function Add-HueLight { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( # One or more Device Identifiers (serial numbers ). # Use this parameter when adding lights that have already been assigned to another bridge. [Alias('SerialNumber')] [string[]] $DeviceID ) begin { $hueBridge = Get-HueBridge $invokeParams = @{} $invokeParams.IPAddress = $hueBridge.IPAddress $invokeParams.HueUserName = $hueBridge.HueUserName function ConvertRestInput { param([Collections.IDictionary]$RestInput = @{}, [switch]$ToQueryString) foreach ($ri in @($RestInput.GetEnumerator())) { $restParameterValue = $ri.Value $restParameterValue = if ($restParameterValue -is [DateTime]) { $restParameterValue.Tostring('o') } elseif ($restParameterValue -is [switch]) { $restParameterValue -as [bool] } else { if ($ToQueryString -and $restParameterValue -is [Array] -and $JoinQueryValue) { $restParameterValue -join $JoinQueryValue } else { $restParameterValue } } $RestInput[$ri.Key] = $restParameterValue } $RestInput } } process { $InvokeCommand = 'Send-HueBridge' $invokerCommandinfo = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Send-HueBridge', 'All') $method = 'POST' $contentType = 'application/json' $bodyParameterNames = @('DeviceID') $queryParameterNames = @('') $joinQueryValue = '' $uriParameterNames = @('') $endpoints = @("lights") $ForEachOutput = { } if ($ForEachOutput -match '^\s{0,}$') { $ForEachOutput = $null } if (-not $invokerCommandinfo) { Write-Error "Unable to find invoker '$InvokeCommand'" return } if (-not $psParameterSet) { $psParameterSet = $psCmdlet.ParameterSetName} if ($psParameterSet -eq '__AllParameterSets') { $psParameterSet = $endpoints[0]} $uri = $endpoints[0] $invokeSplat = @{} $invokeSplat.Uri = $uri if ($method) { $invokeSplat.Method = $method } if ($ContentType -and $invokerCommandInfo.Parameters.ContentType) { $invokeSplat.ContentType = $ContentType } if ($InvokeParams -and $InvokeParams -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { $invokeSplat += $InvokeParams } $completeBody = [Ordered]@{} foreach ($bodyParameterName in $bodyParameterNames) { if ($bodyParameterName) { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($bodyParameterName)) { $completeBody[$bodyParameterName] = $PSBoundParameters[$bodyParameterName] } else { $bodyDefault = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Get($bodyParameterName).Value if ($null -ne $bodyDefault) { $completeBody[$bodyParameterName] = $bodyDefault } } } } $completeBody = ConvertRestInput $completeBody $bodyContent = if ($ContentType -match 'x-www-form-urlencoded') { @(foreach ($bodyPart in $completeBody.GetEnumerator()) { "$($bodyPart.Key.ToString().ToLower())=$([Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($bodyPart.Value))" }) -join '&' } elseif ($ContentType -match 'json' -or -not $ContentType) { ConvertTo-Json $completeBody } if ($bodyContent -and $method -ne 'get') { $invokeSplat.Body = $bodyContent } Write-Verbose "$($invokeSplat.Uri)" if ($ForEachOutput) { if ($ForEachOutput.Ast.ProcessBlock) { & $invokerCommandinfo @invokeSplat | & $ForEachOutput } else { & $invokerCommandinfo @invokeSplat | ForEach-Object -Process $ForEachOutput } } else { & $invokerCommandinfo @invokeSplat } } } |