Function Export-LMDeviceData { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DeviceId')] [Int]$DeviceId, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DeviceName')] [String]$DeviceName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DeviceGroupId')] [String]$DeviceGroupId, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DeviceGroupName')] [String]$DeviceGroupName, [Datetime]$StartDate = (Get-Date).AddHours(-1), [Datetime]$EndDate = (Get-Date), [String]$DatasourceIncludeFilter = "*", [String]$DatasourceExcludeFilter = $null, [ValidateSet("csv", "json", "none")] [String]$ExportFormat = 'none', [String]$ExportPath = (Get-Location).Path ) #Check if we are logged in and have valid api creds If ($Script:LMAuth.Valid) { $DeviceList = @() $DataExportList = @() Switch($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName){ "DeviceId" { $DeviceList = Get-LMDevice -Id $DeviceId } "DeviceName" { $DeviceList = Get-LMDevice -Name $DeviceName } "DeviceGroupId" { $DeviceList = Get-LMDeviceGroupDevices -Id $DeviceGroupId } "DeviceGroupName" { $DeviceList = Get-LMDeviceGroupDevices -Name $DeviceGroupName } } If($DeviceList){ Write-LMHost "[INFO]: $(($DeviceList | Measure-Object).count) resource(s) selected for data export" Foreach($Device in $DeviceList){ $DatasourceList = @() Write-LMHost "[INFO]: Starting data collection for resource: $($Device.displayName)" $DatasourceList = Get-LMDeviceDatasourceList -Id $ | Where-Object { $_.monitoringInstanceNumber -gt 0 -and $_.dataSourceName -like $DatasourceIncludeFilter -and $_.datasourceName -notlike $DatasourceExcludeFilter} If($DatasourceList){ Write-LMHost "[INFO]: Found ($(($DatasourceList | Measure-Object).count)) datasource(s) with 1 or more active instances for resource: $($Device.displayName) using datasource filter (Include:$DatasourceIncludeFilter | Exclude:$DatasourceExcludeFilter)" Foreach($Datasource in $DatasourceList){ Write-LMHost "[INFO]: Starting instance discovery for datasource $($Datasource.dataSourceName) for resource: $($Device.displayName)" $InstanceList = @() $InstanceList = Get-LMDeviceDatasourceInstance -Id $ -DatasourceId $Datasource.dataSourceId | Where-Object { $_.stopMonitoring -eq $false} If($InstanceList){ Write-LMHost "[INFO]: Found ($(($InstanceList | Measure-Object).count)) instance(s) for resource: $($Device.displayName)" Foreach($Instance in $InstanceList){ Write-LMHost "[INFO]: Starting datapoint collection for instance $($ for resource: $($Device.displayName)" $Datapoints = @() $Datapoints = Get-LMDeviceData -DeviceId $ -DatasourceId $Datasource.dataSourceId -InstanceId $ -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate If($Datapoints){ Write-LMHost "[INFO]: Finished datapoint collection for instance $($ for resource: $($Device.displayName)" $DataExportList += [PSCustomObject]@{ deviceId = $ deviceName = $Device.displayName datasourceName = $Datasource.dataSourceName instanceName = $ instanceGroup = $Instance.groupName dataPoints = $Datapoints } } } } } } } Switch($ExportFormat){ "json" { $DataExportList | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3 | Out-File -FilePath "$ExportPath\LMDeviceDataExport.json" ; return } "csv" { $DataExportList | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path "$ExportPath\LMDeviceDataExport.csv" ; return } default { return $DataExportList } } } Else{ Write-Error "No resources found using supplied parameters, please check you settings and try again." } } Else { Write-Error "Please ensure you are logged in before running any comands, use Connect-LMAccount to login and try again." } } |