
        Enable a logging target
        This function configure and enable a logging target
        The name of the target to enable and configure
    .PARAMETER Configuration
        An hashtable containing the configurations for the target
        PS C:\> Add-LoggingTarget -Name Console -Configuration @{Level = 'DEBUG'}
        PS C:\> Add-LoggingTarget -Name File -Configuration @{Level = 'INFO'; Path = 'C:\Temp\script.log'}

function Add-LoggingTarget {
        [Parameter(Position = 2)]
        [hashtable] $Configuration = @{}

    DynamicParam {
        New-LoggingDynamicParam -Name 'Name' -Target

    End {
        $Script:Logging.EnabledTargets[$PSBoundParameters.Name] = Merge-DefaultConfig -Target $PSBoundParameters.Name -Configuration $Configuration

        # Special case hack - resolve target file path if it's a relative path
        # This can't be done in the Init scriptblock of the logging target because that scriptblock gets created in the
        # log consumer runspace and doesn't inherit the current SessionState. That means that the scriptblock doesn't know the
        # current working directory at the time when `Add-LoggingTarget` is being called and can't accurately resolve the relative path.
        if($PSBoundParameters.Name -eq 'File'){
            $Script:Logging.EnabledTargets[$PSBoundParameters.Name].Path = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Configuration.Path)

        if ($Script:Logging.Targets[$PSBoundParameters.Name].Init -is [scriptblock]) {
            & $Script:Logging.Targets[$PSBoundParameters.Name].Init $Configuration