
Function Get-Log { 
Used to get the parsed log content for a log.
This is the entry point for each of the specific log formats. It will determine the log format and parse it accordingly.
.PARAMETER Credential
Credential to log in with
How this credential will log in (Default is NetOnly but Interactive is also common)
.PARAMETER NewContentOnly
Only returns the content that was written since the last read.
PS> $Cred = Get-Credential
Get-CredentialToken -Credential $Cred

        [switch] $AllDetails,
        [switch] $NewContentOnly
        $DatePattern = '\d{1,2}[\/]\d{1,2}[\/]\d{4}'
        $IISFieldsPattern = '#Fields:(.*)'
    Process {
        if (-not $file.Exists){
            Write-Warning -Message "File not found: $($File.Fullname)"

        #Override if called directly and not in memory
        $logType = Get-logtype -File $file 
        $fs = [System.IO.FileStream]::new($File.fullname, 'Open', 'Read', [System.IO.FileShare]::ReadWrite + [System.IO.FileShare]::Delete)
        $sr = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($fs);
        #Pickup where we left off unless the log rolled over
        if ($NewContentOnly.IsPresent){
            if ($script:LogFiles[$File.FullName].StreamReaderPosition -eq $sr.BaseStream.length){
            }elseif($script:LogFiles[$File.FullName].StreamReaderPosition -lt $sr.BaseStream.length){
                $sr.BaseStream.Position = $script:LogFiles[$File.FullName].StreamReaderPosition
        # find new entries
        $LogContent = $sr.ReadToEnd()
        $script:LogFiles[$File.FullName].StreamReaderPosition = $sr.BaseStream.Position 

        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($LogContent)){
            $LogSplat = @{
                AllDetails = $AllDetails.IsPresent
                LogContent = $LogContent
            switch ($LogType){
                'CMXML' {
                    $logEntries = Get-LogEntryFromCMXML @LogSplat
                'CM' {
                    $logEntries = Get-LogEntryFromCM @LogSplat
                'IIS' {
                    $headers = $script:LogFiles[$File.FullName].logParsingParams
                    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($headers)){
                        $headers = [regex]::match($LogContent,$IISFieldsPattern ).value
                        $headers = $headers.Substring($headers.IndexOf(':')+2)
                        $script:LogFiles[$File.FullName].logParsingParams = $headers
                    $logEntries = Get-LogEntryFromIIS @LogSplat -Headers $headers
                'MSI' {
                    $date = $script:LogFiles[$File.FullName].logParsingParams
                    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($date)){
                        $date = [regex]::match($LogContent,$DatePattern).value
                        $script:LogFiles[$File.FullName].logParsingParams = $date
                    $logEntries = Get-LogEntryFromMSI @LogSplat -date $date
                'Unknown' {
                    $logEntries = Get-LogEntryFromUnknown @LogSplat
            #save to memory and return
            if ($script:CacheLogs){
                $script:LogFiles[$File.FullName].LogEntry += $logEntries

        #close stream
    End {