function Test-MailboxAuditingE3 { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([CISAuditResult])] param ( # Parameters can be added if needed ) begin { <# Conditions for 6.1.2 (L1) Ensure mailbox auditing for E3 users is Enabled Validate test for a pass: - Confirm that the automated test results align with the manual audit steps outlined in the CIS benchmark. - Specific conditions to check: - Condition A: Mailbox audit logging is enabled for all user mailboxes. - Condition B: The `AuditAdmin` actions include `ApplyRecord`, `Create`, `HardDelete`, `MoveToDeletedItems`, `SendAs`, `SendOnBehalf`, `SoftDelete`, `Update`, `UpdateCalendarDelegation`, `UpdateFolderPermissions`, and `UpdateInboxRules`. - Condition C: The `AuditDelegate` actions include `ApplyRecord`, `Create`, `HardDelete`, `MoveToDeletedItems`, `SendAs`, `SendOnBehalf`, `SoftDelete`, `Update`, `UpdateFolderPermissions`, and `UpdateInboxRules`. - Condition D: The `AuditOwner` actions include `ApplyRecord`, `HardDelete`, `MoveToDeletedItems`, `SoftDelete`, `Update`, `UpdateCalendarDelegation`, `UpdateFolderPermissions`, and `UpdateInboxRules`. Validate test for a fail: - Confirm that the failure conditions in the automated test are consistent with the manual audit results. - Specific conditions to check: - Condition A: Mailbox audit logging is not enabled for all user mailboxes. - Condition B: The `AuditAdmin` actions do not include `ApplyRecord`, `Create`, `HardDelete`, `MoveToDeletedItems`, `SendAs`, `SendOnBehalf`, `SoftDelete`, `Update`, `UpdateCalendarDelegation`, `UpdateFolderPermissions`, and `UpdateInboxRules`. - Condition C: The `AuditDelegate` actions do not include `ApplyRecord`, `Create`, `HardDelete`, `MoveToDeletedItems`, `SendAs`, `SendOnBehalf`, `SoftDelete`, `Update`, `UpdateFolderPermissions`, and `UpdateInboxRules`. - Condition D: The `AuditOwner` actions do not include `ApplyRecord`, `HardDelete`, `MoveToDeletedItems`, `SoftDelete`, `Update`, `UpdateCalendarDelegation`, `UpdateFolderPermissions`, and `UpdateInboxRules`. #> # Dot source the class script if necessary #. .\source\Classes\CISAuditResult.ps1 $e3SkuPartNumbers = @("ENTERPRISEPACK", "OFFICESUBSCRIPTION") $AdminActions = @("ApplyRecord", "Copy", "Create", "FolderBind", "HardDelete", "Move", "MoveToDeletedItems", "SendAs", "SendOnBehalf", "SoftDelete", "Update", "UpdateCalendarDelegation", "UpdateFolderPermissions", "UpdateInboxRules") $DelegateActions = @("ApplyRecord", "Create", "FolderBind", "HardDelete", "Move", "MoveToDeletedItems", "SendAs", "SendOnBehalf", "SoftDelete", "Update", "UpdateFolderPermissions", "UpdateInboxRules") $OwnerActions = @("ApplyRecord", "Create", "HardDelete", "MailboxLogin", "Move", "MoveToDeletedItems", "SoftDelete", "Update", "UpdateCalendarDelegation", "UpdateFolderPermissions", "UpdateInboxRules") $allFailures = @() $allUsers = Get-AzureADUser -All $true $processedUsers = @{} # Dictionary to track processed users $recnum = "6.1.2" } process { try { foreach ($user in $allUsers) { if ($processedUsers.ContainsKey($user.UserPrincipalName)) { Write-Verbose "Skipping already processed user: $($user.UserPrincipalName)" continue } $licenseDetails = Get-MgUserLicenseDetail -UserId $user.UserPrincipalName $hasOfficeE3 = ($licenseDetails | Where-Object { $_.SkuPartNumber -in $e3SkuPartNumbers }).Count -gt 0 Write-Verbose "Evaluating user $($user.UserPrincipalName) for Office E3 license." if ($hasOfficeE3) { $userUPN = $user.UserPrincipalName $mailbox = Get-EXOMailbox -Identity $userUPN -PropertySets Audit $missingActions = @() if ($mailbox.AuditEnabled) { foreach ($action in $AdminActions) { # Condition B: Checking if the `AuditAdmin` actions include required actions if ($mailbox.AuditAdmin -notcontains $action) { $missingActions += "Admin action '$action' missing" } } foreach ($action in $DelegateActions) { # Condition C: Checking if the `AuditDelegate` actions include required actions if ($mailbox.AuditDelegate -notcontains $action) { $missingActions += "Delegate action '$action' missing" } } foreach ($action in $OwnerActions) { # Condition D: Checking if the `AuditOwner` actions include required actions if ($mailbox.AuditOwner -notcontains $action) { $missingActions += "Owner action '$action' missing" } } if ($missingActions.Count -gt 0) { $formattedActions = Format-MissingAction -missingActions $missingActions $allFailures += "$userUPN|True|$($formattedActions.Admin)|$($formattedActions.Delegate)|$($formattedActions.Owner)" } } else { # Condition A: Checking if mailbox audit logging is enabled $allFailures += "$userUPN|False|||" } # Mark the user as processed $processedUsers[$user.UserPrincipalName] = $true } } # Prepare failure reasons and details based on compliance $failureReasons = if ($allFailures.Count -eq 0) { "N/A" } else { "Audit issues detected." } $details = if ($allFailures.Count -eq 0) { "All Office E3 users have correct mailbox audit settings." } else { "UserPrincipalName|AuditEnabled|AdminActionsMissing|DelegateActionsMissing|OwnerActionsMissing`n" + ($allFailures -join "`n") } # Populate the audit result $params = @{ Rec = $recnum Result = $allFailures.Count -eq 0 Status = if ($allFailures.Count -eq 0) { "Pass" } else { "Fail" } Details = $details FailureReason = $failureReasons } $auditResult = Initialize-CISAuditResult @params } catch { Write-Error "An error occurred during the test: $_" # Retrieve the description from the test definitions $testDefinition = $script:TestDefinitionsObject | Where-Object { $_.Rec -eq $recnum } $description = if ($testDefinition) { $testDefinition.RecDescription } else { "Description not found" } $script:FailedTests.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ Rec = $recnum; Description = $description; Error = $_ }) # Call Initialize-CISAuditResult with error parameters $auditResult = Initialize-CISAuditResult -Rec $recnum -Failure } } end { #$verbosePreference = 'Continue' $detailsLength = $details.Length Write-Verbose "Character count of the details: $detailsLength" if ($detailsLength -gt 32767) { Write-Verbose "Warning: The character count exceeds the limit for Excel cells." } #$verbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue' return $auditResult } } |