function Test-RestrictCustomScripts { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([CISAuditResult])] param ( # Define your parameters here if needed ) begin { # Dot source the class script if necessary # . .\source\Classes\CISAuditResult.ps1 # Initialization code, if needed $recnum = "7.3.4" } process { try { # 7.3.4 (L1) Ensure custom script execution is restricted on site collections # # Validate test for a pass: # - Confirm that the automated test results align with the manual audit steps outlined in the CIS benchmark. # - Specific conditions to check: # - Condition A: The `DenyAddAndCustomizePages` setting is set to `Enabled` for each site collection. # - Condition B: The setting is validated through PowerShell commands ensuring the correct state. # - Condition C: Verification using the SharePoint Admin Center confirms the `DenyAddAndCustomizePages` setting is enforced. # # Validate test for a fail: # - Confirm that the failure conditions in the automated test are consistent with the manual audit results. # - Specific conditions to check: # - Condition A: The `DenyAddAndCustomizePages` setting is not set to `Enabled` for any site collection. # - Condition B: The setting is not validated through PowerShell commands, indicating misconfiguration. # - Condition C: Verification using the SharePoint Admin Center indicates that the `DenyAddAndCustomizePages` setting is not enforced. # Retrieve all site collections and select necessary properties $SPOSitesCustomScript = Get-SPOSite -Limit All | Select-Object Title, Url, DenyAddAndCustomizePages # Process URLs to replace 'sharepoint.com' with '<SPUrl>' $processedUrls = $SPOSitesCustomScript | ForEach-Object { $_.Url = $_.Url -replace 'sharepoint\.com', '<SPUrl>' $_ } # Find sites where custom scripts are allowed $customScriptAllowedSites = $processedUrls | Where-Object { $_.DenyAddAndCustomizePages -ne 'Enabled' } #$verbosePreference = 'Continue' # Check the total length of URLs $totalUrlLength = ($customScriptAllowedSites.Url -join '').Length Write-Verbose "Total length of URLs: $totalUrlLength" # Extract hostnames from allowed sites if the total length exceeds the limit $mostUsedHostname = $null if ($totalUrlLength -gt 20000) { Write-Verbose "Extracting hostnames from URLs..." $hostnames = $customScriptAllowedSites.Url | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match '^https://([^\.]+)\.') { $matches[1] } } Write-Verbose "Extracted hostnames: $($hostnames -join ', ')" # Find the most used hostname using the Get-MostCommonWord function $mostUsedHostname = Get-MostCommonWord -InputStrings $hostnames Write-Verbose "Most used hostname: $mostUsedHostname" } #$verbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue' # Compliance is true if no sites allow custom scripts $complianceResult = $customScriptAllowedSites.Count -eq 0 # Gather details for non-compliant sites (where custom scripts are allowed) $nonCompliantSiteDetails = $customScriptAllowedSites | ForEach-Object { $url = $_.Url if ($null -ne $mostUsedHostname -and $url -match "^https://$mostUsedHostname\.<SPUrl>") { $url = $url -replace "^https://$mostUsedHostname\.<SPUrl>", "https://<corp>.<SPUrl>" } "$(if ($_.Title) {$_.Title} else {"NoTitle"})|$url" } # Prepare failure reasons and details based on compliance $failureReasons = if (-not $complianceResult) { "Some site collections are not restricting custom script execution. Review Details property for sites that are not aligned with the benchmark." } else { "N/A" } $details = if ($complianceResult) { "All site collections have custom script execution restricted" } else { "Title|Url`n" + ($nonCompliantSiteDetails -join "`n") } # Convert details to PSObject and check length $detailsPSObject = $details | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter '|' $detailsLength = ($detailsPSObject | ForEach-Object { $_.Url }).Length if ($detailsLength -gt 32767) { # Create a preview of the first 10 results $preview = $detailsPSObject | Select-Object -First 10 | ForEach-Object { "$($_.Title)|$($_.Url)" } $details = "The output is too large. Here is a preview of the first 10 results:`n`n" + ($preview -join "`n") + "`n`nPlease run the test with the following commands to get the full details:`n`nGet-SPOSite -Limit All | Where-Object { `$.DenyAddAndCustomizePages -ne 'Enabled' } | Select-Object Title, Url" } # Create and populate the CISAuditResult object $params = @{ Rec = $recnum Result = $complianceResult Status = if ($complianceResult) { "Pass" } else { "Fail" } Details = $details FailureReason = $failureReasons } $auditResult = Initialize-CISAuditResult @params } catch { Write-Error "An error occurred during the test: $_" # Retrieve the description from the test definitions $testDefinition = $script:TestDefinitionsObject | Where-Object { $_.Rec -eq $recnum } $description = if ($testDefinition) { $testDefinition.RecDescription } else { "Description not found" } $script:FailedTests.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ Rec = $recnum; Description = $description; Error = $_ }) # Call Initialize-CISAuditResult with error parameters $auditResult = Initialize-CISAuditResult -Rec $recnum -Failure } } end { # Measure the character count of the details #$verbosePreference = 'Continue' $detailsLength = $details.Length Write-Verbose "Character count of the details: $detailsLength" if ($detailsLength -gt 32767) { Write-Verbose "Warning: The character count exceeds the limit for Excel cells." } #$verbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue' # Return auditResult return $auditResult } } |