<# .SYNOPSIS Copies device properties from a source device to target device groups. .DESCRIPTION The Copy-LMDevicePropertyToGroup function copies specified properties from a source device to one or more target device groups. The source device can be randomly selected from a group or explicitly specified. Properties are copied to the target groups while preserving other existing group properties. .PARAMETER SourceDeviceId The ID of the source device to copy properties from. This parameter is part of the "SourceDevice" parameter set. .PARAMETER SourceGroupId The ID of the source group to randomly select a device from. This parameter is part of the "SourceGroup" parameter set. .PARAMETER TargetGroupId The ID of the target group(s) to copy properties to. Multiple group IDs can be specified. .PARAMETER PropertyNames Array of property names to copy. These can be custom or system properties. .PARAMETER PassThru If specified, returns the updated device group objects. .EXAMPLE Copy-LMDevicePropertyToGroup -SourceDeviceId 123 -TargetGroupId 456 -PropertyNames "location","department" Copies the location and department properties from device 123 to group 456. .EXAMPLE Copy-LMDevicePropertyToGroup -SourceGroupId 789 -TargetGroupId 456,457 -PropertyNames "location" -PassThru Randomly selects a device from group 789 and copies its location property to groups 456 and 457, returning the updated groups. .NOTES Requires an active Logic Monitor session. Use Connect-LMAccount to log in before running this function. .LINK Module repo: #> Function Copy-LMDevicePropertyToGroup { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="SourceDevice")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="SourceDevice",ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [String]$SourceDeviceId, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="SourceGroup")] [String]$SourceGroupId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String[]]$TargetGroupId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String[]]$PropertyNames, [Switch]$PassThru ) Begin { If($(Get-LMAccountStatus).Valid){} Else{ Write-Error "Please ensure you are logged in before running any commands, use Connect-LMAccount to login and try again." return } } Process { Try { # Get source device either directly or from group If($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "SourceDevice") { $sourceDevice = Get-LMDevice -Id $SourceDeviceId If(!$sourceDevice) { Write-Error "Source device with ID $SourceDeviceId not found" return } } Else { $devices = Get-LMDeviceGroupDevices -Id $SourceGroupId If(!$devices) { Write-Error "No devices found in source group with ID $SourceGroupId" return } $sourceDevice = $devices | Get-Random } # Initialize results array if PassThru specified $results = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList # Process each target group Foreach($groupId in $TargetGroupId) { $group = Get-LMDeviceGroup -Id $groupId If(!$group) { Write-Warning "Target group with ID $groupId not found, skipping..." continue } # Build properties hashtable $propertiesToCopy = @{} Foreach($propName in $PropertyNames) { # Check custom properties $propValue = $null If($ -contains $propName) { $propValue = $sourceDevice.customProperties[$$propName)].value } If($propValue) { $propertiesToCopy[$propName] = $propValue } Else { Write-Warning "Property $propName not found on source device $($, skipping..." } } If($propertiesToCopy.Count -gt 0) { Write-Host "Copying properties to group $($ (ID: $groupId)" $updatedGroup = Set-LMDeviceGroup -Id $groupId -Properties $propertiesToCopy If($PassThru) { $results.Add($updatedGroup) | Out-Null } } } } Catch { Write-Error "Error copying properties: $_" } } End { If($PassThru) { Return $results } } } |