############################################################################## # M365 PS Profile # Installs and Updates the Required PowerShell Modules for M365 Management ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # Global variable for standard modules ############################################################################## [array]$global:M365StandardModules = @( "ExchangeOnlineManagement", "Icewolf.EXO.SpamAnalyze", "MicrosoftTeams", "Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell", "PnP.PowerShell", "ORCA", "O365CentralizedAddInDeployment", "M365PSProfile" "MSCommerce", "WhiteboardAdmin", "Microsoft.Graph", "Microsoft.Graph.Beta", "MSIdentityTools", "PSMSALNet" ) ############################################################################## # Get-M365StandardModules # Returns the M365StandardModules global variable ############################################################################## Function Get-M365StandardModule { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the M365StandardModules global variable. .DESCRIPTION Returns the M365StandardModules global variable which contains the standard modules for M365 Management. .EXAMPLE Get-M365StandardModule .LINK https://github.com/fabrisodotps1/M365PSProfile #> return $global:M365StandardModules } ############################################################################## # Function AsciiArt ############################################################################## Function Invoke-AsciiArt { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates M365PSProfile AsciiArt .DESCRIPTION Generates M365PSProfile AsciiArt .EXAMPLE Invoke-AsciiArt .LINK https://github.com/fabrisodotps1/M365PSProfile #> Write-Host " __ __ ____ __ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ _ _ " Write-Host "| \/ |___ \ / /| ____| __ \ / ____| __ \ / _(_) | " Write-Host "| \ / | __) |/ /_| |__ | |__) | (___ | |__) | __ ___ | |_ _| | ___ " Write-Host "| |\/| ||__ <| '_ \___ \| ___/ \___ \| ___/ '__/ _ \| _| | |/ _ \" Write-Host "| | | |___) | (_) |__) | | ____) | | | | | (_) | | | | | __/" Write-Host "|_| |_|____/ \___/____/|_| |_____/|_| |_| \___/|_| |_|_|\___|" } ############################################################################## # Add-M365PSProfile # Add M365PSProfile, if no PowerShell Profile exists ############################################################################## Function Add-M365PSProfile { <# .SYNOPSIS Add PowerShell Profile with M365PSProfile setup .DESCRIPTION Add PowerShell Profile with M365PSProfile setup (if no PowerShell Profile exists). Needs to be executed separately for PowerShell v5 and v7. .EXAMPLE Add-M365PSProfile .LINK https://github.com/fabrisodotps1/M365PSProfile #> If (-not(Test-Path -Path $Profile)) { Write-Host "No PowerShell Profile exists. A new Profile with the M365PSProfile setup is created." $ProfileContent = @" #M365PSProfile: Install or updates the default Modules (what we think every M365 Admin needs) in the CurrentUser Scope Import-Module -Name M365PSProfile Install-M365Module "@ $ProfileContent | Out-File -FilePath $Profile -Encoding utf8 -Force } else { Write-Host "PowerShell Profile already exists. Add the commands for the M365PSProfile setup to the Profile." -ForegroundColor Yellow } } ############################################################################## # Uninstall-M365Modules # Remove Modules in -Modules Parameter ############################################################################## Function Uninstall-M365Module { <# .SYNOPSIS Uninstall M365 PowerShell Modules .DESCRIPTION Uninstall of all defined M365 modules .PARAMETER Modules Array of Module Names that will be uninstalled. Default value are the default modules (see Get-M365StandardModule) or an Array with the Modules to uninstall. .PARAMETER Scope Sets the Scope [CurrentUser/AllUsers] for the Installation of the PowerShell Modules. Default value is CurrentUser. .EXAMPLE Uninstall-M365Modules .EXAMPLE Uninstall-M365Modules -Modules "Az","MSOnline","PnP.PowerShell","Microsoft.Graph" -Scope CurrentUser .LINK https://github.com/fabrisodotps1/M365PSProfile #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][array]$Modules = $global:M365StandardModules, [parameter(mandatory = $false)][ValidateSet("CurrentUser", "AllUsers")][string]$Scope = "CurrentUser" ) $currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()) $IsAdmin = $currentPrincipal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator) foreach ($Module in $Modules) { [Array]$InstalledModules = Get-InstalledPSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object Version -Descending if ($InstalledModules) { # Module found if (($IsAdmin -eq $false) -and ($Scope -eq "AllUsers")) { Write-Host "WARNING: PS must be running <As Administrator> to uninstall the Module" -ForegroundColor Red } else { # Uninstall all versions of the module Write-Host "Uninstall Module: $Module $($InstalledModules.Version.ToString())" -ForegroundColor Yellow Uninstall-PSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -SkipDependencyCheck -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } } } } ############################################################################## # Remove existing PS Connections ############################################################################## Function Disconnect-All { <# .SYNOPSIS Disconnect all Connections to Microsoft 365 Services .DESCRIPTION Disconnect all Connections of the Modules MicrosoftTeams, ExchangeOnlineManagement, Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell, Microsoft.Graph and removes remote PS Sessions .EXAMPLE Disconnect-All .LINK https://github.com/fabrisodotps1/M365PSProfile #> Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession Disconnect-SPOService -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Disconnect-MicrosoftTeams -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Disconnect-ExchangeOnline -confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Disconnect-MgGraph -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } ############################################################################# # Set-WindowTitle Function ############################################################################# Function Set-WindowTitle { <# .SYNOPSIS Set the Window Title .DESCRIPTION Set the Window Title .EXAMPLE Set-WindowTitle .EXAMPLE Set-WindowTitle -Title "My Title" .LINK https://github.com/fabrisodotps1/M365PSProfile #> PARAM ( [string]$Title = "Windows PowerShell" ) $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = $Title } ############################################################################## # Main Program ############################################################################## Function Install-M365Module { <# .SYNOPSIS M365PSProfile installs and keeps the PowerShell Modules needed for Microsoft 365 Management up to date. It provides a simple way to add it to the PowerShell Profile .DESCRIPTION M365PSProfile installs and keeps the PowerShell Modules needed for Microsoft 365 Management up to date. It provides a simple way to add it to the PowerShell Profile .PARAMETER Modules [array]$Modules = @(<ModuleName1>,<Modulename2>) [array]$Modules = @("AZ", "MSOnline", "AzureADPreview", "ExchangeOnlineManagement", "Icewolf.EXO.SpamAnalyze", "MicrosoftTeams", "Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell", "PnP.PowerShell" , "ORCA", "O365CentralizedAddInDeployment", "MSCommerce", "WhiteboardAdmin", "Microsoft.Graph", "Microsoft.Graph.Beta", "MSAL.PS", "MSIdentityTools" ) .PARAMETER Scope Sets the Scope [CurrentUser/AllUsers] for the Installation of the PowerShell Modules .PARAMETER AsciiArt [bool]AsciiArt controls the AsciiArt Screen at the Start .PARAMETER $RunInVSCode [bool]$RunInVSCode controls if the Script will run in VSCode [Default is $false] .LINK https://github.com/fabrisodotps1/M365PSProfile .EXAMPLE #Installs and updates the Default Modules in CurrentUser Scope Install-M365Modules .EXAMPLE #Installs and updates the specified Modules Install-M365Modules -Modules @("ExchangeOnlineManagement", "MicrosoftTeams", "Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell", "PnP.PowerShell") -Scope [CurrentUser|AllUsers] .EXAMPLE #Installs and updates the specified Modules without showing AsciiArt at the Start Install-M365Modules -Modules @("ExchangeOnlineManagement", "MicrosoftTeams", "Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell", "PnP.PowerShell") -Scope [CurrentUser|AllUsers] -AsciiArt $False #> #Parameter for the Module param( [parameter(mandatory = $false)][array]$Modules = $global:M365StandardModules, [parameter(mandatory = $false)][ValidateSet("CurrentUser", "AllUsers")][string]$Scope = "CurrentUser", [parameter(mandatory = $false)][bool]$AsciiArt = $true, [parameter(mandatory = $false)][bool]$RunInVSCode = $false ) #Check if it is running in VSCode if ($env:TERM_PROGRAM -eq 'vscode') { If ($RunInVSCode -eq $false) { Exit } } If ($AsciiArt -eq $true) { #Show AsciArt Invoke-AsciiArt } #Get Current User / Is Admin $currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()) $IsAdmin = $currentPrincipal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator) Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet $PSGallery = Get-PSResourceRepository -Name PSGallery If ($PSGallery.Trusted -eq $false) { Write-Host "Warning: PSGallery is not Trusted" -ForegroundColor Yellow } #Check if VSCode or PowerShell is running [array]$process = Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.ProcessName -eq "powershell" -or $_.ProcessName -eq "pwsh" -or $_.ProcessName -eq "code" } If ($process.count -gt 1) { Write-Host "PowerShell or Visual Studio Code running? Please close it, Modules in use can't be updated..." -ForegroundColor Yellow $process #Press any key to continue Write-Host 'Press any key to continue...'; $null = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown'); } Write-Host "Checking Modules..." #Check Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet #Can't uninstall loaded DLL's so you have to uninstall next time you start PowerShell #[System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | where {$_.Location -match "Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet"} $Module = "Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet" [Array]$InstalledModules = Get-InstalledPSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object Version -Descending If ($Null -ne $InstalledModules) { Write-Host "Checking Module: $Module $($InstalledModules[0].Version.ToString())" -ForegroundColor Green If ($InstalledModules.Count -gt 1) { $Version = $InstalledModules[$InstalledModules.Count - 1].Version Write-Host "Uninstall Module $Module $Version" -ForegroundColor Yellow Uninstall-PSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -Version $Version -SkipDependencyCheck } else { #Only one Version found [System.Version]$InstalledModuleVersion = $($InstalledModules.Version.ToString()) #Get Module from PowerShell Gallery $PSGalleryModule = Find-PSResource -Name $Module $PSGalleryVersion = $PSGalleryModule.Version.ToString() #Version Check If ($PSGalleryVersion -gt $InstalledModuleVersion) { Write-Host "Install newest Module $Module $PSGalleryVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow Install-PSResource $Module -Scope $Scope -TrustRepository -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } } } else { #Get Module from PowerShell Gallery $PSGalleryModule = Find-PSResource -Name $Module $PSGalleryVersion = $PSGalleryModule.Version.ToString() #Install Module Write-Host "Install Module: $Module $PSGalleryVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow Install-PSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -TrustRepository -WarningAction SilentlyContinue #-Prerelease } Foreach ($Module in $Modules) { #Get Array of installed Modules [Array]$InstalledModules = Get-InstalledPSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object Version -Descending If ($Null -eq $InstalledModules) { #Module not found Write-Host "$Module Module not found. Try to install..." If ($IsAdmin -eq $false -and $Scope -eq "AllUsers") { Write-Host "WARNING: PS must be running <As Administrator> to install the Module" -ForegroundColor Red } else { #Get Module from PowerShell Gallery $PSGalleryModule = Find-PSResource -Name $Module #-Prerelease $PSGalleryVersion = $PSGalleryModule.Version.ToString() Write-Host "Install newest Module $Module $PSGalleryVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow Install-PSResource $Module -Scope $Scope -TrustRepository -WarningAction SilentlyContinue #-Prerelease } } else { #Module found #Get Module from PowerShell Gallery $PSGalleryModule = Find-PSResource -Name $Module #-Prerelease [System.Version]$PSGalleryVersion = $PSGalleryModule.Version.ToString() #Check if Multiple Modules are installed If (($InstalledModules.count) -gt 1) { Write-Host "WARNING: $Module > Multiple Versions found. Uninstall old Versions? (Default is Yes)" -ForegroundColor Yellow $Readhost = Read-Host " ( y / n ) " Switch ($ReadHost) { Y { #Uninstall all Modules Write-Host "Uninstall Module" Uninstall-PSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -SkipDependencyCheck #Install newest Module Write-Host "Install newest Module $Module $PSGalleryVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow Install-PSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -TrustRepository -WarningAction SilentlyContinue #-Prerelease } N { Write-Host "Skip Uninstall old Modules" } Default { #Uninstall all Modules Write-Host "Uninstall Module" Uninstall-PSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -SkipDependencyCheck #Install newest Module Write-Host "Install newest Module $Module $PSGalleryVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow Install-PSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -TrustRepository -WarningAction SilentlyContinue #-Prerelease } } } else { #Only one Module found [System.Version]$InstalledModuleVersion = $($InstalledModules.Version.ToString()) #Version Check If ($PSGalleryVersion -gt $InstalledModuleVersion) { #Uninstall Module Write-Host "Uninstall Module: $Module $($InstalledModules.Version.ToString())" -ForegroundColor Yellow Uninstall-PSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -SkipDependencyCheck #If AZ also Uninstall all AZ.* Modules If ($Module -eq "AZ") { Write-Host "Uninstall AZ.* Modules" -ForegroundColor Yellow Uninstall-PSResource AZ.* -Scope $Scope -SkipDependencyCheck } #If Microsoft.Graph also Uninstall all Microsoft.Graph.* Modules If ($Module -eq "Microsoft.Graph") { Write-Host "Uninstall Microsoft.Graph.* Modules" -ForegroundColor Yellow Get-InstalledPSResource -Name Microsoft.Graph.* -Scope CurrentUser | Where-Object {$_.Name -notmatch "Microsoft.Graph.Beta"} | Uninstall-PSResource -SkipDependencyCheck } #If Microsoft.Graph.Beta also Uninstall all Microsoft.Graph.Beta.* Modules If ($Module -eq "Microsoft.Graph.Beta") { Write-Host "Uninstall Microsoft.Graph.Beta.* Modules" -ForegroundColor Yellow Get-InstalledPSResource -Name Microsoft.Graph.Beta* -Scope CurrentUser | Uninstall-PSResource -SkipDependencyCheck } #Install Module Write-Host "Install Module: $Module $PSGalleryVersion" -ForegroundColor Yellow Install-PSResource -Name $Module -Scope $Scope -TrustRepository -WarningAction SilentlyContinue #-Prerelease } else { #Write Module Name Write-Host "Checking Module: $Module $($InstalledModules.Version.ToString())" -ForegroundColor Green } } } } } ############################################################################## # Import Module ############################################################################## If (-not(Test-Path -Path $Profile)) { Write-Host "No PowerShell Profile exists. You can add the M365Profile Update check with ADD-M365PSProfile" -ForegroundColor Yellow } else { $Content = Get-Content -Path $PROFILE If ($Content -match "Install-M365Module") { #Match found } else { #No Match found Write-Host "You have a PowerShell Profile. You can add the M365Profile Update check by adding: Install-M365Module" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } |