.Synopsis Install-MCASSiemAgent downloads and installs Java, downloads and unzips the MCAS SIEM Agent JAR file, and creates a scheduled task to auto-start the agent on startup. (This works on 64-bit Windows hosts only.) .DESCRIPTION Auto-deploy the MCAS SIEM Agent. .EXAMPLE Install-MCASSiemAgent -UseInteractiveJavaSetup -Token 'ZV9LS...dGBwb' This example will auto-deploy the MCAS SIEM Agent with the user experiencing an interactive Java installation process .EXAMPLE Install-MCASSiemAgent -TargetFolder 'C:\MCAS' -Force -Token 'ZV9LS...dGBwb' This example will auto-deploy the MCAS SIEM Agent in the C:\MCAS folder with no user interaction. #> function Install-MCASSiemAgent { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Token to be used by this SIEM agent to communicate with MCAS (provided during SIEM Agent creation in the MCAS console) [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript({$_ -match $MCAS_TOKEN_VALIDATION_PATTERN})] [string]$Token, # Proxy address to be used for this SIEM agent for outbound communication to the MCAS service in the cloud [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$ProxyHost, # Proxy port number to be used for this SIEM agent to egress to MCAS cloud service (only applies if -ProxyHost is also used, default = 8080) [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateRange(1,65535)] [int]$ProxyPort = 8080, # Target folder for installation of the SIEM Agent (default = "C:\MCAS-SIEM-Agent") [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$TargetFolder = 'C:\MCAS-SIEM-Agent', # Specifies whether to install Java interactively, if/when it is automatically installed. If this is not used, Java setup will be run silently [switch]$UseInteractiveJavaSetup, # Specifies whether to auto-download and silently install Java, if Java is not found on the machine [switch]$Force, # Specifies whether to start the SIEM Agent after installation [switch]$StartNow ) # Check system requirements Write-Verbose 'Checking for 64-bit Windows host' try { $sysInfo = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object Caption,OSArchitecture $isWindows = $sysInfo.Caption -cmatch 'Windows' $is64Bit = $sysInfo.OSArchitecture -cmatch '64-bit' } catch { throw 'Error detecting host information. This command only works on 64-bit Windows hosts.' } if (-not ($isWindows -and $is64Bit)) { throw 'This does not appear to be a 64-bit Windows host. This command only works on 64-bit Windows hosts.' } Write-Verbose 'This host does appear to be running 64-bit Windows. Proceeding' # Check for the SIEM agent folder and .jar file Write-Verbose "Checking for an existing SIEM Agent JAR file in $TargetFolder" if (-not (Test-Path "$TargetFolder\mcas-siemagent-*-signed.jar")) { Write-Verbose "A JAR file for the MCAS SIEM Agent was not found in $TargetFolder" @($TargetFolder, "$TargetFolder\Logs") | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose "Checking for $_" if (-not (Test-Path $_)) { Write-Verbose "$_ was not found, creating it" try { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $_ -Force | Out-Null } catch { throw "An error occurred creating $_. The error was $_" } } } Write-Verbose "Downloading and extracting the latest MCAS SIEM Agent JAR file to $pwd" $jarFile = Get-MCASSiemAgentJarFile Write-Verbose "Moving the MCAS SIEM Agent JAR file to $TargetFolder" $jarFinalPath = (Move-Item -Path "$jarFile" -Destination $TargetFolder -Force -PassThru).FullName Write-Verbose "Final jar file path is $jarFinalPath" } # Get the installation location of the latest Java engine that is installed, if there is one installed $javaExePath = Get-JavaExePath # If Java is not found, download and install it if (-not $javaExePath) { if (-not $Force) { # Prompt user for confirmation before proceeding with automatic Java download and installation if ((Read-Host 'CONFIRM: No Java installation was detected. Java will now be automatically downloaded and installed Java. Do you wish to continue?`n[Y] Yes or [N] No (default is "No"').ToLower() -ne 'y') { Write-Verbose "User chose not to proceed with automatic Java download and installation. Exiting" return } Write-Verbose "User chose to proceed with automatic Java download and installation. Continuing" } # Download Java $javaSetupFileName = Get-JavaInstallationPackage # Install Java try { if ($UseInteractiveJavaSetup) { Write-Verbose "Starting interactive Java setup" Start-Process "$javaSetupFileName" -Wait } else { Write-Verbose "Starting silent Java setup" Start-Process "$javaSetupFileName" -ArgumentList '/s' -Wait } } catch { throw "Something went wrong attempting to run the Java setup package. The error was $_" } Write-Verbose "Java setup seems to have finished" Write-Verbose "Cleaning up the Java setup package" try { Remove-Item "$javaSetupFileName" -Force } catch { Write-Warning ('Failed to clean up the Java setup exe file ({0})' -f "$javaSetupFileName") } # Get the installation location of the newly installed Java engine $javaExePath = Get-JavaExePath } # Check again for Java, which should be there now Write-Verbose "Checking again for Java, which should be there now" if (-not $javaExePath) { throw "There seems to still be a problem with the Java installation, it could not be found" } # Assemble the Java arguments if ($ProxyHost) { $javaArgs = '-jar {0} --logsDirectory {1} --token {2} --proxy {3}:{4} ' -f $jarFinalPath,"$TargetFolder\Logs",$Token,$ProxyHost,$ProxyPort } else { $javaArgs = '-jar {0} --logsDirectory {1} --token {2}' -f $jarFinalPath,"$TargetFolder\Logs",$Token } Write-Verbose "Arguments to be used for Java will be $javaArgs" # Create a scheduled task to auto-run the MCAS SIEM Agent Write-Verbose 'Creating an MCAS SIEM Agent scheduled task that will automatically run as SYSTEM upon startup on this host' try { # Assemble the components of the scheduled task $taskName = 'MCAS SIEM Agent' $taskAction = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute $javaExePath -WorkingDirectory $TargetFolder -Argument $javaArgs $taskPrincipal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -Id Author -LogonType S4U -ProcessTokenSidType Default -UserId SYSTEM $taskTrigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtStartup $taskSettings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -DontStopIfGoingOnBatteries -DontStopOnIdleEnd -AllowStartIfOnBatteries -ExecutionTimeLimit 0 # Create the scheduled task in the root folder of the tasks library $task = Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName $taskName -Action $taskAction -Principal $taskPrincipal -Description $taskName -Trigger $taskTrigger -Settings $taskSettings } catch { throw ('Something went wrong when creating the scheduled task named {0}' -f $taskName) } # Start the scheduled task if ($StartNow -and $task) { Write-Verbose 'Starting the MCAS SIEM Agent scheduled task' try { Start-ScheduledTask $taskName } catch { throw ('Something went wrong when starting the scheduled task named {0}' -f $taskName) } } } |