Function ConvertTo-LMDynamicGroupFromCategories { $device_list = @() $category_list = @() #Get list of LM devices $devices = Get-LMDevice #Loop through each device build custom object foreach ($dev in $devices) { $device_list += [PSCustomObject]@{ id = $ displayName = ($dev.displayName).toupper() categories = ($dev.customProperties[$"system.categories")].value).Split(",") } } #Loop through custom object and aggregate categories foreach ($category in $device_list.categories) { $category_list += $category } #Dedupe list down to unique values $category_list = $category_list | Select-Object -Unique #Grab id for devices by type folder (could optionally be set to any group) $root_group = (Get-LMDeviceGroup -Name "Devices by Type").id #if we have a matching folder continue if ($root_group) { #Grab list of dynamic groups currently inside root group $current_groups = (Get-LMDeviceGroupGroups -Id $root_group).name #Compare the group list and pull out anything we already created or matches existing groups $creation_list = (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $current_groups -DifferenceObject $category_list.Replace("/", " ").Replace("_", " ") | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq "=>" }).InputObject #Loop trough category list and create any groups not already exisitng foreach ($group in $creation_list) { $name = $group.Replace("/", " ").Replace("_", " ") New-LMDeviceGroup -Name $name -AppliesTo "hasCategory(`"$group`")" -ParentGroupId $root_group -Description "Auto created by PowerShell module" } } } |