
Generate list of alerts that have an associated log anomaly.

Generate list of alerts that have an associated log anomaly.


Must be connected to the portal you want to pull alerts from ahead of time.

None. Does not accept pipeline input

Module repo:


Function Find-LMLogAnomalyAlerts {
        [DateTime]$StartDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-14),
        [DateTime]$EndDate = (Get-Date)
    Write-Information "Starting log anomaly alert matching process..."
    Write-Information "Date Range: $StartDate to $EndDate"

        Write-Information "Account validation successful. Retrieving alerts and anomalies..."
        $Alerts = Get-LMAlert -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate -ClearedAlerts $true
        Write-Information "Retrieved $($Alerts.Count) alerts"
        $Anomalies = Get-LMLogMessage -Query '_anomaly.type="never_before_seen"' -StartDate $(Get-Date).AddDays(-3) -EndDate $(Get-Date) -Async
        Write-Information "Retrieved $($Anomalies.Count) anomalies"

        If($Anomalies -and $Alerts){
            Write-Information "Starting matching process..."
            $matchedEvents = @()
            $processedCount = 0
            foreach ($log in $Anomalies) {
                if ($processedCount % 100 -eq 0) {
                    Write-Information "Processed $processedCount of $($Anomalies.Count) logs..."

                # Convert timestamp to DateTime for comparison
                $logTime = [DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeMilliseconds($log.timestamp).DateTime
                $logResourceId = $
                Write-Debug "Processing log ID: $($ for resource $logResourceId at time $logTime"
                # Find matching alerts
                $matchingAlerts = $Alerts | Where-Object {
                    $alertResourceId = $_.monitorObjectId
                    $alertStartTime = [DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($_.startEpoch).DateTime
                    # Check if IDs match and time is within ±30 minutes
                    ($logResourceId -eq $alertResourceId) -and 
                    ([Math]::Abs(($logTime - $alertStartTime).TotalMinutes) -le 30)
                if ($matchingAlerts) {
                    Write-Information "Found $($matchingAlerts.Count) matching alert(s) for log ID: $($"
                    foreach ($alert in $matchingAlerts) {
                        $timeDiff = [Math]::Abs(($logTime - [DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($alert.startEpoch).DateTime).TotalMinutes)
                        Write-Debug "Matched with alert ID: $($, time difference: $timeDiff minutes"
                        $matchedEvents += [PSCustomObject]@{
                            LogId = $
                            AlertId = $
                            ResourceId = $logResourceId
                            LogTimestamp = $logTime
                            AlertTimestamp = [DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($alert.startEpoch).DateTime
                            TimeDifferenceMinutes = $timeDiff
                            LogMessage = $log.message
                            AlertType = $alert.type
                            Severity = $alert.severity
                else {
                    Write-Debug "No matching alerts found for log ID: $($"
            # Return the matched events
            Write-Information "Matching process complete. Found $($matchedEvents.Count) total matches."
            if ($matchedEvents.Count -gt 0) {
                Write-Information "Returning matched events..."
                return $matchedEvents
            } else {
                Write-Information "No matching events found within the specified time window."
                return $null
        Else {
            Write-Information "No anomalies or alerts found for the given date range."
    Else {
        Write-Error "Please ensure you are logged in before running any commands, use Connect-LMAccount to login and try again."