<# .SYNOPSIS Exports a topology map to a standalone HTML file. .DESCRIPTION Exports a topology map to a standalone HTML file. .PARAMETER Id Id of the topology map you want to export .PARAMETER Name Name of the topology map you are looking to export, used as an alternative to Id .PARAMETER IncludeUndiscoveredDevices Include undiscovered devices in topology export .PARAMETER IncludeDataTable Include a data table alongside the exported map .PARAMETER EnablePhysics Enable physics interaction on the generated topology map .PARAMETER BackgroundImage Add a background image to the exported topology map .EXAMPLE Export-LMTopologyMap -Id 12 -IncludeUndiscoveredDevices $false .EXAMPLE Export-LMTopologyMap Name "VMware Environment" -IncludeDataTable $true .NOTES Currently a beta command, topology map export is still under development, please report any bugs you encounter while using this command. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to this command. .LINK Module repo: .LINK PSGallery: #> Function Export-LMTopologyMap { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Id')] [Int]$Id, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Name')] [String]$Name, [Boolean]$IncludeUndiscoveredDevices = $false, [Boolean]$IncludeDataTable = $false, [Boolean]$EnablePhysics = $false, [String]$BackgroundImage = "" ) #Check if we are logged in and have valid api creds If ($Script:LMAuth.Valid) { #Grab Topology Map data so we can build our HTML map If ($Name) { $TopoData = Get-LMTopologyMapData -Name $Name $TopoLayout = (Get-LMTopologyMap -Name $Name).layout.vertices } ElseIf ($Id) { $TopoData = Get-LMTopologyMapData -Id $Id $TopoLayout = (Get-LMTopologyMap -Id $Id).layout.vertices } #Loop through edges and match up to verticies to build our custom object $TopoObject = @() If ($TopoData) { foreach ($edge in $TopoData.edges) { $vToIndex = $$ $vFromIndex = $$edge.from) #We found a match in our vertices list so we continue building our object If ($vToIndex -ne -1 -and $vFromIndex -ne -1) { $fromLayoutIndex = $$edge.from) $toLayoutIndex = $$ $TopoObject += [PSCustomObject]@{ fromId = $TopoData.vertices[$vFromIndex].id fromName = $TopoData.vertices[$vFromIndex].LMResources[0].name fromType = $TopoData.vertices[$vFromIndex].type fromX = [Int][Math]::Round([Math]::Ceiling($TopoLayout[$fromLayoutIndex].x)) * .75 fromY = [Int][Math]::Round([Math]::Ceiling($TopoLayout[$fromLayoutIndex].y)) * .75 toId = $TopoData.vertices[$vToIndex].id toName = $TopoData.vertices[$vToIndex].LMResources[0].name toType = $TopoData.vertices[$vToIndex].type toX = [Int][Math]::Round([Math]::Ceiling($TopoLayout[$toLayoutIndex].x)) * .75 toY = [Int][Math]::Round([Math]::Ceiling($TopoLayout[$toLayoutIndex].y)) * .75 edgeType = $edge.type } } } If ($IncludeUndiscoveredDevices) { $TopoNodeGroups = $TopoObject | Group-Object fromId } Else { $TopoNodeGroups = $TopoObject | Where-Object { $_.fromType -ne "undiscovered" -and $_.toType -ne "undiscovered" } | Group-Object fromId } $NodeIcons = [PSCustomObject]@{ HyperVisor = '' HyperVisorCluster = '' Switch = '' Undiscovered = '' Unknown = '' NotMonitored = '' Cluster = '' Firewall = '' PhysicalServer = '' VirtualMachine = '' Service = '' Pod = '' Container = '' VMDatastore = '' VirtualDisk = '' } New-HTML -TitleText 'LogicMonitor TopologyMap' -FilePath $PSScriptRoot\Example-LM.html { New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "LogicMonitor TopologyMap $Id$Name" -CanCollapse { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLDiagram -Height "900px" { New-DiagramOptionsPhysics -Enabled $EnablePhysics New-DiagramOptionsInteraction -Hover $true New-DiagramOptionsLayout -RandomSeed 500 New-DiagramOptionsLinks -ArrowsToEnabled $true -Color BlueViolet -ArrowsToType arrow -ArrowsFromEnabled $false New-DiagramOptionsNodes -BorderWidth 1 -FontColor Black -Size 20 -FontMulti true Foreach ($group in $TopoNodeGroups) { Foreach ($to in $group.Group) { New-DiagramNode -Id $to.toId -Label $to.toName -Image $(If ($NodeIcons.$($to.toType)) { $NodeIcons.$($to.toType) }Else { $NodeIcons.Unknown }) -X $to.toX -Y $to.toY -FixedX $useCoordinatesFromLM -FixedY $useCoordinatesFromLM } New-DiagramNode -Id $group.Group[0].fromId -Label $group.Group[0].fromName -To $($group.Group.toId -Join ",").Split(",") -Image $(If ($NodeIcons.$($group.Group[0].fromType)) { $NodeIcons.$($group.Group[0].fromType) }Else { $NodeIcons.Unknown }) -X $group.Group[0].fromX -Y $group.Group[0].fromY -FixedX $useCoordinatesFromLM -FixedY $useCoordinatesFromLM } } -BackGroundImage $BackgroundImage } If ($IncludeDataTable) { New-HTMLPanel { New-HTMLTable -DataTable $(If (!$IncludeUndiscoveredDevices) { $TopoObject | Where-Object { $_.fromType -ne "undiscovered" -and $_.toType -ne "undiscovered" } | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty fromX, fromY, toX, toY }Else { $TopoObject | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty fromX, fromY, toX, toY }) -PagingLength 30 -DefaultSortIndex 1 } } } } -ShowHTML -Online } Else { Write-Error "Unable to retrieve topology data for give id/name, please check spelling and try again" Return } } Else { Write-Error "Please ensure you are logged in before running any commands, use Connect-LMAccount to login and try again." } } |