<# .SYNOPSIS Generate list of alerts that have an associated log anomaly. .DESCRIPTION Generate list of alerts that have an associated log anomaly. .EXAMPLE Find-LMLogAnomalyAlerts .NOTES Must be connected to the portal you want to pull alerts from ahead of time. .INPUTS None. Does not accept pipeline input .LINK Module repo: .LINK PSGallery: #> Function Find-LMLogAnomalyAlerts { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [DateTime]$StartDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-14), [DateTime]$EndDate = (Get-Date) ) Write-Information "Starting log anomaly alert matching process..." Write-Information "Date Range: $StartDate to $EndDate" If($(Get-LMAccountStatus).Valid){ Write-Information "Account validation successful. Retrieving alerts and anomalies..." $Alerts = Get-LMAlert -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate -ClearedAlerts $true Write-Information "Retrieved $($Alerts.Count) alerts" $Anomalies = Get-LMLogMessage -Query '_anomaly.type="never_before_seen"' -StartDate $(Get-Date).AddDays(-3) -EndDate $(Get-Date) -Async Write-Information "Retrieved $($Anomalies.Count) anomalies" If($Anomalies -and $Alerts){ Write-Information "Starting matching process..." $matchedEvents = @() $processedCount = 0 foreach ($log in $Anomalies) { $processedCount++ if ($processedCount % 100 -eq 0) { Write-Information "Processed $processedCount of $($Anomalies.Count) logs..." } # Convert timestamp to DateTime for comparison $logTime = [DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeMilliseconds($log.timestamp).DateTime $logResourceId = $ Write-Debug "Processing log ID: $($ for resource $logResourceId at time $logTime" # Find matching alerts $matchingAlerts = $Alerts | Where-Object { $alertResourceId = $_.monitorObjectId $alertStartTime = [DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($_.startEpoch).DateTime # Check if IDs match and time is within ±30 minutes ($logResourceId -eq $alertResourceId) -and ([Math]::Abs(($logTime - $alertStartTime).TotalMinutes) -le 30) } if ($matchingAlerts) { Write-Information "Found $($matchingAlerts.Count) matching alert(s) for log ID: $($" foreach ($alert in $matchingAlerts) { $timeDiff = [Math]::Abs(($logTime - [DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($alert.startEpoch).DateTime).TotalMinutes) Write-Debug "Matched with alert ID: $($, time difference: $timeDiff minutes" $matchedEvents += [PSCustomObject]@{ LogId = $ AlertId = $ ResourceId = $logResourceId LogTimestamp = $logTime AlertTimestamp = [DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($alert.startEpoch).DateTime TimeDifferenceMinutes = $timeDiff LogMessage = $log.message AlertType = $alert.type Severity = $alert.severity } } } else { Write-Debug "No matching alerts found for log ID: $($" } } # Return the matched events Write-Information "Matching process complete. Found $($matchedEvents.Count) total matches." if ($matchedEvents.Count -gt 0) { Write-Information "Returning matched events..." return $matchedEvents } else { Write-Information "No matching events found within the specified time window." return $null } } Else { Write-Information "No anomalies or alerts found for the given date range." Return } } Else { Write-Error "Please ensure you are logged in before running any commands, use Connect-LMAccount to login and try again." } } |