
function Test-BlockMailForwarding {
    param (
        # Aligned Compare
        # Parameters can be added if needed

    begin {
        # Dot source the class script if necessary
        #. .\source\Classes\CISAuditResult.ps1
        # Initialization code, if needed

    process {
        # 6.2.1 (L1) Ensure all forms of mail forwarding are blocked and/or disabled

        # Retrieve the transport rules that redirect messages
        $transportRules = Get-TransportRule | Where-Object { $null -ne $_.RedirectMessageTo }
        $forwardingBlocked = $transportRules.Count -eq 0

        # Prepare failure reasons and details based on compliance
        $failureReasons = if ($transportRules.Count -gt 0) {
            "Mail forwarding rules found: $($transportRules.Name -join ', ')"
        else {

        $details = if ($transportRules.Count -gt 0) {
            $transportRules | ForEach-Object {
                "$($_.Name) redirects to $($_.RedirectMessageTo)"
            } -join " | "
        else {
            "Step 1: No forwarding rules found. Please proceed with Step 2 described in CIS Benchmark."

        $params = @{
            Rec            = "6.2.1"
            Result         = $forwardingBlocked
            Status         = if ($forwardingBlocked) { "Pass" } else { "Fail" }
            Details        = $details
            FailureReason  = $failureReasons
        $auditResult = Initialize-CISAuditResult @params

    end {
        # Return the audit result
        return $auditResult