<# .SYNOPSIS Formats and displays LogicMonitor log anomaly detection results in a human-readable console output. .DESCRIPTION This function takes LogicMonitor log anomaly results and presents them in a structured, color-coded format in the console. It displays alert details and associated logs with their metadata and messages. .PARAMETER Results Collection of log anomaly result objects that will be formatted and displayed. Accepts pipeline input. .OUTPUTS For each result, displays: - Alert Details: * Datasource name * Resource name * Instance details * Alert metadata (ID, type, severity, timestamp) * Log statistics (count, sentiment scores) - Associated Logs: * Log ID * Timestamp * Time difference in minutes * Sentiment score * Full log message .EXAMPLE $anomalyResults | Format-LMLogAnomalyResults .NOTES Output is color-coded: - Cyan: Section separators - Yellow: Section headers - Gray: Log messages - White: All other output #> Function Format-LMLogAnomalyResults { Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $Results ) Process { foreach ($result in $Results) { Write-Host "`n===========================================" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "Alert Details:" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "Datasource: $($result.DatasourceName)" Write-Host "Resource: $($result.ResourceName)" Write-Host "Instance: $($result.InstanceName)" Write-Host "Description: $($result.InstanceDescription)" Write-Host "Alert ID: $($result.AlertId)" Write-Host "Type: $($result.AlertType)" Write-Host "Severity: $($result.Severity)" Write-Host "Timestamp: $($result.AlertTimestamp)" Write-Host "Associated Logs: $($result.LogCount)" Write-Host "Total Sentiment Score: $($result.TotalSentimentScore)" Write-Host "Average Sentiment Score: $($result.AverageSentimentScore)" Write-Host "`nAssociated Logs:" -ForegroundColor Yellow foreach ($log in $result.AssociatedLogs) { Write-Host "`n-------------------------------------------" Write-Host "Log ID: $($log.LogId)" Write-Host "Timestamp: $($log.LogTimestamp)" Write-Host "Time Difference: $($log.TimeDifferenceMinutes) minutes" Write-Host "Sentiment Score: $($log.SentimentScore)" Write-Host "Message:" Write-Host $log.LogMessage -ForegroundColor Gray } } } } |