
function M365cdeAutomationAccount(){
    switch(Read-Host "Please select an option `
s select Automation Account
-------------- Runtime version 7.2 ---------------
1 Module Install 7.2 (from PSGallery)
2 Module Status 7.2
3 Module Update 7.2
4 Module Remove 7.2
-------------- Runtime version 5.1 ---------------
5 Module Install 5.1 (from PSGallery)
6 Module Status 5.1
7 Module Update 5.1
8 Module Upgrade (5.1 > 7.2)
9 Module Remove 5.1
b ...back to main menu
        s {az_automation_set}
        1 {az_automation_module_psginstall -RunTimeVersion 7.2}
        2 {az_automation_module_status -RunTimeVersion 7.2 -filter "Microsoft.Graph|M365cde|ExchangeOnlineManagement"}
        3 {az_automation_module_change -RunTimeVersion 7.2 -Mode update -filter "Microsoft.Graph|M365cde|ExchangeOnlineManagement"}
        4 {az_automation_module_change -RunTimeVersion 7.2 -Mode remove -filter "Microsoft.Graph|M365cde|ExchangeOnlineManagement"}
        5 {az_automation_module_psginstall -RunTimeVersion 5.1}
        6 {az_automation_module_status -RunTimeVersion 5.1 -filter "Microsoft.Graph|M365cde|ExchangeOnlineManagement"}
        7 {az_automation_module_change -RunTimeVersion 5.1 -Mode update -filter "Microsoft.Graph|M365cde|ExchangeOnlineManagement"}
        8 {az_automation_module_change -RunTimeVersion 5.1 -Mode upgrade -filter "Microsoft.Graph|M365cde|ExchangeOnlineManagement"}
        9 {az_automation_module_change -RunTimeVersion 5.1 -Mode remove -filter "Microsoft.Graph|M365cde|ExchangeOnlineManagement"}

        b {M365cdeAAASetup}
        default {M365cdeAutomationAccount}

function az_automation_set {
    # Function to select the Automation Account
    param (
    $AutomationAccountsAll = Get-AzAutomationAccount # Get all Automation Accounts
    # If no Automation Accounts are found, show an error message and go back to the main menu
    if ($null -eq $AutomationAccountsAll) {
        Write-Warning "No Automation Accounts found. Please create an Automation Account first."
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 3

    Write-Output "Please select a Automation Account:"
    # Create a list of all Automation Accounts with the Subscription ID and Resource Group Name
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $AutomationAccountsAll.Count; $i++) {
        $AutomationAccount = @($AutomationAccountsAll)[$i]
        Write-Output "$($i + 1) $($AutomationAccount.AutomationAccountName) (RG: $($AutomationAccount.ResourceGroupName) | SubId: $($AutomationAccount.SubscriptionId))"

    # Ask the user to select an Automation Account
    $choice = Read-Host "`nSelect an option (a to abort)"
    if ($choice -match '^\d+$') { $choice = [int]$choice } # Explicitly cast to int

    # If the user selects 'a', abort the function
    if ($choice -eq 'a') {
    # Elseif the user selects a number, set the Automation Account variables and go to the next function
    elseif ($choice -ge 1 -and $choice -le $AutomationAccountsAll.Count) {
        $selectedAutomationAccount = @($AutomationAccountsAll)[$choice - 1]
        $script:AutomationAccountName = $selectedAutomationAccount.AutomationAccountName
        $script:AutomationAccountRG = $selectedAutomationAccount.ResourceGroupName
        $script:AutomationAccountSubId = $selectedAutomationAccount.SubscriptionId
        $script:AutomationAccountMId = $selectedAutomationAccount.Identity.PrincipalId
        Write-Output "`nYour Selection: $($AutomationAccountName) (RG: $($AutomationAccountRG) | SubId: $($AutomationAccountSubId))"
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        if ($breadcrumb -eq "M365cdeMIDgraph") {
            Write-Output "`nManaged Identity Object ID is set to: $($AutomationAccountMId)"
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
        } elseif ($breadcrumb -eq "M365cdeMaester") {
            Write-Output "`nManaged Identity Object ID is set to: $($AutomationAccountMId)"
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
        } else {
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
    # Else, if the user selects an invalid option, show an error message and restart the function
    else {
        Write-Output "Invalid choice. Please select a valid option."

function az_automation_module_install {
    #Function for install/update a module from the PSGallery
    param (
        [switch]$NoExit = $false,

    # If a version is provided, place the module name only into $moduleInstallName
    if ($moduleName -match '\/') {
        $moduleInstallName = $moduleName.Split('/')[0]
    } else {
        $moduleInstallName = $moduleName

    # Check if the module is available on the PSGallery
    $moduleCheck = Find-Module -Name $moduleName -Repository PSGallery -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($null -eq $moduleCheck) {
        Write-Warning "Module not found on the PowerShell Gallery. Please check the module name and try again."
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
        if ($breadcrumb -eq "M365cdeMaester") {
        } else {

    # Install the module from the PSGallery
    New-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName `
        -ResourceGroup $AutomationAccountRG `
        -Name $moduleInstallName `
        -ContentLinkUri "$moduleName" `
        -RuntimeVersion $RunTimeVersion
    Write-Output "Module installation started. This could take several minutes! Check Module Status for the current status."
    # If the NoExit switch is not set, ask the user to press Enter to continue and go back to the main menu (this is required for the update all process)
    If ($NoExit -eq $false) {
    (Read-Host '
Press Enter to continue…'
        if ($breadcrumb -eq "M365cdeMaester") {
        } else {

function az_automation_module_psginstall {
    # Function to install a module asking the user for the module name
    param (
    Write-Output "Please enter the PowerShell Gallery module name to install.`n`nThe module name must be the exact name as it is on the PowerShell Gallery.`nYou can provide a specific version by adding the version number behind the module name like 'Microsoft.Graph/1.0.0'`n`n"
    $psgName = Read-Host "PowerShell Gallery module name"
    az_automation_module_install -moduleName $psgName -RunTimeVersion $RunTimeVersion

function az_automation_module_status {
    # Function to show the status of the Microsoft.Graph and M365cde modules
    param (
    $GraphModules = Get-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -ResourceGroup $AutomationAccountRG -RuntimeVersion $RunTimeVersion | Where-Object {($_.Name -match $filter)}
    if ($null -eq $GraphModules) { Write-Warning "No modules found." }
    $GraphModules | Select-Object Name,Version,ProvisioningState | Format-Table -AutoSize
    (Read-Host '
Press Enter to continue…'
    if ($breadcrumb -eq "M365cdeMaester") {
    } else {

function az_automation_module_change {
    # Function to update, upgrade or remove a module
    param (

    # Get all Microsoft.Graph and M365cde modules from the Automation Account
    $GraphModules = Get-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -ResourceGroup $AutomationAccountRG -RuntimeVersion $RunTimeVersion | Where-Object {($_.Name -match $filter)}
    if ($null -eq $GraphModules) {
        Write-Warning "No modules found."
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
        if ($breadcrumb -eq "M365cdeMaester") {
        } else {
    # On the modes update and upgrade Check if there is an update available on the PSgallery and add the newest version to the object as "NewestVersion"
    if ($Mode -eq "update" -or $Mode -eq "upgrade") {
        Write-Output "Checking for updates. Sometimes this can take a while, please wait..."
        $GraphModulesCount = $GraphModules.Count
        foreach ($index in 0..($GraphModulesCount - 1)) {
            $GraphModule = $GraphModules[$index]
            $newestVersion = (Find-Module -Name $GraphModule.Name -Repository PSGallery).Version
            $GraphModule | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name NewestVersion -Value $newestVersion

            # Output progress to the user
            $progress = ($index + 1)
            Write-Output "$progress of $GraphModulesCount ✅ $($GraphModule.Name)"

    # Show the user the available modules and the newest version if it is higher than the installed version
    If ($Mode -eq "update") {
        Write-Output "Please select a module to update."
    } elseif ($Mode -eq "upgrade") {
        Write-Output "Please select a module to upgrade."
    } elseif ($Mode -eq "remove") {
        Write-Output "Please select a module to remove."

    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $GraphModules.Count; $i++) {
        $GraphModule = @($GraphModules)[$i]
        Write-Output "$($i + 1) $($GraphModule.Name) (Version: $($GraphModule.Version))$(if ($GraphModule.NewestVersion -gt $GraphModule.Version) { ' ⚠️ --------> Newest Version: ' + $GraphModule.NewestVersion } else { ' ✅' })"
    # Ask the user to select a module, or select 'a' to abort, or select 'all' to update all modules
    $choice = Read-Host "`nSelect an option (a to abort) - type 'all' for all modules"
    if ($choice -match '^\d+$') { $choice = [int]$choice } # Explicitly cast to int
    # If the user selects 'a', abort the function
    if ($choice -eq 'a') {
        if ($breadcrumb -eq "M365cdeMaester") {
        } else {
    # Elseif the user selects 'all', make the selected action (update, upgrade or remove) on all modules. Skip the modules where the ProvisioningState is not "Succeeded" for the update and upgrade mode.
    elseif ($choice -eq 'all') {
        foreach ($GraphModule in $GraphModules) {
            if ($Mode -eq "update"){
                if ($GraphModule.NewestVersion -gt $GraphModule.Version -and $GraphModule.ProvisioningState -eq "Succeeded") {
                    az_automation_module_install -moduleName $GraphModule.Name -RunTimeVersion $RunTimeVersion -NoExit
                    Write-Output "Updating $($GraphModule.Name) to the newest version. This could take several minutes!"
            } elseif ($Mode -eq "upgrade") {
                if ($GraphModule.ProvisioningState -eq "Succeeded") {
                    Remove-AzAutomationModule -Name $GraphModule.Name -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG -RuntimeVersion $RunTimeVersion -Force
                    az_automation_module_install -moduleName $GraphModule.Name -RunTimeVersion 7.2 -NoExit
                    Write-Output "Upgrading the module $($GraphModule.Name) from runtime v5.1 to the newest v7.2 module. This could take several minutes!"
            } elseif ($Mode -eq "remove") {
                Remove-AzAutomationModule -Name $GraphModule.Name -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG -RuntimeVersion $RunTimeVersion -Force
                Write-Output "Removing $($GraphModule.Name) from the Automation Account."

        Write-Output "Changes are in progress in the background."
        (Read-Host '
press Enter to continue…'
        if ($breadcrumb -eq "M365cdeMaester") {
        } else {
    # Elseif the user selects a number, perform the selected action (update, upgrade or remove) on the selected module
    elseif ($choice -ge 1 -and $choice -le $GraphModules.Count) {
        $selectedGraphModule = @($GraphModules)[$choice - 1]
        if ($Mode -eq "update"){
            az_automation_module_install -moduleName $selectedGraphModule.Name -RunTimeVersion $RunTimeVersion
            Write-Output "Updating the module to the newest version. This could take several minutes!"
        elseif ($Mode -eq "upgrade"){
            Remove-AzAutomationModule -Name $selectedGraphModule.Name -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG -RuntimeVersion $RunTimeVersion -Force
            az_automation_module_install -moduleName $selectedGraphModule.Name -RunTimeVersion 7.2
            Write-Output "Upgrading the v5.1 module to the newest v7.2 module. This could take several minutes!"
        elseif ($Mode -eq "remove"){
            Remove-AzAutomationModule -Name $selectedGraphModule.Name -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG -RuntimeVersion $RunTimeVersion

        Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
        if ($breadcrumb -eq "M365cdeMaester") {
        } else {
    # Else, if the user selects an invalid option, show an error message and restart the function
    else {
        Write-Output "Invalid choice. Please select a valid option."
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
        az_automation_module_change -Mode $Mode -RunTimeVersion $RunTimeVersion -filter "Microsoft.Graph|M365cde|ExchangeOnlineManagement"