Function Initialize-LMPOVSetup { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Individual')] Param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Individual')] [String]$Website, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Individual')] [String]$WebsiteHttpType = "https", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Individual')] [string]$PortalMetricsAPIUsername = "lm_portal_metrics", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Individual')] [string]$LogsAPIUsername = "lm_logs", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Individual')] [Switch]$SetupWebsite, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Individual')] [Switch]$SetupPortalMetrics, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Individual')] [Switch]$SetupLMContainer, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Individual')] [string]$LMContainerAPIUsername = "lm_container", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Individual')] [Switch]$MoveMinimalMonitoring, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Individual')] [Switch]$CleanupDynamicGroups, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Individual')] [Switch]$SetupWindowsLMLogs, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Individual')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')] [Switch]$IncludeDefaults, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'PostPOV-Readonly')] [Switch]$ReadOnlyMode, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'PostPOV-RevertReadonly')] [Switch]$RevertReadOnlyMode, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Individual')] [Switch]$SetupCollectorServiceInsight, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Individual')] [String]$WindowsLMLogsEventChannels = "Application,System", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')] [Switch]$RunAll ) #Check if we are logged in and have valid api creds Begin {} Process { If ($Script:LMAuth.Valid) { $PortalName = $Script:LMAuth.Portal $DeviceName = "$" #Generate hastable of new dynamic groups to create $DynamicGroupList = @{ "All Devices" = 'true()' "AWS Resources" = 'isAWSService()' "Azure Resources" = 'isAzureService()' "GCP Resources" = 'isGCPService()' "K8s Resources" = 'system.devicetype == "8"' "Dead Devices" = 'system.hoststatus == "dead" || system.hoststatus == "dead-collector" || system.gcp.status == "TERMINATED" || == "PowerState/stopped" || == "terminated"' "Palo Alto" = 'hasCategory("PaloAlto")' "Cisco ASA" = 'hasCategory("CiscoASA")' "Logs Enabled Devices" = 'hasPushModules("LogUsage")' "Netflow Enabled Devices" = 'isNetflow()' "Cisco UCS" = 'hasCategory("CiscoUCSFabricInterconnect") || hasCategory("CiscoUCSManager")' "Oracle" = 'hasCategory("OracleDB")' "Domain Controllers" = 'hasCategory("MicrosoftDomainController")' "Exchange Servers" = 'hasCategory("MSExchange")' "IIS" = 'hasCategory("MicrosoftIIS")' "Citrix XenApp" = 'hasCategory("CitrixBrokerActive") || hasCategory("CitrixMonitorServiceV2") || hasCategory("CitrixLicense") || hasCategory("CitrixEUEM")' } #If readonly mode, siwtch all users to readonly and record previous role permissions for role back If($ReadOnlyMode){ $Users = Get-LMUser | Where-Object {$_.apionly -eq $False -and $_.username -ne "lmsupport"} Foreach($User in $Users){ If($User.Note -notlike "Previous Roles:*"){ $PreviousRoles = $User.roles.Name -Join(",") $UpdatedUser = Set-LMUser -Id $User.Id -RoleNames @("readonly") -Note "Previous Roles: $PreviousRoles" If($UpdatedUser){ Write-Host "[INFO]: Previous role info ($($User.roles.Name -Join(","))) stored for user $($User.username), successfully converted to readonly role." -ForegroundColor Yellow } } Else{ Write-Host "[INFO]: User $($User.username) previously converted, skipping processing." -ForegroundColor Gray } } } #Revert any previous set readonly roles back to their original state If($RevertReadOnlyMode){ $Users = Get-LMUser | Where-Object {$_.apionly -eq $False -and $_.username -ne "lmsupport"} Foreach($User in $Users){ $PreviousRoles = ($User.Note -Split "Previous Roles: ")[1] -Split (",") If($PreviousRoles){ $UpdatedUser = Set-LMUser -Id $User.Id -RoleNames $PreviousRoles -Note " " If($UpdatedUser){ Write-Host "[INFO]: Previous role info ($(($User.Note -Split "Previous Roles: ")[1])) found for user $($User.username), successfully reverted readonly role." -ForegroundColor Yellow } } Else{ Write-Host "[WARN]: No previous role info found for user $($User.username), skipping role revert for user." -ForegroundColor Yellow } } } #Create example collector service insight If($SetupCollectorServiceInsight -or $RunAll){ $ServiceInsightProps = @{ device = @( @{ deviceGroupFullPath = "Devices by Type/Collectors"; deviceDisplayName = "*"; deviceProperties = @() } ) } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3 #Create new SI resource $ServiceInsightResource = Get-LMDevice -name "LogicMonitorCollectorHealth" If(!$ServiceInsightResource){ $ServiceInsightResource = New-LMDevice -name "LogicMonitorCollectorHealth" -DisplayName "LogicMonitor: Collector Health" -PreferredCollectorId -4 -DeviceType 6 -Properties @{"predef.bizservice.members"=$ServiceInsightProps;"predef.bizService.evalMembersInterval"="30"} If($ServiceInsightResource){ Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully created service insight resource (LogicMonitor: Collector Health)" #Upload SI datasource from xml Try{ $SIDatasource = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -UseBasicParsing).Content Import-LMLogicModule -File $SIDatasource -Type datasource -ErrorAction Stop } Catch{ #Oops Write-Host "[ERROR]: Unable to import SI template from source: $_" -ForegroundColor Red } } Else{ #Oops Write-Host "[ERROR]: Failed to create service insight resource (LogicMonitor: Collector Health), review error message and try again." -ForegroundColor Red } } Else{ Write-Host "[INFO]: Service insight resource (LogicMonitor: Collector Health) already exists, skipping creation" -ForegroundColor Gray #Upload SI datasource from xml If(!$(Get-LMDatasource -DisplayName "LogicMonitor Collector Health")){ Try{ $SIDatasource = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "").Content Import-LMLogicModule -File $SIDatasource -Type datasource -ErrorAction Stop } Catch{ #Oops Write-Host "[WARN]: Unable to import SI template from source: $_" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } Else{ Write-Host "[INFO]: Service insight aggregate datasource (LogicMonitor Collector Health) already exists, skipping import" -ForegroundColor Gray } } } #Create readonly API use for Portal Metrics If ($SetupPortalMetrics -or $RunAll) { $CheckAPIUser = Get-LMUser -Name "$PortalMetricsAPIUsername" $CheckPortalDevice = Get-LMDevice -Name $DeviceName If(!$CheckAPIUser -and !$CheckPortalDevice){ Write-Host "[INFO]: Setting up API user: $PortalMetricsAPIUsername" $APIUser = New-LMAPIUser -Username "$PortalMetricsAPIUsername" -note "Auto provisioned for use with LM Portal Metrics Datasources" -RoleNames @("readonly") If ($APIUser) { Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully setup API user: $PortalMetricsAPIUsername" Write-Host "[INFO]: Creating readonly API token for user: $PortalMetricsAPIUsername" $APIInfo = New-LMAPIToken -id $ -Note "Auto provisioned for use with LM Portal Metrics Datasource" } #Setup portal mertics device if we have a valid API token If ($APIInfo) { Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully created API token for user: $PortalMetricsAPIUsername | $($APIInfo.accessId) | $($APIInfo.accessKey)" If ($PortalName) { $PortalDeviceGroup = New-LMDeviceGroup -Name "LogicMonitor Portal Metrics" -AppliesTo "hasCategory(`"LogicMonitorPortal`")" -ParentGroupName "Devices by Type" If ($PortalDeviceGroup) { Write-Host "[INFO]: Created Portal Metrics dynamic group in Devices by Type: $($" } $CollectorId = (Get-LMCollector | Where-Object {$_.collectorSize -ne "n/a"} | Select-Object -Last 1).id Write-Host "[INFO]: Creating Portal Metrics resource: $DeviceName" $PortalDevice = New-LMDevice -Name $DeviceName -DisplayName $DeviceName -Description "Auto provisioned resource to collect LM Portal Metrics" -Properties @{"" = $APIInfo.accessId; "lmaccess.key" = $APIInfo.accessKey; "lmaccount" = $PortalName } -PreferredCollectorId $CollectorId If ($PortalDevice) { Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully created Portal Metrics resource: $DeviceName" } } } } Else{ Write-Host "[INFO]: API User ($PortalMetricsAPIUsername) or portal metrics device ($DeviceName) already exists in portal, skipping setup for portal metrics" -ForegroundColor Gray } } #Setup Company Website If (($SetupWebsite -or $RunAll) -and $Website) { Write-Host "[INFO]: Setting up external webcheck for: $Website" $Website = $Website.split("//")[-1] #Make sure http/https is not in the entered site name $WebsiteResult = New-LMWebsite -Type "webcheck" -Name $Website -HttpType $WebsiteHttpType -WebsiteDomain $Website If ($WebsiteResult) { Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully setup external webcheck for: $Website" } } #Move minimal monitoring folder into devices by type If ($MoveMinimalMonitoring -or $RunAll) { $DeviceFolderId = (Get-LMDeviceGroup -Name "Devices by Type").id $MinimalFolderId = (Get-LMDeviceGroup -Name "Minimal Monitoring").id If ($DeviceFolderId -and $MinimalFolderId) { Write-Host "[INFO]: Moving minimal monitoring folder into Devices by Type" $MinimalFolderGroup = Set-LMDeviceGroup -id $MinimalFolderId -ParentGroupId $DeviceFolderId If ($MinimalFolderGroup) { Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully moved minimal monitoring folder into Devices by Type" } $MinimalFolderAppliesTo = (Get-LMDeviceGroup -Name "Minimal Monitoring").appliesTo If ($MinimalFolderAppliesTo) { Write-Host "[INFO]: Updating Minimal Monitoring folder to exclude Meraki and Portal Metrics resources" $MinimalFolderAppliesTo = "system.sysinfo == `"`" && system.sysoid == `"`" && isDevice() && !(system.virtualization) && (monitoring != `"basic`") && system.devicetype != `"8`" && !hasCategory(`"LogicMonitorPortal`") && !hasCategory(`"MerakiAPIOrg`") && !hasCategory(`"MerakiAPINetwork`")" $MinimalFolder = Set-LMDeviceGroup -Id $MinimalFolderId -AppliesTo $MinimalFolderAppliesTo If ($MinimalFolder) { Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully updated minimal monitoring appliesTo query" } } } } #Cleanup dynamic groups will add Linux_SSH to the Linux folder and delete the Misc folder If ($CleanupDynamicGroups -or $RunAll) { Write-Host "[INFO]: Cleaning up default dynamic groups" $LinuxDeviceGroupId = (Get-LMDeviceGroup -Name "Linux Servers" | Where-Object {$_.fullPath -like "Devices by Type*"}).id $MiscDeviceGroupId = (Get-LMDeviceGroup -Name "Misc").id If(!$DeviceFolderId){ $DeviceFolderId = (Get-LMDeviceGroup -Name "Devices by Type").id } If ($LinuxDeviceGroupId) { $ModifedLinuxGroup = Set-LMDeviceGroup -Id $LinuxDeviceGroupId -AppliesTo "isLinux() || hasCategory(`"Linux_SSH`")" If ($ModifedLinuxGroup) { Write-Host "[INFO]: Updated Linux Servers group to include Linux_SSH devices" } } If ($MiscDeviceGroupId) { $MiscDeviceGroup = Remove-LMDeviceGroup -Id $MiscDeviceGroupId If ($ModifedLinuxGroup) { Write-Host "[INFO]: Removed Misc devices group from Devices by Type" } } Write-Host "[INFO]: Creating additional default dynamic groups" Foreach($Group in $DynamicGroupList.GetEnumerator()){ If(!$(Get-LMDeviceGroup -Name $Group.Name)){ $NewGroup = New-LMDeviceGroup -Name $Group.Name -ParentGroupId $DeviceFolderId -AppliesTo $Group.Value If($NewGroup){ Write-Host "[INFO]: Created new dynamic group: $($Group.Name)" } } Else{ Write-Host "[INFO]: Dynamic group: $($Group.Name) already exists, skipping creation" -ForegroundColor Gray } } } #Add k8s role with proper permissions If($RunAll -or $SetupLMContainer){ $LMContainerAPIRoleName = "lm-container" $LMContainerAPIUser = Get-LMUser -Name "$LMContainerAPIUsername" $LMContainerAPIRole = Get-LMRole -Name $LMContainerAPIRoleName If(!$LMContainerAPIRole){ Write-Host "[INFO]: Setting up LM Container API Role: $LMContainerAPIRoleName" $LMContainerAPIRole = New-LMRole -Name $LMContainerAPIRoleName -ResourcePermission manage -LogsPermission manage -DashboardsPermission manage -SettingsPermission manage-collectors -Description "Auto provisioned to allow for API token creation for use with lm-container" If($LMContainerAPIRole){ Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully setup API role: $LMContainerAPIRoleName" } } Else{ Write-Host "[INFO]: LM Container API Role ($LMContainerAPIRoleName) already exists in portal, skipping setup" -ForegroundColor Gray } If(!$LMContainerAPIUser){ Write-Host "[INFO]: Setting up LM Container API user: $LMContainerAPIUsername" $LMContainerAPIUser = New-LMAPIUser -Username "$LMContainerAPIUsername" -note "Auto provisioned for use with LM Container" -RoleNames @($LMContainerAPIRoleName) If ($LMContainerAPIUser) { Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully setup API user: $LMContainerAPIUsername" } } } If($SetupWindowsLMLogs -or $RunAll){ $LogsAPIRoleName = "lm-logs-ingest" $LogsAPIUser = Get-LMUser -Name "$LogsAPIUsername" $LogsAPIRole = Get-LMRole -Name $LogsAPIRoleName If(!$LogsAPIRole){ Write-Host "[INFO]: Setting up LM Logs API Role: $LogsAPIRoleName" $LogsAPIRole = New-LMRole -Name $LogsAPIRoleName -ResourcePermission view -LogsPermission manage -Description "Auto provisioned to allow for windows events ingest via datasource" If($LogsAPIRole){ Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully setup API role: $LogsAPIRoleName" } } Else{ Write-Host "[INFO]: LM Logs API Role ($LogsAPIRoleName) already exists in portal, skipping setup" -ForegroundColor Gray } If(!$LogsAPIUser){ Write-Host "[INFO]: Setting up LM Logs API user: $LogsAPIUsername" $LogsAPIUser = New-LMAPIUser -Username "$LogsAPIUsername" -note "Auto provisioned for use with Windows LM Logs Datasource" -RoleNames @($LogsAPIRoleName) If ($LogsAPIUser) { Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully setup API user: $LogsAPIUsername" Write-Host "[INFO]: Creating administrator API token for user: $LogsAPIUsername" $LMLogsAPIINfo = New-LMAPIToken -id $ -Note "Auto provisioned for use with Windows LM Logs Datasource" } #Import Datasource and apply properties to windows server group If ($LMLogsAPIINfo) { Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully created API token for user: $LogsAPIUsername | $($LMLogsAPIINfo.accessId) | $($LMLogsAPIINfo.accessKey)" $WindowsServerDeviceGroup = Get-LMDeviceGroup -Name "Windows Servers" | Where-Object {$_.fullPath -like "Devices by Type*"} If ($WindowsServerDeviceGroup) { Write-Host "[INFO]: Adding API properties to Windows Server device group" $UpdatedWindowsServerDeviceGroup = Set-LMDeviceGroup -Id $WindowsServerDeviceGroup.Id -Properties @{"" = $LMLogsAPIINfo.accessId; "lmaccess.key" = $LMLogsAPIINfo.accessKey; "lmaccount" = $PortalName; "lmlogs.winevent.channels" = $WindowsLMLogsEventChannels; "lmlogs.winevent.detailed_message" = "false" } If ($UpdatedWindowsServerDeviceGroup) { Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully updated Windows Server device group for LM Logs" } } } } Else{ Write-Host "[INFO]: LM Logs API User ($LogsAPIUsername) already exists in portal, skipping setup" -ForegroundColor Gray } #Import LM Logs Datasource $LogsDatasource = Get-LMDatasource -Name "Windows_Events_LMLogs" If(!$LogsDatasource){ Import-LMExchangeModule -LMExchangeId "2cb0a988-487a-48a6-b332-62003ef3b3dc" #core module Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 #Added manual pause to ensure datasource is available after importing from the exchange $LogsDatasource = Set-LMDatasource -Name Windows_Events_LMLogs -appliesTo "isWindows() && lmlogs.winevent.channels && && lmaccess.key && lmaccount" If($LogsDatasource){ Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully added core module (Windows_Events_LMLogs) and updated appliesto logic" } Else{ Write-Host "[WARN]: Successfully added core module (Windows_Events_LMLogs) but was unable to modify the appliesTo criteria, please manually set the appliesTo criteria for the datasource to apply: 'isWindows() && lmlogs.winevent.channels && && lmaccess.key && lmaccount'" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } Else{ Write-Host "[INFO]: LM Logs core logicmodule ($($LogsDatasource.displayname)) already exists in portal, skipping setup" -ForegroundColor Gray } } #Setup common default options/imports If($IncludeDefaults){ #Set SSL_Cert DS to only alert on non self signed certs $SSLDatasourceName = "SSL_Certificates" $SSLDatasource = Get-LMDatasource -name $SSLDatasourceName If($SSLDatasource){ If($"Alerting_DaysRemainingIfNotSelfSigned") -ne 1 -and $"DaysRemaining") -ne 1){ Try{ $SSLDatasource.dataPoints[$"Alerting_DaysRemainingIfNotSelfSigned")].alertExpr = "< 28 7 2" $SSLDatasource.dataPoints[$"DaysRemaining")].alertExpr = $null $SSLResult = Set-LMDatasource -Id $ -Datapoints $SSLDatasource.datapoints -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully updated default alert thresholds on LogicModule ($SSLDatasourceName)" } Catch{ Write-Host "[ERROR]: Unable to modify default alert thresholds on LogicModule ($SSLDatasourceName): $_" -ForegroundColor Red } } Else{ #Unable to find required datapoints for modification Write-Host "[ERROR]: Unable to modify default alert thresholds on LogicModule ($SSLDatasourceName), expected datapoints not found" -ForegroundColor Red } } Else{ #Unable to find SSL_Certificates DS Write-Host "[ERROR]: Unable to locate LogicModule ($SSLDatasourceName), skipping alert threshold modification" -ForegroundColor Red } #Import default DSes $ModuleList = @( @{ name = "Microsoft_Windows_Services_AD.xml" type = "datasource" repo = "Logic.Monitor/main/Private/SIs" }, @{ name = "LogicMonitor_Collector_Configurations.xml" type = "configsource" repo = "Logic.Monitor/main/Private/SIs" }, @{ name = "NoData_Metrics.xml" type = "datasource" repo = "Logic.Monitor/main/Private/SIs" }, @{ name = "NoData_Tasks_By_Type_v2.xml" type = "datasource" repo = "Logic.Monitor/main/Private/SIs" }, @{ name = "NoData_Tasks_Overall_v2.xml" type = "datasource" repo = "Logic.Monitor/main/Private/SIs" }, @{ name = "NoData_Tasks_Discovery_v2.json" type = "propertyrules" repo = "Logic.Monitor/main/Private/SIs" }, @{ name = "LogicMonitor_Device_Alert_Statistics.xml" type = "datasource" repo = "LogicMonitor-Dashboards/main/MTTR" }, @{ name = "LogicMonitor_Portal_Alert_Statistics.xml" type = "datasource" repo = "LogicMonitor-Dashboards/main/MTTR/LogicMonitor_Device_Alert_Statistics.xml" } ) Foreach($Module in $ModuleList){ $ModuleName = $".")[0] $LogicModule = Switch($Module.type){ "datasource" {Get-LMDataSource -name $ModuleName} "configsource" {Get-LMConfigSource -name $ModuleName} "propertyrules" {Get-LMPropertySource -name $ModuleName} default {Get-LMDataSource -name $ModuleName} } If(!$LogicModule){ Try{ $LogicModule = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$($Module.repo)/$($").Content Import-LMLogicModule -File $LogicModule -Type $Module.type -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully imported $ModuleName datasource" } Catch{ #Oops Write-Host "[ERROR]: Unable to import $ModuleName LogicModule from source: $_" -ForegroundColor Red } } Else{ Write-Host "[INFO]: LogicModule $ModuleName already exists, skipping import" -ForegroundColor Gray } } #Deploy MTTR dashboard Write-Host "[INFO]: Importing MTTR dashboard from repo." $CheckPortalDevice = Get-LMDevice -Name $DeviceName If($CheckPortalDevice){ Set-LMDevice -Id $CheckPortalDevice.Id -Properties @{"mttr.period"=7} $MTTRRootFolder = (Get-LMDashboardGroup -Name "LogicMonitor").Id If($MTTRRootFolder){ Try{ $MTTRDashboardFile = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "").Content $MTTRDashboard = Get-LMDashboard -Name "Mean Time To Resolution(MTTR) Overview" If(!$MTTRDashboard){ Import-LMDashboard -File $MTTRDashboardFile -ParentGroupId $MTTRRootFolder } Else{ Write-Host "[INFO]: MTTR Dashboard already exists, skipping import" -ForegroundColor Gray } } Catch{ #Oops Write-Host "[ERROR]: Unable to import MTTR dashboard from source: $_" -ForegroundColor Red } } } Else{ Write-Host "[WARN]: Unable to import MTTR dashboard template: PortalMetrics device not found, please deploy before attempting to deploy" -ForegroundColor Yellow } #Deploy Dynamic Dashboards $DashboardList = @( @{ name = "Dynamic_Dashboard_-_Network_Performance.json" repo = "LogicMonitor-Dashboards/main/Dynamic%20Dashboards" }, @{ name = "Dynamic_Dashboard_-_Windows.json" repo = "LogicMonitor-Dashboards/main/Dynamic%20Dashboards" }, @{ name = "Dynamic_Dashboard_-_Windows_(Textbox_Selector).json" repo = "LogicMonitor-Dashboards/main/Dynamic%20Dashboards" }, @{ name = "Dynamic_Dashboard_-_vCenter_VMs.json" repo = "LogicMonitor-Dashboards/main/Dynamic%20Dashboards" }, @{ name = "Dynamic_Server-at-a-Glance__Linux(SNMP).json" repo = "LogicMonitor-Dashboards/main/Dynamic%20Dashboards" }, @{ name = "Dynamic_Server-at-a-Glance__Linux(SSH).json" repo = "LogicMonitor-Dashboards/main/Dynamic%20Dashboards" }, @{ name = "Dynamic_Server-at-a-Glance__Windows.json" repo = "LogicMonitor-Dashboards/main/Dynamic%20Dashboards" } ) #Generate API Key and Role $DashboardAPIRoleName = "lm-dynamic-dashboards" $DashboardAPIUserName = "lm_dynamic_dashboards" $DashboardAPIRole = Get-LMRole -Name $DashboardAPIRoleName $DashboardAPIUser = Get-LMUser -Name $DashboardAPIUserName If(!$DashboardAPIRole){ $DashboardAPIRole = New-LMRole -Name $DashboardAPIRoleName -ResourcePermission view -DashboardsPermission manage -Description "Auto provisioned for use with dynamic dashboards" Write-LMHost "Successfully generated required API role ($DashboardAPIRoleName) for dynamic dashboards" } If(!$DashboardAPIUser){ $DashboardAPIUser = New-LMAPIUser -Username "$DashboardAPIUserName" -note "Auto provisioned for use with dynamic dashboards" -RoleNames @($DashboardAPIRoleName) Write-LMHost "Successfully generated required API user ($DashboardAPIUserName) for dynamic dashboards" } If($DashboardAPIRole -and $DashboardAPIUser){ $APIToken = New-LMAPIToken -Username $DashboardAPIUserName -Note "Auto provisioned for use with dynamic dashboards" If($APIToken){ Write-LMHost "Successfully generated required API token for dynamic dashboards for user: $DashboardAPIUserName" } } Else{ Write-LMHost "Unable to generate required API token for dynamic dashboards, manually update the required tokens to use dynamic dashboards" } Write-Host "[INFO]: Importing dynamic dashboards from repo." $DynamicDashboardGroup = (Get-LMDashboardGroup -Name "Dynamic Dashboards").Id If(!$DynamicDashboardGroup){ $DynamicDashboardGroup = (New-LMDashboardGroup -Name "Dynamic Dashboards" -ParentGroupId 1).Id } Foreach($Dashboard in $DashboardList){ Try{ $DashboardFile = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$($Dashboard.repo)/$($").Content $ImportedDashboard = Import-LMDashboard -File $DashboardFile -ReplaceAPITokensOnImport -APIToken $APIToken -ParentGroupId $DynamicDashboardGroup -ErrorAction Stop } Catch{ #Oops Write-Host "[ERROR]: Unable to import $($ template from source: $_" -ForegroundColor Red } } } } Else { Write-Error "Please ensure you are logged in before running any commands, use Connect-LMAccount to login and try again." } } End {} } |