Function Get-MACPrefixList { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the raw MAC prefix list .DESCRIPTION Returns the raw MAC prefix list. If the file does not exists, its runs 'Download-MACPrefixList' to download it, then return the contents. If the file is older than a week, it will also download a new copy. .PARAMETER DownloadNewCopy Forces a download of the MAC prefix list regardless if it is stale #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position=0)] [Switch]$DownloadNewCopy ) #Set the information preference so Write-Information displays on the screen $InformationPreference = "Continue" #Delare the prefix list file path $PrefixListPath = "$PSScriptRoot\..\Resources\List.txt" #Check if a copy of the file already exists $File = Get-ChildItem $PrefixListPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $TestPath = $File | Test-Path #Create a date time object for 7 days ago $OneWeekAgo = (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) #If the file doesn't exist, or its older than a week, or the DownloadNewCopy switch is specified If ($TestPath -eq $False -or $File.LastWriteTime -lt $OneWeekAgo -or $DownloadNewCopy) { Write-Information "Downloading a fresh copy of the prefix list..." #Download a copy of the prefix list Download-MACPrefixList } Else { Write-Verbose "Utilizing the existing copy of the prefix list" } #Get the content of the prefix list, and output it to the screen $PrefixList = Get-Content $PrefixListPath Write-Output $PrefixList } |