Function Download-MACPrefixList { <# .SYNOPSIS Downloads a copy of the MAC prefix list .DESCRIPTION Downloads a copy of the MAC prefix list from into a text file in the resources folder in the module root. .PARAMETER DownloadURL The URL to the MAC prefix list. Has a default value .PARAMETER OutputFileName The name of the file that will store the downloaded MAC prefix list #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position=0)] $DownloadURL = '', $OutputFileName = 'List.txt' ) #Make a web request to the download URL. Split the results into an array, one index for each line break. $Response = ((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DownloadURL).Content -split "`n") #Take the reponse, and grab all lines except the last one (this makes parsing not fail later on). $Response = $Response[0..($Response.Length-2)] #Output the response to Resources folder $Response | Out-File $PSScriptRoot\..\Resources\$OutputFileName } |