function M365cdeAutomationAccount(){ Clear-Host switch(Read-Host "Please select an option ` -------------------------------------------------- s select Automation Account -------------------------------------------------- 1 Module Install 7.2 (from PSGallery) 2 Module Status 7.2 3 Module Update 7.2 4 Module Remove 7.2 -------------------------------------------------- 5 Module Install 5.1 (from PSGallery) 6 Module Status 5.1 7 Module Update 5.1 8 Module Upgrade (5.1 > 7.2) 9 Module Remove 5.1 b ...back to main menu Select"){ s {az_automation_set} 1 {az_automation_module_psginstall -RunTimeVersion 7.2} 2 {az_automation_module_status -RunTimeVersion 7.2} 3 {az_automation_module_change -RunTimeVersion 7.2 -Mode update} 4 {az_automation_module_change -RunTimeVersion 7.2 -Mode remove} 5 {az_automation_module_psginstall -RunTimeVersion 5.1} 6 {az_automation_module_status -RunTimeVersion 5.1} 7 {az_automation_module_change -RunTimeVersion 5.1 -Mode update} 8 {az_automation_module_change -RunTimeVersion 5.1 -Mode upgrade} 9 {az_automation_module_change -RunTimeVersion 5.1 -Mode remove} b {M365cdeAAASetup} default {M365cdeAutomationAccount} } } function az_automation_set { # Function to select the Automation Account param ( [string]$breadcrumb ) $AutomationAccountsAll = Get-AzAutomationAccount # Get all Automation Accounts Clear-Host Write-Output "Please select a Automation Account:" # Create a list of all Automation Accounts with the Subscription ID and Resource Group Name for ($i = 0; $i -lt $AutomationAccountsAll.Count; $i++) { $AutomationAccount = $AutomationAccountsAll[$i] Write-Output "$($i + 1) $($AutomationAccount.AutomationAccountName) (RG: $($AutomationAccount.ResourceGroupName) | SubId: $($AutomationAccount.SubscriptionId))" } # Ask the user to select an Automation Account $choice = Read-Host "`nSelect an option (a to abort)" if ($choice -match '^\d+$') { $choice = [int]$choice } # Explicitly cast to int # If the user selects 'a', abort the function if ($choice -eq 'a') { M365cdeAutomationAccount } # Elseif the user selects a number, set the Automation Account variables and go to the next function elseif ($choice -ge 1 -and $choice -le $AutomationAccountsAll.Count) { $selectedAutomationAccount = $AutomationAccountsAll[$choice - 1] $script:AutomationAccountName = $selectedAutomationAccount.AutomationAccountName $script:AutomationAccountRG = $selectedAutomationAccount.ResourceGroupName $script:AutomationAccountSubId = $selectedAutomationAccount.SubscriptionId $script:AutomationAccountMId = $selectedAutomationAccount.Identity.PrincipalId Write-Output "`nYour Selection: $($AutomationAccountName) (RG: $($AutomationAccountRG) | SubId: $($AutomationAccountSubId))" Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 if ($breadcrumb -eq "M365cdeMIDgraph") { Write-Output "`nManaged Identity Object ID is set to: $($AutomationAccountMId)" Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 M365cdeMIDgraph } else { Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 M365cdeAutomationAccount } } # Else, if the user selects an invalid option, show an error message and restart the function else { Write-Output "Invalid choice. Please select a valid option." az_automation_set } } function az_automation_module_install { #Function for install/update a module from the PSGallery param ( [string]$moduleName, [string]$RunTimeVersion, [switch]$NoExit = $false ) # Install the module from the PSGallery New-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName ` -ResourceGroup $AutomationAccountRG ` -Name $moduleName ` -ContentLinkUri "$moduleName" ` -RuntimeVersion $RunTimeVersion # If the NoExit switch is not set, ask the user to press Enter to continue and go back to the main menu (this is required for the update all process) If ($NoExit -eq $false) { (Read-Host ' Press Enter to continue…') M365cdeAutomationAccount } } function az_automation_module_psginstall { # Function to install a module asking the user for the module name param ( [string]$RunTimeVersion ) $psgName = Read-Host "Please enter the PowerShell Gallery module name to install:" az_automation_module_install -moduleName $psgName -RunTimeVersion $RunTimeVersion } function az_automation_module_status { # Function to show the status of the Microsoft.Graph and M365cde modules param ( [string]$RunTimeVersion ) $GraphModules = Get-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -ResourceGroup $AutomationAccountRG -RuntimeVersion $RunTimeVersion | Where-Object {($_.Name -match "Microsoft.Graph") -or ($_.Name -match "M365cde")} $GraphModules | Select-Object Name,Version,ProvisioningState | Format-Table -AutoSize (Read-Host ' Press Enter to continue…') M365cdeAutomationAccount } function az_automation_module_change { # Function to update, upgrade or remove a module param ( [string]$Mode, [string]$RunTimeVersion ) # Get all Microsoft.Graph and M365cde modules from the Automation Account $GraphModules = Get-AzAutomationModule -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -ResourceGroup $AutomationAccountRG -RuntimeVersion $RunTimeVersion | Where-Object {($_.Name -match "Microsoft.Graph") -or ($_.Name -match "M365cde")} # Check if there is an update available on the PSgallery and add the newest version to the object as "NewestVersion" Clear-Host Write-Output "Checking for updates. Sometimes this can take a while, please wait..." $GraphModulesCount = $GraphModules.Count foreach ($index in 0..($GraphModulesCount - 1)) { $GraphModule = $GraphModules[$index] $newestVersion = (Find-Module -Name $GraphModule.Name -Repository PSGallery).Version $GraphModule | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name NewestVersion -Value $newestVersion # Output progress to the user $progress = ($index + 1) Write-Output "$progress of $GraphModulesCount ✅ $($GraphModule.Name)" } Clear-Host # Show the user the available modules and the newest version if it is higher than the installed version Write-Output "Please select a module:" for ($i = 0; $i -lt $GraphModules.Count; $i++) { $GraphModule = $GraphModules[$i] Write-Output "$($i + 1) $($GraphModule.Name) (Version: $($GraphModule.Version))$(if ($GraphModule.NewestVersion -gt $GraphModule.Version) { ' ----> Newest Version: ' + $GraphModule.NewestVersion })" } # Ask the user to select a module, or select 'a' to abort, or select 'all' to update all modules $choice = Read-Host "`nSelect an option (a to abort) - type 'all' to update all modules" if ($choice -match '^\d+$') { $choice = [int]$choice } # Explicitly cast to int # If the user selects 'a', abort the function if ($choice -eq 'a') { M365cdeAutomationAccount } # Elseif the user selects 'all', update all modules where the newest version is higher than the installed version. Skip the modules where the ProvisioningState is not "Succeeded" elseif ($choice -eq 'all') { foreach ($GraphModule in $GraphModules) { if ($GraphModule.NewestVersion -gt $GraphModule.Version -and $GraphModule.ProvisioningState -eq "Succeeded") { az_automation_module_install -moduleName $GraphModule.Name -RunTimeVersion $RunTimeVersion -NoExit Write-Output "Updating $($GraphModule.Name) to the newest version. This could take several minutes!" } } (Read-Host ' All Modules will be updated in the background. press Enter to continue…') M365cdeAutomationAccount } # Elseif the user selects a number, perform the selected action (update, upgrade or remove) on the selected module elseif ($choice -ge 1 -and $choice -le $GraphModules.Count) { $selectedGraphModule = $GraphModules[$choice - 1] if ($Mode -eq "update"){ az_automation_module_install -moduleName $selectedGraphModule.Name -RunTimeVersion $RunTimeVersion Write-Output "Updating the module to the newest version. This could take several minutes!" } elseif ($Mode -eq "upgrade"){ Remove-AzAutomationModule -Name $selectedGraphModule.Name -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG -RuntimeVersion $RunTimeVersion -Force az_automation_module_install -moduleName $selectedGraphModule.Name -RunTimeVersion 7.2 Write-Output "Upgrading the v5.1 module to the newest v7.2 module. This could take several minutes!" } elseif ($Mode -eq "remove"){ Remove-AzAutomationModule -Name $selectedGraphModule.Name -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -ResourceGroupName $AutomationAccountRG -RuntimeVersion $RunTimeVersion } Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 M365cdeAutomationAccount } # Else, if the user selects an invalid option, show an error message and restart the function else { Write-Output "Invalid choice. Please select a valid option." Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 az_automation_module_change -Mode $Mode -RunTimeVersion $RunTimeVersion } } |