.SYNOPSIS Packs your C# project of the current directory, publish it to your local NuGet feed and updates your global-package cache. .PARAMETER LocalFeedName The name for your local NuGet feed (default = Local NuGet feed). .PARAMETER LocalFeedPath The path to your local NuGet directory (default = $HOME/localnugetfeed). .DESCRIPTION After applying changes to your .NET NuGet package using `Publish-LocalPackage` will let you consume these changes instantly in another project. Procedure: 1. Creates a directory for the local NuGet path under <LocalFeedPath>. 2. Adds the directory as a NuGet source with the name <LocalFeedName>. 3. Packs the C# project of the current directory and puts the output into the local NuGet source. 4. Purges local global-package cache of a maybe existing package version. 5. Updates the global-package cache with the new package. .EXAMPLE Publish-LocalPackage ... ✓ Done .LINK PS Gallery page: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/LocalNuGetHelper #> function Publish-LocalPackage { # TODO restructure script [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [String] $LocalFeedName = "Local NuGet feed", [Parameter()] [String] $LocalFeedPath = $(Join-Path $HOME "localnugetfeed") ) $dotnetVersion = dotnet --version if (($null -eq $dotnetVersion) -or ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)) { Write-Error "No dotnet CLI available." -ErrorAction Stop } if ($LocalFeedName -eq "") { Write-Error "No local feed name provided." -ErrorAction Stop } if ($LocalFeedPath -eq "") { Write-Error "No local feed path provided." -ErrorAction Stop } # TODO maybe save a config and update the module description Write-Verbose "Testing if the local feed path ${LocalFeedPath} exists." if (-not (Test-Path -Path $LocalFeedPath)) { Write-Host "Creating local feed path ${LocalFeedPath}." -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Verbose "Calling 'mkdir ${LocalFeedPath}'" New-Item -Path $LocalFeedPath -ItemType "directory" -ErrorAction Stop } else { Write-Verbose "The local feed path already exists." } Write-Verbose "Testing if the local feed path ${LocalFeedPath} is added as a NuGet source." Write-Verbose "Calling 'dotnet nuget list source --format short | Select-string -Pattern ${localFeedPathRegex}'." $localFeedPathRegex = [regex]::escape($LocalFeedPath) $sourceExists = dotnet nuget list source --format short | Select-String -Pattern $localFeedPathRegex if ($null -eq $sourceExists) { Write-Host "Adding local NuGet feed source: ${LocalFeedName} - ${LocalFeedPath}" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Verbose "Calling 'dotnet nuget add source ${LocalFeedPath} -n ${LocalFeedName}'" dotnet nuget add source $LocalFeedPath -n $LocalFeedName } else { Write-Verbose "The NuGet source already exists." } Write-Verbose "Getting csproj of ${PSScriptRoot} and extract package name and version metadata." $csprojXml = [xml](Get-Content ./*.csproj -ErrorAction Stop) $packageVersion = $csprojXml.Project.PropertyGroup.Version | Where-Object { $_ -ne $null } $packageName = $csprojXml.Project.PropertyGroup.PackageIdentifier | Where-Object { $_ -ne $null } if ($null -eq $packageName) { $packageName = $csprojXml.Project.PropertyGroup.AssemblyName | Where-Object { $_ -ne $null } } if ($null -eq $packageName) { $packageName = Get-ChildItem *.csproj | ForEach-Object { $_.BaseName } } if ($null -eq $packageName -or $null -eq $packageVersion) { Write-Verbose "Packagename: ${packageName}" Write-Verbose "Packageversion: ${packageVersion}" Write-Error "Couldn't extract package name and version." -ErrorAction Stop } Write-Host "Packing ${packageName} ${packageVersion} to ${LocalFeedPath}." -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Verbose "Calling 'dotnet build'." dotnet build if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Write-Error "Build failed" -ErrorAction Stop } Write-Verbose "Calling 'dotnet pack -o ${LocalFeedPath}' --no-build." dotnet pack -o $LocalFeedPath --no-build if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Write-Error "Packing failed" -ErrorAction Stop } Write-Verbose "Calling 'dotnet nuget locals global-packages -l' to get the cache directory." $localCache = dotnet nuget locals global-packages -l if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Write-Error "Couldn't determine global-package cache directory." -ErrorAction Stop } Write-Verbose $localCache $cacheName, $cachePath = $localCache -split ": ", 2 $cachePackagePath = Join-Path -Path $cachePath $packageName $packageVersion Write-Verbose "Testing if the package version is cached in ${cachePackagePath}." if (Test-Path -Path $cachePackagePath) { Write-Host "Cleaning cache ${cacheName} ${cachePackagePath}." -ForegroundColor Cyan Remove-Item $cachePackagePath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Stop } else { Write-Verbose "Cache version doesn't exist." } Write-Host "Updating global-package cache." -ForegroundColor Cyan $localFeedPackagePath = Join-Path $LocalFeedPath "${packageName}.${packageVersion}.nupkg" Write-Verbose "Calling 'dotnet nuget push --source ${cachePath} ${localFeedPackagePath}" dotnet nuget push --source $cachePath $localFeedPackagePath if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Write-Error "Couldn't update global-package cache directory." -ErrorAction Stop } Write-Host "✓ Done" -ForegroundColor Green return } Set-Alias plp Publish-LocalPackage Export-ModuleMember -Function Publish-LocalPackage -Alias plp |