<# .SYNOPSIS Imports multi-credential configuration for LogicMonitor. .DESCRIPTION The Import-LMMultiCredentialConfig function imports multi-credential configuration for LogicMonitor. It allows you to specify SNMP and SSH credentials either as objects or by providing a CSV file path. It also provides options to generate example CSV files and specify the credential group and import group names. .PARAMETER SNMPCredentialsObject Specifies an object with SNMP credentials. This parameter is mandatory when using the SNMP-Config or SNMP-SSH-Config parameter sets. .PARAMETER SNMPCsvFilePath Specifies the file path to the SNMP CSV file. This parameter is mandatory when using the SNMP-Config-CSV or SNMP-SSH-Config-CSV parameter sets. .PARAMETER SSHCredentialsObject Specifies an object with SSH credentials. This parameter is mandatory when using the SSH-Config or SNMP-SSH-Config parameter sets. .PARAMETER SSHCsvFilePath Specifies the file path to the SSH CSV file. This parameter is mandatory when using the SSH-Config-CSV or SNMP-SSH-Config-CSV parameter sets. .PARAMETER GenerateExampleCSV Generates example CSV files for SSH and SNMP credentials. .PARAMETER CredentialGroupName Specifies the group name for where dynamic credential groups should be created. The default value is "Resource Credential Group". .PARAMETER ImportGroupName Specifies the group name for where devices will be onboarded into. The default value is "Resource Import Group". .EXAMPLE Import-LMMultiCredentialConfig -SNMPCredentialsObject $SNMPCredentials -SSHCredentialsObject $SSHCredentials -CredentialGroupName "MyCredentialGroup" -ImportGroupName "MyImportGroup" Imports multi-credential configuration using SNMP and SSH credentials provided as objects. The dynamic credential groups will be created under the "MyCredentialGroup" group, and devices will be onboarded into the "MyImportGroup" group. .EXAMPLE Import-LMMultiCredentialConfig -SNMPCsvFilePath "C:\Path\To\SNMPCredentials.csv" -SSHCsvFilePath "C:\Path\To\SSHCredentials.csv" Imports multi-credential configuration using SNMP and SSH credentials provided in CSV files located at the specified file paths. .EXAMPLE Import-LMMultiCredentialConfig -GenerateExampleCSV Generates example CSV files for SSH and SNMP credentials. #> Function Import-LMMultiCredentialConfig { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="SNMP-Config")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="SNMP-SSH-Config")] [Object]$SNMPCredentialsObject, #Object with SNMP credentials [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="SNMP-Config-CSV")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="SNMP-SSH-Config-CSV")] [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})] [Object]$SNMPCsvFilePath, #File path to SNMP CSV [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="SSH-Config")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="SNMP-SSH-Config")] [Object]$SSHCredentialsObject, #Object with SSH credentials [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="SSH-Config-CSV")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="SNMP-SSH-Config-CSV")] [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})] [Object]$SSHCsvFilePath, #File path to SSH CSV [Parameter(ParameterSetName="ExampleCSV")] [Switch]$GenerateExampleCSV, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="SNMP-Config")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="SNMP-SSH-Config")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="SNMP-Config-CSV")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="SNMP-SSH-Config-CSV")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="SSH-Config")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="SSH-Config-CSV")] [String]$CredentialGroupName = "Resource Credential Group", #Group name for where dynamic cred groups should be created [Parameter(ParameterSetName="SNMP-Config")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="SNMP-SSH-Config")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="SNMP-Config-CSV")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="SNMP-SSH-Config-CSV")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="SSH-Config")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="SSH-Config-CSV")] [String]$ImportGroupName = "Resource Import Group" #Group name for where devices will be onboarded into ) Begin{ $GitubURI = "" } Process{ If($GenerateExampleCSV){ $SampleCSV = ("name,sshuser,sshpass").Split(",") [PSCustomObject]@{ $SampleCSV[0]="CorpSSHCred" $SampleCSV[1]="logicmonitor" $SampleCSV[2]="chamgeMe123" } | Export-Csv "SampleSSHCredCSV.csv" -Force -NoTypeInformation Write-Host "[INFO]: Saved sample CSV (SampleSSHCredCSV.csv) to current directory." $SampleCSV = ("name,version,community,security,authMethod,authToken,privMethod,privToken").Split(",") $SampleContent = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $SampleContent.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ $SampleCSV[0]="CorpROv2c" $SampleCSV[1]="v2c" $SampleCSV[2]="notpublic" $SampleCSV[3]="$null" $SampleCSV[4]="$null" $SampleCSV[5]="$null" $SampleCSV[6]="$null" $SampleCSV[7]="$null" }) | Out-Null $SampleContent.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ $SampleCSV[0]="CorpROv3" $SampleCSV[1]="v3" $SampleCSV[2]="$null" $SampleCSV[3]="v3user" $SampleCSV[4]="MD5" $SampleCSV[5]="authpassword" $SampleCSV[6]="AES" $SampleCSV[7]="privpassword" }) | Out-Null $SampleContent | Export-Csv "SampleSNMPCredCSV.csv" -Force -NoTypeInformation Write-Host "[INFO]: Saved sample CSV (SampleSNMPCredCSV.csv) to current directory." Return } #Check if we are logged in and have valid api creds If ($(Get-LMAccountStatus).Valid) { #Attempt to process credentials into JSON Try{ Switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "SNMP-Config" { #Convert to JSON $SNMPCredentialsJSON = $SNMPCredentialsObject | ConvertTo-Json -ErrorAction Stop } "SSH-Config" { #Convert to JSON $SSHCredentialsJSON = $SSHCredentialsObject | ConvertTo-Json -ErrorAction Stop } "SNMP-Config-CSV" { #Convert CSV to proper object format $SNMPCsvInfo = Import-Csv -Path $SNMPCsvFilePath #Loop through creds list and add to JSON object $SNMPCredentialsObject = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList Foreach($SNMPCred in $SNMPCsvInfo){ If($SNMPCred.version -eq "v2c" -or $SNMPCred.version -eq "v2"){ $SNMPCredentialsObject.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ name = $ version = "v2c" community = $ }) | Out-Null } Else{ $SNMPCredentialsObject.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ name = $ version = "v3" v3 = [PSCustomObject]@{ security = $ authMethod = $SNMPCred.authMethod authToken = $SNMPCred.authToken privMethod = $SNMPCred.privMethod privToken = $SNMPCred.privToken } }) | Out-Null } } #Convert to JSON $SNMPCredentialsJSON = $SNMPCredentialsObject | ConvertTo-Json -ErrorAction Stop } "SSH-Config-CSV" { #Convert CSV to proper object format $SSHCsvInfo = Import-Csv -Path $SSHCsvFilePath #Loop through creds list and add to JSON object $SSHCredentialsObject = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList Foreach($SSHCred in $SSHCsvInfo){ $SSHCredentialsObject.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ name = $ sshuser = $SSHCred.sshuser sshpass = $SSHCred.sshpass }) | Out-Null } #Convert to JSON $SSHCredentialsJSON = $SSHCredentialsObject | ConvertTo-Json -ErrorAction Stop } } } Catch{ Write-Error "[ERROR]: Unable to process credentials, ensure that supplied credentials are in the proper format, see -GenerateExampleCSV for expected format: $_" Return } #Verifed JSON object, proceed with setting up multi-credential config $CredentialGroupId = (Get-LMDeviceGroup -Name $CredentialGroupName).Id If(!$CredentialGroupId){ #Create new credential group $CredentialGroupId = (New-LMDeviceGroup -Name $CredentialGroupName -ParentGroupId 1 -Description "Auto created resource group for multi credential configuration").Id } $ImportGroupId = (Get-LMDeviceGroup -Name $ImportGroupName).Id If(!$ImportGroupId){ #Create new import group $ImportGroupId = (New-LMDeviceGroup -Name $ImportGroupName -ParentGroupId 1 -Description "Auto created resource group for onboarding resources using multi credential configuration").Id } #Bulk create dynamic credentials resource group If($CredentialGroupId -and $ImportGroupId){ #Create SNMP dynamic credentials group Foreach ($Cred in $SNMPCredentialsObject){ If($Cred.v3){ $GroupArguments = @{ Name = $ ParentGroupId = $CredentialGroupId Properties = @{ "" = $ "snmp.auth" = $Cred.v3.authMethod "snmp.authToken" = $Cred.v3.authToken "snmp.priv" = $Cred.v3.privMethod "snmp.privToken" = $Cred.v3.privToken "snmp.version" = "v3" } AppliesTo = " == `"$($`"" } } Else{ $GroupArguments = @{ Name = $ ParentGroupId = $CredentialGroupId Properties = @{ "" = $ "snmp.version" = "v2c" } AppliesTo = " == `"$($`"" } } $CredGroup = Get-LMDeviceGroup -Filter "name -eq '$($Cred.Name)' -and parentId -eq '$CredentialGroupId'" If(!$CredGroup){ New-LMDeviceGroup @GroupArguments | Out-Null Write-Host "[INFO]: Created SNMP credential group: $($" } Else{ Set-LMDeviceGroup -Id $CredGroup.Id -Properties $GroupArguments.Properties | Out-Null Write-Host "[INFO]: Credential group $($ already exists, updated properties." } } #Create SSH dynamic credentials group Foreach ($Cred in $SSHCredentialsObject){ $GroupArguments = @{ Name = $ ParentGroupId = $CredentialGroupId Properties = @{ "ssh.user" = $Cred.sshuser "ssh.pass" = $Cred.sshpass } AppliesTo = " == `"$($`"" } #Check if groups exists, if not create, else update $CredGroup = Get-LMDeviceGroup -Filter "name -eq '$($Cred.Name)' -and parentId -eq '$CredentialGroupId'" If(!$CredGroup){ New-LMDeviceGroup @GroupArguments | Out-Null Write-Host "[INFO]: Created SSH credential group: $($" } Else{ Set-LMDeviceGroup -Id $CredGroup.Id -Properties $GroupArguments.Properties | Out-Null Write-Host "[INFO]: Credential group $($ already exists, updating properties." } } #Import required logic modules $ModuleList = @( @{ name = "Force_Active_Discovery.xml" type = "datasource" repo = "LogicMonitor-Dashboards/main/Suites/MultiCredTester" }, @{ name = "SNMP_Credential_Tester.json" type = "propertyrules" repo = "LogicMonitor-Dashboards/main/Suites/MultiCredTester" }, @{ name = "SSH_Credential_Tester.json" type = "propertyrules" repo = "LogicMonitor-Dashboards/main/Suites/MultiCredTester" } ) Foreach($Module in $ModuleList){ $ModuleName = $".")[0] If($Module.type -eq "datasource"){ $LogicModule = Get-LMDataSource -name $ModuleName If(!$LogicModule){ Try{ $ReplaceString = "<path/to/import/group>" $LogicModule = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$GitubURI/$($Module.repo)/$($").Content #Replace placeholder with actual group name $LogicModule = $LogicModule -replace $ReplaceString, $ImportGroupName Import-LMLogicModule -File $LogicModule -Type $Module.type -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully imported $ModuleName datasource" } Catch{ #Oops Write-Error "[ERROR]: Unable to import $ModuleName LogicModule from source: $_" } } Else{ Write-Host "[INFO]: LogicModule $ModuleName already exists, skipping import" -ForegroundColor Gray } } ElseIf ($Module.type -eq "propertyrules"){ $LogicModule = Get-LMPropertySource -name $ModuleName If(!$LogicModule){ Try{ $LogicModule = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$GitubURI/$($Module.repo)/$($").Content Import-LMLogicModule -File $LogicModule -Type $Module.type -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully imported $ModuleName propertysource" } Catch{ #Oops Write-Error "[ERROR]: Unable to import $ModuleName LogicModule from source: $_" } } Else{ Write-Host "[INFO]: LogicModule $ModuleName already exists, skipping import" -ForegroundColor Gray } } } #Add cred properties to import group If($SNMPCredentialsJSON){ Try{ Set-LMDeviceGroup -Properties @{ "lm_cred_tester.snmp.pass" = $SNMPCredentialsJSON } -Id $ImportGroupId | Out-Null Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully set SNMP credentials property on import group." } Catch{ Write-Error "[ERROR]: Unable to set SNMP credentials property on import group: $_." Return } } If ($SSHCredentialsJSON){ Try { Set-LMDeviceGroup -Properties @{ "lm_cred_tester.ssh.pass" = $SSHCredentialsJSON } -Id $ImportGroupId | Out-Null Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully set SSH credentials property on import group." } Catch { Write-Error "[ERROR]: Unable to set SSH credentials property on import group: $_." Return } } #Setup user and role for API key $LMMultiCredRoleName = "lm-multi-cred-role" $LMMultiCredUserName = "lm_multi_cred_user" $LMMultiCredUser = Get-LMUser -Name $LMMultiCredUserName $LMMultiCredRole = Get-LMRole -Name $LMMultiCredRoleName If(!$LMMultiCredRole){ Write-Host "[INFO]: Setting up Multi Credential Config API Role: $LMMultiCredRoleName" $LMMultiCredRole = New-LMRole -Name $LMMultiCredRoleName -ResourcePermission manage -Description "Auto provisioned to allow for API token creation for use with multi credential configuration." If($LMMultiCredRole){ Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully setup API role: $LMMultiCredRoleName" } } Else{ Write-Host "[INFO]: Multi Credential Config API Role ($LMMultiCredRoleName) already exists in portal, skipping setup" -ForegroundColor Gray } If(!$LMMultiCredUser){ Write-Host "[INFO]: Setting up Multi Credential Config API user: $LMMultiCredUsernName" $LMMultiCredUser = New-LMAPIUser -Username "$LMMultiCredUserName" -note "Auto provisioned for use with Multi Credential Config" -RoleNames @($LMMultiCredRoleName) If ($LMMultiCredUser) { Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully setup API user: $LMMultiCredUserName" } } Else { Write-Host "[INFO]: Multi Credential Config API User ($LMMultiCredUserName) already exists in portal, skipping setup" -ForegroundColor Gray } #Set API creds on minimal monitoring group $MinimalMonitoringGroupId = (Get-LMDeviceGroup -Name "Minimal Monitoring").Id If($MinimalMonitoringGroupId){ $LMMultiCredAPIINfo = New-LMAPIToken -id $ -Note "Auto provisioned for use with Multi Credential Config" Set-LMDeviceGroup -Properties @{"" = $LMMultiCredAPIINfo.accessId; "lmaccess.key" = $LMMultiCredAPIINfo.accessKey} -Id $MinimalMonitoringGroupId | Out-Null Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully set API credentials on Minimal Monitoring group ($($LMMultiCredAPIINfo.accessId))." } Else{ Write-Error "[ERROR]: Unable to find Minimal Monitoring group, please ensure that it exists and try again." Return } #Cleanup Write-Host "[INFO]: Successfully configured multi-credential configuration, please ensure that devices are onboarded into the $ImportGroupName group." } Else{ Write-Error "[ERROR]: Unable to find or create resource groups for multi-credential configuration, please check and try again." Return } } } End{} } |