<# .SYNOPSIS Identifies and analyzes LogicMonitor alerts that have associated log anomalies. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet searches for alerts that have corresponding log anomalies within a specified time window. It analyzes log messages for sentiment, correlates them with alerts, and provides detailed information about the relationships between alerts and anomalous logs. The function performs sentiment analysis on log messages using a predefined list of negative terms and calculates both individual and aggregate sentiment scores for the logs associated with each alert. .PARAMETER StartDate The beginning of the time range to search for alerts. Default: 14 days ago from current time .PARAMETER EndDate The end of the time range to search for alerts. Default: Current time .PARAMETER MaxPages Maximum number of pages to retrieve when querying log anomalies. Default: 10 .PARAMETER BatchSize Number of records to retrieve per page when querying log anomalies. Default: 500 .OUTPUTS Returns an array of custom objects containing: - Portal information - Alert details (ID, URL, type, severity, etc.) - Resource information - Instance details - Log analysis (count, sentiment scores) - Associated anomalous logs with timing and sentiment data .EXAMPLE Find-LMLogAnomalyAlerts Searches for alert-anomaly correlations from the last 14 days to current time using default parameters. .EXAMPLE Find-LMLogAnomalyAlerts -StartDate (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) -EndDate (Get-Date) Searches for alert-anomaly correlations from the last 7 days using custom date range. .EXAMPLE Find-LMLogAnomalyAlerts -MaxPages 20 -BatchSize 1000 Searches with increased page limit and batch size for larger environments. .NOTES - Requires active connection to LogicMonitor portal (use Connect-LMAccount first) - Processes both cleared and active alerts - Matches logs and alerts within a 30-minute time window - Sentiment analysis is performed using predefined negative terms - Results are sorted by log count, total sentiment score, and severity .LINK Module repo: .LINK PSGallery: #> Function Find-LMLogAnomalyAlerts { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [DateTime]$StartDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-14), [DateTime]$EndDate = (Get-Date), [Int]$MaxPages = 10, [Int]$BatchSize = 500 ) Write-Information "Starting log anomaly alert matching process..." Write-Information "Date Range: $StartDate to $EndDate" # Define sentiment terms and weights $sentimentTerms = @{ Critical = @{ Weight = -3 Terms = @('fatal', 'crash', 'outage', 'corrupt', 'unreachable') } High = @{ Weight = -2 Terms = @('error', 'exception', 'failure', 'critical', 'severe') } Medium = @{ Weight = -1 Terms = @('warning', 'timeout', 'denied', 'rejected') } Positive = @{ Weight = 1 Terms = @('resolved', 'recovered', 'restored', 'fixed') } } # Function to calculate sentiment score function Get-LogSentiment { param ( [string]$message ) $score = 0 $messageLower = $message.ToLower() foreach ($severity in $sentimentTerms.Keys) { foreach ($term in $sentimentTerms[$severity].Terms) { if ($messageLower -match $term) { $score += $sentimentTerms[$severity].Weight } } } return $score } If($(Get-LMAccountStatus).Valid){ try { $Portal = $(Get-LMAccountStatus).Portal Write-Information "Account validation successful. Starting data collection..." # 1. Collect all alerts Write-Information "Collecting alerts from $StartDate to $EndDate..." $AllAlerts = @() $currentStartDate = $StartDate $maxAlertSize = 10000 do { $alertBatch = Get-LMAlert -StartDate $currentStartDate -EndDate $EndDate -ClearedAlerts $true -Sort "startEpoch" if ($alertBatch) { $AllAlerts += $alertBatch if ($alertBatch.Count -eq $maxAlertSize) { $lastAlert = $alertBatch[-1] $currentStartDate = [DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($lastAlert.startEpoch).DateTime.AddSeconds(1) Write-Information "Retrieved $($AllAlerts.Count) alerts, continuing from $currentStartDate..." } } } while ($alertBatch -and $alertBatch.Count -eq $maxAlertSize -and $currentStartDate -lt $EndDate) Write-Information "Retrieved total of $($AllAlerts.Count) alerts" # 2. Collect all anomalous logs Write-Information "Collecting log anomalies..." $Anomalies = Get-LMLogMessage -Query '_anomaly.type="never_before_seen"' -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate -Async -MaxPages $MaxPages -BatchSize $BatchSize Write-Information "Retrieved $($Anomalies.Count) anomalies" if (-not $AllAlerts -or -not $Anomalies) { Write-Warning "No data found for analysis" return } # 3. Group alerts by resource Write-Information "Organizing data by resource..." $alertsByResource = @{} foreach ($alert in $AllAlerts) { $resourceId = $alert.monitorObjectId if (-not $alertsByResource.ContainsKey($resourceId)) { $alertsByResource[$resourceId] = @() } $alertsByResource[$resourceId] += $alert } # 4. Group logs by resource $logsByResource = @{} foreach ($log in $Anomalies) { $resourceId = $ if (-not $logsByResource.ContainsKey($resourceId)) { $logsByResource[$resourceId] = @() } $logsByResource[$resourceId] += $log } # 5. Match logs to alerts by resource and time window $matchedEvents = @{} $processedCount = 0 Write-Information "Starting matching process..." foreach ($log in $Anomalies) { $processedCount++ if ($processedCount % 100 -eq 0) { Write-Information "Processed $processedCount of $($Anomalies.Count) logs..." } $logTime = [DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeMilliseconds($log.timestamp).DateTime $logResourceId = $ Write-Debug "Processing log ID: $($ for resource $logResourceId at time $logTime" # Find matching alerts for this log $matchingAlerts = $AllAlerts | Where-Object { $alertResourceId = $_.monitorObjectId $alertStartTime = [DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($_.startEpoch).DateTime ($logResourceId -eq $alertResourceId) -and ([Math]::Abs(($logTime - $alertStartTime).TotalMinutes) -le 30) } if ($matchingAlerts) { Write-Information "Found $($matchingAlerts.Count) matching alert(s) for log ID: $($" foreach ($alert in $matchingAlerts) { $alertKey = $ $timeDiff = [Math]::Abs(($logTime - [DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($alert.startEpoch).DateTime).TotalMinutes) $logEntry = @{ LogId = $ LogTimestamp = $logTime LogMessage = $log.message TimeDifferenceMinutes = $timeDiff SentimentScore = Get-LogSentiment -message $log.message } if (-not $matchedEvents.ContainsKey($alertKey)) { $matchedEvents[$alertKey] = @{ AlertId = $ ResourceId = $logResourceId AlertTimestamp = [DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($alert.startEpoch).DateTime AlertType = $alert.type AlertValue = $alert.alertValue Severity = $alert.severity DatasourceName = $alert.resourceTemplateName ResourceName = $alert.monitorObjectName InstanceName = $alert.instanceName InstanceDescription = $alert.instanceDescription DatapointName = $alert.datapointName AssociatedLogs = @() TotalSentimentScore = 0 } } $matchedEvents[$alertKey].AssociatedLogs += $logEntry $matchedEvents[$alertKey].TotalSentimentScore += $logEntry.SentimentScore } } } Write-Information "Matching process complete. Found $($matchedEvents.Count) unique alerts with associated logs." # Convert to array and sort by importance $sortedResults = $matchedEvents.Values | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ PortalName = $Portal AlertId = $_.AlertId AlertUrl = "https://$$($_.AlertId)" ResourceId = $_.ResourceId DatasourceName = $_.DatasourceName ResourceName = $_.ResourceName InstanceName = $_.InstanceName InstanceDescription = $_.InstanceDescription DatapointName = $_.DatapointName AlertTimestamp = $_.AlertTimestamp AlertType = $_.AlertType Severity = $_.Severity AlertValue = $_.AlertValue LogCount = $_.AssociatedLogs.Count TotalSentimentScore = $_.TotalSentimentScore AverageSentimentScore = [math]::Round($_.TotalSentimentScore / $_.AssociatedLogs.Count, 2) AssociatedLogs = $_.AssociatedLogs | Sort-Object SentimentScore } } | Sort-Object -Property @{Expression = "LogCount"; Descending = $true}, @{Expression = "TotalSentimentScore"; Descending = $true}, @{Expression = "Severity"; Descending = $true} Write-Information "Analysis complete. Found $($sortedResults.Count) alerts with associated anomalies." return $sortedResults } catch { Write-Error "An error occurred: $_" return } } Else { Write-Error "Please ensure you are logged in before running any commands, use Connect-LMAccount to login and try again." } } |