Function Invoke-Lumos { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the Windows Theme to light or dark mode dependent on time of day. #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Dark')] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Dark')] [switch] $Dark, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Light')] [switch] $Light, [switch] $ExcludeSystem, [switch] $IncludeOfficeProPlus, [switch] $ExcludeApps, [string] $DarkWallpaper, [string] $LightWallpaper ) if ($Dark) { $Lumos = 0 } elseif ($Light) { $Lumos = 1 } elseif ($IsMacOS) { ### MacOS ### # Leaving Lumos as undefined on MacOS will make it just alternate to whatever mode it currently is not $Lumos = 'Undefined' } else { ### Windows ### $CurrentTime = Get-Date $UserLocation = Get-UserLocation if ($UserLocation) { $DayLight = Get-LocalDaylight -Latitude $UserLocation.Latitude -Longitude $UserLocation.Longitude } else { Throw 'Could not get sunrise/sunset data for the current user.' } if ($CurrentTime -ge $DayLight.Sunrise -and $CurrentTime -lt $DayLight.Sunset) { $Lumos = 1 } else { $Lumos = 0 } } Switch ($Lumos) { 0 { $Status = 'Dark' if ($DarkWallpaper) { $Wallpaper = $DarkWallpaper } } 1 { $Status = 'Light' if ($LightWallpaper) { $Wallpaper = $LightWallpaper } } default { $Status = 'Undefined' } } if ($IsMacOS) { ### MacOS ### $MacCommand = if ($Lumos -eq 0) { 'tell application \"System Events\" to tell appearance preferences to set dark mode to true' } elseif ($Lumos -eq 1) { 'tell application \"System Events\" to tell appearance preferences to set dark mode to false' } else { 'tell application \"System Events\" to tell appearance preferences to set dark mode to not dark mode' } Invoke-AppleScript -Command $MacCommand if ($ExcludeSystem) { Write-Error '-ExcludeSystem is not currently supported on MacOS.' } if ($ExcludeApps) { Write-Error '-ExcludeApps is not currently supported on MacOS.' } if ($IncludeOfficeProPlus) { Write-Error '-OfficeProPlus is not currently supported on MacOS.' } if ($Wallpaper) { $MacCommand = 'tell application "System Events" to tell current desktop to set picture to "' + $Wallpaper + '"' Invoke-AppleScript -Command $MacCommand } } elseif ($IsLinux) { ### Linux ### Throw 'Linux is not currently supported by this module.' } else { ### Windows ### $ThemeRegKey = 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize' $OfficeThemeRegKey = 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common' if (-not $ExcludeSystem) { Write-Verbose "Setting System to $Status Theme.." Set-ItemProperty -Path $ThemeRegKey -Name 'SystemUsesLightTheme' -Value $Lumos } if (-not $ExcludeApps) { Write-Verbose "Setting Apps to $Status Theme.." Set-ItemProperty -Path $ThemeRegKey -Name 'AppsUseLightTheme' -Value $Lumos } if ($IncludeOfficeProPlus) { $proPlusThemeValue = if ($Lumos -eq 0) { 4 } else { 0 } Write-Verbose "Setting OfficeProPlus to $Status with value: $proPlusThemeValue .." Set-ItemProperty -Path $OfficeThemeRegKey -Name 'UI Theme' -Value $proPlusThemeValue -Type DWORD Get-ChildItem -Path ($OfficeThemeRegKey + "\Roaming\Identities\") | ForEach-Object { $identityPath = ($_.Name.Replace('HKEY_CURRENT_USER', 'HKCU:') + "\Settings\1186\{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"); if (Get-ItemProperty -Path $identityPath -Name 'Data' -ErrorAction Ignore) { Write-Verbose 'Active identity path for ProPlus installation: ' $identityPath Set-ItemProperty -Path $identityPath -Name 'Data' -Value ([byte[]]($proPlusThemeValue, 0, 0, 0)) -Type Binary } } } if ($Wallpaper) { Set-Wallpaper $Wallpaper } } } |