
   Retrieves groups that are available for use in MCAS filters and policies.
   Get-MCASUserGroup gets groups that are available for use in MCAS filters and policies.
    PS C:\> Get-MCASUserGroup
    status : 0
    lastUpdatedTimestamp : 1506613547015
    name : Office 365 administrator
    nameTemplate : @{parameters=; template=SAGE_ADMIN_USERS_TAGS_GENERATOR_QUERY_BASED_USER_TAG_NAME}
    description : Company administrators, user account administrators, helpdesk administrators, service
                                support administrators, and billing administrators
    descriptionTemplate : @{template=SAGE_ADMIN_USERS_TAGS_GENERATOR_O365_DESCRIPTION}
    visibility : 0
    usersCount : 1
    source : @{addCondition=; removeCondition=; type=2; appId=11161}
    successfullyImportedBySage : True
    _tid : 26034820
    appId : 11161
    lastScannedBySage : 1511881457181
    generatorType : 0
    _id : 59cd1847321708f4acbe8c1f
    type : 2
    id : 59cd1847321708f4acbe8c1e
    target : 0
   Get-MCASUserGroup is intended to return the properties of the groups that are available for use in MCAS.

function Get-MCASUserGroup {
    param (
        # Specifies the credential object containing tenant as username (e.g. '') and the 64-character hexadecimal Oauth token as the password.
        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential = $CASCredential,

        # Specifies the maximum number of results to retrieve when listing items matching the specified filter criteria.
        [int]$ResultSetSize = 100,

        # Specifies the number of records, from the beginning of the result set, to skip.
        [ValidateScript({$_ -ge 0})]
        [int]$Skip = 0

    $body = @{

    # "app":{"eq":[11161,20893,26055,15600,26324,20892,28375,11522]}

    try {
        $response = Invoke-MCASRestMethod -Credential $Credential -Path "/cas/api/v1/user_tags/" -Body $body -Method Post
    catch {
        throw "Error calling MCAS API. The exception was: $_"

    $response = $

    try {
        Write-Verbose "Adding alias property to results, if appropriate"
        $response = $response | Add-Member -MemberType AliasProperty -Name Identity -Value '_id' -PassThru
    catch {}
