
Create a series of dynamic groups based off of active system.categories applied to your portal

Created dynamic groups based on in use device categories


Created groups will be placed in devices by type default resource group

None. You cannot pipe objects to this command.

Module repo:


Function ConvertTo-LMDynamicGroupFromCategories {
        [String[]]$ExcludeCategoryList = @("TopoSwitch","snmpTCPUDP","LogicMonitorPortal","snmp","snmpUptime","snmpHR","Netsnmp","email rtt","email transit","collector","NoPing","NoHTTPS"),

        [String]$DefaultGroupName = "Devices by Category"

    $device_list = @()
    $category_list = @()

    #Get list of LM devices
    $devices = Get-LMDevice

    #Loop through each device build custom object
    foreach ($dev in $devices) {
        $device_list += [PSCustomObject]@{
            id          = $
            displayName = ($dev.displayName).toupper()
            categories  = ($dev.customProperties[$"system.categories")].value).Split(",")


    #Loop through custom object and aggregate categories
    foreach ($category in $device_list.categories) {
        If((!$ExcludeCategoryList.Contains($category)) -and ($category)){
            $category_list += $category

    #Dedupe list down to unique values
    $category_list = $category_list | Select-Object -Unique
    Write-Host "Found $($category_list.count) categories for creation"

    #Grab id for devices by type folder (could optionally be set to any group)
    $root_group = (Get-LMDeviceGroup -Name $DefaultGroupName).id

    #if we have a matching folder continue
    if ($root_group) {
        Write-Host "$DefaultGroupName already created, checking existing dynamic groups"

        #Grab list of dynamic groups currently inside root group
        $current_groups = (Get-LMDeviceGroupGroups -Id $root_group).name

        #Compare the group list and pull out anything we already created or matches existing groups
            $creation_list = (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $current_groups -DifferenceObject $category_list.Replace("/", " ").Replace("_", " ") | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq "=>" }).InputObject
            $creation_list = $category_list.Replace("/", " ").Replace("_", " ")
        #Loop trough category list and create any groups not already exisitng
        foreach ($group in $creation_list) {
            $name = $group.Replace("/", " ").Replace("_", " ")
            New-LMDeviceGroup -Name $name -AppliesTo "hasCategory(`"$group`")" -ParentGroupId $root_group -Description "Auto created by PowerShell module"
        Write-Host "$DefaultGroupName not found, creating device group for category creation"
        $root_group = New-LMDeviceGroup -Name $DefaultGroupName -Description "Auto created by PowerShell module" -ParentGroupId 1

        #Loop trough category list and create any groups not already exisitng
        foreach ($group in $category_list.Replace("/", " ").Replace("_", " ")) {
            $name = $group.Replace("/", " ").Replace("_", " ")
            New-LMDeviceGroup -Name $name -AppliesTo "hasCategory(`"$group`")" -ParentGroupId $root_group -Description "Auto created by PowerShell module"