
    Copies a LogicMonitor device.

    The Copy-LMDevice function is used to create a copy of a LogicMonitor device. It takes the name, display name, description, and device object as parameters and creates a new device with the specified properties.

    The name of the new device.

.PARAMETER DisplayName
    The display name of the new device. If not provided, the name parameter will be used as the display name.

.PARAMETER Description
    The description of the new device.

.PARAMETER DeviceObject
    The device object of the reference device that will be copied.

    Any custom properties from the reference device that are masked will need to be updated on the cloned resource, as those values are not available to the LogicMonitor API.

    Copy-LMDevice -Name "NewDevice" -DeviceObject $deviceObject
    Creates a copy of the device specified by the $deviceObject variable with the name "NewDevice".


Function Copy-LMDevice {

    Param (


        [String]$DisplayName = $Name,


    #Check if we are logged in and have valid api creds
    Begin {
        Write-Output "[INFO]: Any custom properties from the reference device that are masked will need to be updated on the cloned resource as those values are not available to the LM API."
    Process {
        If ($Script:LMAuth.Valid) {
            #Strip out dynamic groups
            $HostGroupIds = ($DeviceObjec.hostGroupIds -Split "," | Get-LMDeviceGroup | Where-Object {$_.appliesTo -eq ""}).Id -Join ","

            $Data = @{
                name                      = $Name
                displayName               = If($DisplayName){$DisplayName}Else{$DeviceObject.displayName}
                description               = If($Description){$Description}Else{$DeviceObject.description}
                disableAlerting           = $DeviceObject.disableAlerting
                enableNetflow             = $DeviceObject.enableNetFlow
                customProperties          = $DeviceObject.customProperties
                deviceType                = $DeviceObject.deviceType
                preferredCollectorId      = $DeviceObject.preferredCollectorId
                preferredCollectorGroupId = $DeviceObject.preferredCollectorGroupId
                autoBalancedCollectorGroupId = $DeviceObject.autoBalancedCollectorGroupId
                link                      = $
                netflowCollectorGroupId   = $DeviceObject.netflowCollectorGroupId
                netflowCollectorId        = $DeviceObject.netflowCollectorId
                logCollectorGroupId       = $DeviceObject.logCollectorGroupId
                logCollectorId            = $DeviceObject.logCollectorId
                hostGroupIds              = If($HostGroupIds){$HostGroupIds}Else{1}
            #Build header and uri
            $ResourcePath = "/device/devices"

            Try {
                $Data = ($Data | ConvertTo-Json)
                $Headers = New-LMHeader -Auth $Script:LMAuth -Method "POST" -ResourcePath $ResourcePath -Data $Data
                $Uri = "https://$($Script:LMAuth.Portal)" + $ResourcePath

                Resolve-LMDebugInfo -Url $Uri -Headers $Headers[0] -Command $MyInvocation -Payload $Data

                #Issue request
                $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Method "POST" -Headers $Headers[0] -WebSession $Headers[1] -Body $Data

                Return (Add-ObjectTypeInfo -InputObject $Response -TypeName "LogicMonitor.Device" )
            Catch [Exception] {
                $Proceed = Resolve-LMException -LMException $PSItem
                If (!$Proceed) {
        Else {
            Write-Error "Please ensure you are logged in before running any commands, use Connect-LMAccount to login and try again."
    End {