Function Get-LimeParticipant { <# .SYNOPSIS GET Participant info on specific LimeSurvey .DESCRIPTION GET Participant info on specific LimeSurvey .PARAMETER SurveyId Survey ID to query .PARAMETER Session LimeSurvey session to use (Created by New-LimeSession) .PARAMETER BaseUri Base URI for LimeSurvey .PARAMETER Raw If specified, do not parse output .EXAMPLE Get-LimeParticipants -SurveyId 123456 -Session $Session -BaseUri .FUNCTIONALITY LimeSurvey #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( [parameter(Position = 1)] [int]$SurveyId, [Parameter( ValueFromPipeLine = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [ValidateNotNull()] [string]$Session, [ValidateNotNull()] [string]$BaseUri, [switch]$Raw ) Write-Host "$Session $SurveyId $BaseUri" # debug line $RpcMethodBody = New-RpcMethod 'list_participants' @($Session, $SurveyId) Write-Host $RpcMethodBody if ($Raw) { $Result = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $BaseUri -Method Post -Body $RpcMethodBody).Content } else { $Result = Invoke-RpcMethod -RpcServerUri $BaseUri -RequestBody $RpcMethodBody } if ($Result.faultCode -ne $null) { Write-Error "Fault Code: $($Result.faultCode) . Fault String: $($Result.faultString)" } else { $Result } } |