
function Get-HueBridge {
        Gets Hue Bridges
        Gets Hue Bridges registered on the system, and gets Hue bridge resources.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSReviewUnusedParameter", "", Justification="Parameters used as hints for Parameter Sets")]
    # If set, will get the schedules defined on the Hue bridge
    [Alias('Schedules', 'Timer', 'Timers')]

    # If set, will get the rules defined on the Hue bridge
    [Alias('Rules', 'Trigger', 'Triggers')]

    # If set, will get the scenes defined on the Hue bridge

    # If set, will get the sensors defined on the Hue bridge

    # If set, will get the groups (or rooms) defined on the Hue bridge
    [Alias('Groups','Room', 'Rooms')]

    # If set, will get the device configuration

    # If set, will get the device capabilities

    # If set, will get resources defined on the device
    [Alias('Resources', 'ResourceLink', 'ResourceLinks')]

    # If set, will get the lights defined on the device

    # If provided, will filter returned items by name

    # If set, will treat the Name parameter as a regular expression pattern. By default, Name will be treated as a wildcard

    # If set, will treat the Name parameter as a specific match

    # If provided, will filter returned items by ID

    # If set, will requery each returned resource to retreive additional information.

    begin {
        if ($home) { # If there's a $home directory, construct a LightScript root.
            $lightScriptRoot = Join-Path $home -ChildPath LightScript
        if (-not $script:cachedBridges) { # If there were not cached bridges
            $script:cachedBridges = if (Test-Path $lightScriptRoot) { # and the LightScript root exists
                Get-ChildItem -Path $lightScriptRoot -Filter *.huebridge.clixml -Force | # find any bridge files.
                    Import-Clixml -Path { $_.FullName } # and import the clixml.
            }  else {

            $script:cachedBridges = foreach ($cb in @($script:cachedBridges)) {
                $pingedIt =
                    if ($PSVersionTable.Platform -ne 'Unix') {
                        @(ping -w 1000 $cb.IPAddress -n 1) -like 'reply*'
                    } else {
                        @(@(ping -w 1 $cb.IPAddress -c 1) -match $($cb.IPAddress -replace '\.','\.')).Count -gt 2
                if (-not $pingedIt) {
                    Write-Warning "Hue Bridge '$($cb.DeviceID)' not found at $($cb.IPAddress)"
                } else {

        $bridges = $script:cachedBridges

    process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ConnectionInfo') {
        } else {
            $bridges | # Get all bridges
                Send-HueBridge -Command $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLower() | # get the set of data we want from the bridge.
                ForEach-Object {
                    if ($WhatIfPreference) { return $_ }
                    if ('Config', 'Capabilities' -contains $psCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
                        return $_ # config and capabilities are directly returned.
                    $list = $_ # the rest of things are returned as a list packed into a single object.

                    #region Unroll results
                    :ToTheNextItem foreach ($item in $ { # Walk over each property in the object.
                        if ($item.Name -as [int] -eq $null -and $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'scenes') { continue }
                        if ('IPAddress', 'HueUserName' -contains $item.Name) { continue }
                        $itemId = $item.Name
                        if ($ID -and $ID -notcontains $itemId) { continue }
                        $itemObject = @{
                            ID = $itemId
                            IPAddress = $list.IPAddress
                            HueUserName = $list.HueUserName
                        $itemInfo = $item.Value
                        $allProperties = @($
                        foreach ($prop in $allProperties) {
                            $itemObject[$prop.Name] = $prop.Value

                        if ($Name) {
                            $matched = foreach ($n in $Name) {
                                if ($RegularExpression -and $itemObject.Name -match $N) {
                                } elseif ($ExactMatch -and $itemObject.Name -eq $N) {
                                } elseif ($itemObject.Name -like $n) {

                            if (-not $matched) { continue ToTheNextItem }

                        if ($Detailed) {
                            [PSCustomObject]$itemObject |
                                Send-HueBridge -Command ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLower() + '/' + $itemId)
                        } else {
                    #endregion Unroll results