@{ Name = 'Email' Description = 'Send log message to email recipients' Configuration = @{ SMTPServer = @{Required = $true; Type = [string]; Default = $null} From = @{Required = $true; Type = [string]; Default = $null} To = @{Required = $true; Type = [string]; Default = $null} Subject = @{Required = $false; Type = [string]; Default = '[%{level:-7}] %{message}'} Credential = @{Required = $false; Type = [pscredential]; Default = $null} Level = @{Required = $false; Type = [string]; Default = $Logging.Level} Port = @{Required = $false; Type = [int]; Default = 25} UseSsl = @{Required = $false; Type = [bool]; Default = $false} Format = @{Required = $false; Type = [string]; Default = $Logging.Format} } Logger = { param( [hashtable] $Log, [hashtable] $Configuration ) $Params = @{ SmtpServer = $Configuration.SMTPServer From = $Configuration.From To = $Configuration.To.Split(',').Trim() Port = $Configuration.Port UseSsl = $Configuration.UseSsl Subject = Replace-Token -String '[%{level:-7}] %{message}' -Source $Log Body = Replace-Token -String $Configuration.Format -Source $Log } if ($Configuration.Credential) { $Params['Credential'] = $Configuration.Credential } if ($Log.Body) { $Params.Body += "`n`n{0}" -f ($Log.Body | ConvertTo-Json) } Send-MailMessage @Params } } |