<# .SYNOPSIS Replaces the tokens present in the pattern with the values given inside the source (log) object. .PARAMETER Pattern Parameter The pattern that defines tokens and possible operations onto them. .PARAMETER Source Parameter Log object providing values, if wildcard parameter is not given .PARAMETER Wildcard Parameter If this parameter is given, all tokens are replaced by the wildcard character. .EXAMPLE Format-Pattern -Pattern %{timestamp} -Wildcard #> function Format-Pattern { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] param( [AllowEmptyString()] [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Pattern, [object] $Source, [switch] $Wildcard ) [string] $result = $Pattern [regex] $tokenMatcher = '%{(?<token>\w+?)?(?::?\+(?<datefmtU>(?:%[ABCDGHIMRSTUVWXYZabcdeghjklmnprstuwxy].*?)+))?(?::?\+(?<datefmt>(?:.*?)+))?(?::(?<padding>-?\d+))?}' $tokenMatches = @() $tokenMatches += $tokenMatcher.Matches($Pattern) [array]::Reverse($tokenMatches) foreach ($match in $tokenMatches) { $formattedEntry = [string]::Empty $tokenContent = [string]::Empty $token = $match.Groups["token"].value $datefmt = $match.Groups["datefmt"].value $datefmtU = $match.Groups["datefmtU"].value $padding = $match.Groups["padding"].value if ($Wildcard.IsPresent){ $formattedEntry = "*" } else{ [hashtable] $dateParam = @{ } if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($token)) { $tokenContent = $Source.$token $dateParam["Date"] = $tokenContent } if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($datefmtU)) { $formattedEntry = Get-Date @dateParam -UFormat $datefmtU } elseif (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($datefmt)) { $formattedEntry = Get-Date @dateParam -Format $datefmt } else { $formattedEntry = $tokenContent } if ($padding) { $formattedEntry = "{0,$padding}" -f $formattedEntry } } $result = $result.Substring(0, $match.Index) + $formattedEntry + $result.Substring($match.Index + $match.Length) } return $result } |