
function Send-NanoLeaf
        Sends messages to a NanoLeaf
        Sends HTTP messages to a NanoLeaf
        Send-NanoLeaf -Command effects/effectsList

    # The IP Address of the NanoLeaf.

    # The URI fragment to send to the nanoleaf.

    # The HTTP method to send.
    $Method = 'GET',

    # The data to send. This will be converted into JSON if it is not a string.

    # A set of additional properties to add to an object
    $Property = @{},

    # A list of property names to remove from an object

    # If provided, will expand a given property returned from the REST api.

    # The typename of the results.

    # The nanoleaf token

    process {
        #region Handle Broadcasting Recursively
        if ($IPAddress -in [IPAddress]::Any,[IPAddress]::Broadcast) {
            $splat = @{} + $PsBoundParameters
            foreach ($val in $Script:NanoLeafCache.Values) {
                $splat['IPAddress'] = $val.IPAddress
                $splat['NanoLeafToken'] = $val.NanoLeafToken
                Send-NanoLeaf @splat
        #endregion Handle Broadcasting Recursively

        if (-not $PsBoundParameters['NanoLeafToken'] -and $Script:NanoLeafCache[$IPAddress].NanoLeafToken)
            $PsBoundParameters['NanoLeafToken'] = $NanoLeafToken = $Script:NanoLeafCache[$IPAddress].NanoLeafToken

        if (-not $NanoLeafToken) { Write-Error "No -NanoLeafToken"; return }

        $splat = @{
            uri = "http://${IPAddress}:16021/api/v1/$NanoLeafToken/$Command"
            method = $Method

        if ($Data) {
            if ($data -is [string]){
                $splat.body = $data
            } else {
                $splat.body = ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 10 -InputObject $Data

        if ($WhatIfPreference) {
            return $splat

        if (-not $property) { $property = [Ordered]@{}  }
        $property['NanoLeafToken'] = $NanoLeafToken
        $property['IPAddress'] = $IPAddress

        $psProperties = @(
            foreach ($propKeyValue in $Property.GetEnumerator()) {
                if ($propKeyValue.Value -as [ScriptBlock[]]) {
                    [PSScriptProperty]::new.Invoke(@($propKeyValue.Key) + $propKeyValue.Value)
                } else {
                    [PSNoteProperty]::new($propKeyValue.Key, $propKeyValue.Value)
        if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($splat.Method) $($splat.URI)")) { return }
        Invoke-RestMethod @splat 2>&1 |
             & { process {
                $in = $_
                if (-not $in -or $in -eq 'null') { return }
                if ($ExpandProperty) {
                    if ($in.$ExpandProperty) {
                } else {
                    $in # pass it down the pipe.
            } } 2>&1 |
            & { process { # One more step of the pipeline will unroll each of the values.

                if ($_ -is [string]) { return $_ }
                if ($null -ne $_.Count -and $_.Count -eq 0) { return }
                $in = $_
                if ($PSTypeName -and # If we have a PSTypeName (to apply formatting)
                    $in -isnot [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] # and it is not an error (which we do not want to format)
                ) {
                    $in.PSTypeNames.Clear() # then clear the existing typenames and decorate the object.
                    foreach ($t in $PSTypeName) {

                if ($Property -and $Property.Count) {
                    foreach ($prop in $psProperties) {
                        $in.PSObject.Members.Add($prop, $true)
                if ($RemoveProperty) {
                    foreach ($propToRemove in $RemoveProperty) {
                if ($DecorateProperty) {
                    foreach ($kv in $DecorateProperty.GetEnumerator()) {
                        if ($in.$($kv.Key)) {
                            foreach ($v in $in.$($kv.Key)) {
                                if ($null -eq $v -or -not $v.pstypenames) { continue }
                                foreach ($tn in $kv.Value) {
                return $in # output the object and we're done.
            } }
        foreach ($ir in $invokeResult) {