<# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves LogicMonitor alerts based on specified parameters. .DESCRIPTION The Get-LMAlert function retrieves LogicMonitor alerts based on the specified parameters. It supports filtering alerts by start and end dates, severity, type, cleared status, and custom columns. The function makes API requests to the LogicMonitor platform and returns the retrieved alerts. .PARAMETER StartDate Specifies the start date for filtering alerts. Only alerts that occurred after this date will be retrieved. .PARAMETER EndDate Specifies the end date for filtering alerts. Only alerts that occurred before this date will be retrieved. .PARAMETER Id Specifies the ID of a specific alert to retrieve. .PARAMETER Severity Specifies the severity level of alerts to retrieve. Valid values are "*", "Warning", "Error", and "Critical". The default value is "*". .PARAMETER Type Specifies the type of alerts to retrieve. Valid values are "*", "websiteAlert", "dataSourceAlert", "eventSourceAlert", and "logAlert". The default value is "*". .PARAMETER ClearedAlerts Specifies whether to retrieve cleared alerts. If set to $true, cleared alerts will be included in the results. If set to $false, only active alerts will be included. The default value is $false. .PARAMETER Filter Specifies a custom filter object to further refine the alerts to retrieve. .PARAMETER CustomColumns Specifies an array of custom columns to include in the retrieved alerts. .PARAMETER BatchSize Specifies the number of alerts to retrieve per API request. The default value is 1000. .PARAMETER Sort Specifies the sorting order of the retrieved alerts. The default value is "resourceId". .EXAMPLE Get-LMAlert -StartDate (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) -EndDate (Get-Date) -Severity "Error" -Type "websiteAlert" -ClearedAlerts $false Retrieves all alerts that occurred within the last 7 days, have a severity level of "Error", are of type "websiteAlert", and are not cleared. .EXAMPLE Get-LMAlert -Id "12345" -CustomColumns "Column1", "Column2" Retrieves a specific alert with the ID "12345" and includes the custom columns "Column1" and "Column2" in the result. .NOTES This function requires a valid API authentication session. Use the Connect-LMAccount function to log in before running this command. #> Function Get-LMAlert { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'All')] Param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Range')] [Datetime]$StartDate, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Range')] [Datetime]$EndDate, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Id')] [String]$Id, [ValidateSet("*", "Warning", "Error", "Critical")] [String]$Severity = "*", [ValidateSet("*", "websiteAlert", "dataSourceAlert", "eventAlert", "logAlert")] [String]$Type = "*", [Boolean]$ClearedAlerts = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Filter')] [Object]$Filter, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Id')] [String[]]$CustomColumns, [ValidateRange(1, 1000)] [Int]$BatchSize = 1000, [String]$Sort = "resourceId" ) #Check if we are logged in and have valid api creds If ($Script:LMAuth.Valid) { #Build header and uri $ResourcePath = "/alert/alerts" #Initalize vars $QueryParams = "" $Count = 0 $Done = $false $Results = @() $QueryLimit = 10000 #API limit to how many results can be returned #Convert to epoch, if not set use defaults If (!$StartDate) { [int]$StartDate = 0 } Else { [int]$StartDate = ([DateTimeOffset]$($StartDate)).ToUnixTimeSeconds() } If (!$EndDate) { [int]$EndDate = ([DateTimeOffset]$(Get-Date)).ToUnixTimeSeconds() } Else { [int]$EndDate = ([DateTimeOffset]$($EndDate)).ToUnixTimeSeconds() } #Loop through requests While (!$Done) { #Build query params Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "Id" { $resourcePath += "/$Id" #Check if we need to add customColumns If ($CustomColumns) { $FormatedColumns = @() Foreach ($Column in $CustomColumns) { $FormatedColumns += [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($Column) } If ($QueryParams) { $QueryParams += "&customColumns=$($FormatedColumns -join ",")" } Else { $QueryParams = "?customColumns=$($FormatedColumns -join",")" } } } "Range" { $QueryParams = "?filter=startEpoch>:`"$StartDate`",startEpoch<:`"$EndDate`",rule:`"$Severity`",type:`"$Type`",cleared:`"$ClearedAlerts`"&size=$BatchSize&offset=$Count&sort=+resourceId" } "All" { $QueryParams = "?filter=rule:`"$Severity`",type:`"$Type`",cleared:`"$ClearedAlerts`"&size=$BatchSize&offset=$Count&sort=$Sort" } "Filter" { #List of allowed filter props $PropList = @() $ValidFilter = Format-LMFilter -Filter $Filter -PropList $PropList $QueryParams = "?filter=$ValidFilter&size=$BatchSize&offset=$Count&sort=$Sort" } } Try { $Headers = New-LMHeader -Auth $Script:LMAuth -Method "GET" -ResourcePath $ResourcePath $Uri = "https://$($Script:LMAuth.Portal)" + $ResourcePath + $QueryParams Resolve-LMDebugInfo -Url $Uri -Headers $Headers[0] -Command $MyInvocation #Issue request $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Method "GET" -Headers $Headers[0] -WebSession $Headers[1] #Stop looping if single device, no need to continue If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Id") { $Done = $true Return (Add-ObjectTypeInfo -InputObject $Response -TypeName "LogicMonitor.Alert" ) } #Check result size and if needed loop again Else { [Int]$Total = $Response.Total [Int]$Count += ($Response.Items | Measure-Object).Count $Results += $Response.Items If ($Count -ge $QueryLimit) { $Done = $true Write-LMHost "[WARN]: Reached $QueryLimit record query limitation for this endpoint" -ForegroundColor Yellow } Elseif ($Count -ge $Total -and $Total -ge 0) { $Done = $true } } } Catch [Exception] { $Proceed = Resolve-LMException -LMException $PSItem If (!$Proceed) { Return } } } # Return $Results Return (Add-ObjectTypeInfo -InputObject $Results -TypeName "LogicMonitor.Alert" ) } Else { Write-Error "Please ensure you are logged in before running any commands, use Connect-LMAccount to login and try again." } } |