifies that the uploaded log file should be deleted after the upload operation completes. [alias("dts")] [switch]$Delete ) begin {} process { Write-Verbose "Checking for the file $LogFile" try { $fileName = (Get-Item $LogFile).Name $fileSize = (Get-Item $LogFile).Length } catch { throw "Could not get $LogFile : $_" } Write-Verbose "Requesting a target URL to which $LogFile can be uploaded" try { $getUploadUrlResponse = Invoke-MCASRestMethod -Credential $Credential -Path "/api/v1/discovery/upload_url/?filename=$fileName&source=$LogType" -Method Get $uploadUrl = $getUploadUrlResponse.url } catch { throw "Something went wrong trying to get the target URL for $LogFile. The exception was: $_" } Write-Verbose "The target URL to which $LogFile will be uploaded is $uploadUrl" Write-Verbose "Setting the transfer mode based on log file size" if (($getUploadUrlResponse.provider -eq 'azure') -and ($fileSize -le 64mb)) { $fileUploadHeader = @{'x-ms-blob-type'='BlockBlob'} Write-Verbose "The file is 64MB or smaller, so the following header and value will be used: x-ms-blob-type: BlockBlob" } elseif (($getUploadUrlResponse.provider -eq 'azure') -and ($fileSize -gt 64mb)) { $fileUploadHeader = @{'Transfer-Encoding'='chunked'} Write-Verbose "The file is larger than 64MB, so the following header and value will be used: Transfer-Encoding: chunked" } Write-Verbose "The file $LogFile will now be uploaded to $uploadUrl" try { $fileUploadResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uploadUrl -InFile $LogFile -Headers $fileUploadHeader -Method Put -UseBasicParsing } catch { throw "File upload failed. The exception was: $_" } Write-Verbose "The upload of file $LogFile seems to have succeeded" if ($UploadAsSnapshot) { Write-Verbose 'The parameter -UploadAsSnapshot was specified, so the message body will include the "uploadAsSnapshot" parameter' $body = @{'uploadUrl'=$uploadUrl;'inputStreamName'=$DiscoveryDataSource;'uploadAsSnapshot'=$true} } else { Write-Verbose 'The parameter -UploadAsSnapshot was not specified, so the message body will not include the "uploadAsSnapshot" parameter' $body = @{'uploadUrl'=$uploadUrl;'inputStreamName'=$DiscoveryDataSource} } Write-Verbose "The upload of $LogFile will now be finalized" try { $finalizeUploadResponse = Invoke-MCASRestMethod -Credential $Credential -Path "/api/v1/discovery/done_upload/" -Body $body -Method Post } catch { throw "Something went wrong trying to finalize the upload of $LogFile. The exception was: $_" } Write-Verbose "The finalizing of the upload of $LogFile seems to have succeeded" if ($Delete) { Write-Verbose "The -Delete parameter was specified, so $LogFile will now be deleted" try { Remove-Item $LogFile -Force } catch { Write-Warning "The file $LogFile could not be deleted. The exception was: $_" } Write-Verbose "The deletion of $LogFile seems to have succeeded" } } end {} } |