function Get-M365GroupReport { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Switch]$All, [Switch]$DynamicOnly, [Switch]$UnifiedOnly, [Switch]$SecurityOnly, [Switch]$DistroOnly ) $groups = Get-MgGroup -All $SecurityGroups = $groups | Where-Object { -not $_.GroupTypes -and $_.SecurityEnabled } | Select-Object DisplayName, MailEnabled, Mail, id, @{ name = 'Source' expression = { if ($_.OnPremisesSyncEnabled) { "Windows Server AD" } else { "Cloud" } } },@{ name = "Type" expression = { "Security" } }, MembershipRule $UnifiedGroups = $groups | Where-Object { $_.GroupTypes -eq 'Unified' } | Select-Object DisplayName, MailEnabled, Mail, id, @{ name = 'Source' expression = { if ($_.OnPremisesSyncEnabled) { "Windows Server AD" } else { "Cloud" } } },@{ name = "Type" expression = { "Microsoft365" } }, MembershipRule $DynamicGroups = $groups | Where-Object { $_.GroupTypes -eq 'DynamicMembership' } | Select-Object DisplayName, MailEnabled, Mail, id, @{ name = 'Source' expression = { if ($_.OnPremisesSyncEnabled) { "Windows Server AD" } else { "Cloud" } } },@{ name = "Type" expression = { "Dynamic" } },MembershipRule $DistroGroups = $groups | Where-Object { -not $_.GroupTypes -and -not $_.SecurityEnabled } | Select-Object DisplayName, MailEnabled, Mail, id, @{ name = 'Source' expression = { if ($_.OnPremisesSyncEnabled) { "Windows Server AD" } else { "Cloud" } } },@{ name = "Type" expression = { "Distribution" } },MembershipRule if ($DynamicOnly){ return $DynamicGroups } if ($UnifiedOnly){ return $UnifiedGroups } if ($SecurityOnly){ return $SecurityGroups } if ($DistroOnly){ return $DistroGroups } else { $AllGroups = @( $SecurityGroups $UnifiedGroups $DynamicGroups $DistroGroups ) $AllGroups Write-Warning "Please remember to disconnect from the Microsoft Graph by using 'Disconnect-MGGraph'" } } |