Function Start-LMSessionSyncServer { Param( [Switch]$EnableRequestLogging, [Switch]$EnableErrorLogging ) Begin { #Ensure we have a vault to use for storing session details $VaultName = "Logic.Monitor" Try { Get-SecretVault -Name $VaultName -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null Write-Host "Existing vault $VaultName already exists, skipping creation" -ForegroundColor Yellow } Catch { If($_.Exception.Message -like "*Vault $VaultName does not exist in registry*") { Write-Host "Credential vault for cached accounts does not currently exist, creating credential vault: $VaultName" -ForegroundColor Yellow Register-SecretVault -Name $VaultName -ModuleName Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore Get-SecretStoreConfiguration | Out-Null } } } Process{ #Assuming we got here we can start our session server Start-PodeServer { #Ensure we have a vault to use for storing session details $VaultName = "Logic.Monitor" $VaultKeyPrefix = "LMSessionSync" #Capture creds so we can use them Try{ Unlock-SecretVault -Name $VaultName -Password $(Read-Host "Enter vault credentials" -AsSecureString -OutVariable VaultCred) -ErrorAction Stop Set-PodeState -Name 'VaultUnlock' -Value $VaultCred | Out-Null } Catch { Write-Error "Unable to start SessionSync server without valid vault unlock credentials: $_" Return } #Rotate APIKey in vault $ApiKey = (1..64| ForEach-Object {[byte](Get-Random -Max 256)} | ForEach-Object ToString X2) -join '' Set-Secret -Name $VaultKeyPrefix-RESTAPIKey -Vault $VaultName -Secret $ApiKey -Metadata @{Modified="$(Get-Date)";Portal="SessionSync-ApiKey"} #Sete our web server state Set-PodeState -Name 'VaultName' -Value $VaultName | Out-Null Set-PodeState -Name 'VaultKeyPrefix' -Value $VaultKeyPrefix | Out-Null Set-PodeState -Name 'VaultApiKey' -Value $ApiKey | Out-Null Add-PodeEndpoint -Address -Port 8072 -Protocol Http If($EnableRequestLogging){New-PodeLoggingMethod -Terminal | Enable-PodeRequestLogging} If($EnableErrorLogging){New-PodeLoggingMethod -Terminal | Enable-PodeErrorLogging} # setup apiKey authentication to validate a user New-PodeAuthScheme -ApiKey | Add-PodeAuth -Name 'Auth' -Sessionless -ScriptBlock { param($key) #Grab current key $ApiKey = Get-PodeState -Name 'VaultApiKey' #Check if user is authenticated if ($key.toString() -eq $ApiKey.toString()) { return @{ User = @{'ID' ='1'} } } # authentication failed return $null } # check the request on this route against the authentication Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/api/v1/portal/:AccountName' -Authentication 'Auth' -ScriptBlock { #Store Session Info in Secret Vault $VaultName = Get-PodeState -Name 'VaultName' $VaultKeyPrefix = Get-PodeState -Name 'VaultKeyPrefix' $VaultUnlock = Get-PodeState -Name 'VaultUnlock' Unlock-SecretVault -Name $VaultName -Password $VaultUnlock #Get Session details in vault, return response data $AccountName = $WebEvent.Parameters['AccountName'] Try{ $SecretData = Get-Secret -Name $VaultKeyPrefix-$AccountName -Vault $VaultName -AsPlainText -ErrorAction Stop Write-PodeJsonResponse -Value $SecretData } Catch{ Write-PodeTextResponse -Value "Unexpected error: $($_.Exception.Message)" -StatusCode 500 #Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 500 -Exception "Unexpected error: $($_.Exception.Message)" -NoErrorPage } } # this route will not be validated against the authentication Add-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/api/v1/portal/:AccountName' -ScriptBlock { #Store Session Info in Secret Vault $VaultName = Get-PodeState -Name 'VaultName' $VaultKeyPrefix = Get-PodeState -Name 'VaultKeyPrefix' $VaultUnlock = Get-PodeState -Name 'VaultUnlock' #Convert request data into JSON and unlock vault $SecretData = $($WebEvent.Data | ConvertTo-Json) Unlock-SecretVault -Name $VaultName -Password $VaultUnlock #Add/Update Session details in vault, return response data $AccountName = $WebEvent.Parameters['AccountName'] Try{ Set-Secret -Name $VaultKeyPrefix-$AccountName -Vault $VaultName -Secret $SecretData -Metadata @{Modified="$(Get-Date)";Type="SessionSync";Portal=$AccountName} Write-PodeJsonResponse -Value $SecretData } Catch{ Write-PodeTextResponse -Value "Unexpected error: $($_.Exception.Message)" -StatusCode 500 #Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 500 -Exception "Unexpected error: $($_.Exception.Message)" -NoErrorPage } } Register-PodeEvent -Type Terminate -Name 'CleanupSessions' -ScriptBlock { $VaultName = Get-PodeState -Name 'VaultName' $VaultKeyPrefix = Get-PodeState -Name 'VaultKeyPrefix' $VaultUnlock = Get-PodeState -Name 'VaultUnlock' Unlock-SecretVault -Name $VaultName -Password $VaultUnlock $Sessions = Get-SecretInfo -Vault $VaultName | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*$VaultKeyPrefix*"} Foreach ($Session in $Sessions){ Try{ Remove-Secret -Vault $VaultName -Name $Session.Name -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "Successfully cleared session details for $($Session.Metadata["Portal"])." -ForegroundColor Green } Catch{ Write-Error "Unable to clear session details for $($Session.Metadata["Portal"]): $_" } } } } } End{} } |