function Find-PSGModule { <# .SYNOPSIS A wrapper for Invoke-RestMethod to search the PowerShell Gallery .FUNCTIONALITY PowerShell Gallery .DESCRIPTION A wrapper for Invoke-RestMethod to search the PowerShell Gallery In order to support wildcards, we build pretty complicated URLs, and then we filter the results by title. .PARAMETER Name The module name (supports the * wildcard) .EXAMPLE Find-PSGModule -Name LocalPSRepository .LINK .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string] $Name ) # We can support wildcards by splitting, searching for each piece, and then filtering the results # Build a URL using substringof $filter = @($Name.Trim('*').Split('*') | ForEach { "substringof('$_',Id)" }) -join " and " $url = "`$filter=$filter and IsLatestVersion" # Fetch results and filter them with -like, and then shape the output Invoke-RestMethod $url | Where { $_.title.'#text' -like $Name } | Select-Object @{n='Name';ex={$_.title.'#text'}}, @{n='Version';ex={$}}, @{n='Url';ex={$_.Content.src}} } |