
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<!-- Generated with EZOut 1.8.4: Install-Module EZOut or -->
                        try {
} catch {
    if ($this.ManufacturerName) {
    } else {


$o =
if ($this.Hue -or $this.Saturation -or $this.Luminance) {
    $this.RGBToHSL($this.Red, $this.Green, $this.Blue)

if ($o.luminance -eq $null) { return }
$l = $o.luminance
if (-not $Absolute) {
    $l -= $l * ($Amount / 100)
    if ($l -le 0) { $l = 0 }
else {
    $l = ((100 -$Amount) / 100)
    if ($l -le 0) { $l = 0 }

$rgb = $this.HSLToRGB($o.Hue, $o.Saturation, $l)



if ($ColorTemperature -lt 1200) {
    $ColorTemperature = (1000000/$ColorTemperature)

$ct100 = $ColorTemperature / 100

$red, $green =
    if ($ct100 -le 66) {
        255 # red
            (99.4708025861 * [Math]::Log($ct100)) - 161.1195681661,
        ), 255))
    } else {
        # red
            329.698727446 * [Math]::Pow($ct100 - 60,-0.1332047592),
        ), 255))
        # green
            288.1221695283 * [Math]::Pow($ct100 - 60,-0.0755148492),
        ), 255))

$blue =
    if ($ct100 -ge 66) {
    } elseif ($ct100 -le 19) {
    } else {
            (138.5177312231 * [Math]::Log($ct100 - 10)) - 305.0447927307,
        ), 255))

$hslVal = $this.RGBToHSL($red, $green, $blue)


$hc = $HexColor
$r,$g,$b =
    if ($hc.Length -eq 7) {
        [int]::Parse($hc[1..2]-join'', 'HexNumber')
        [int]::Parse($hc[3..4]-join '', 'HexNumber')
        [int]::Parse($hc[5..6] -join'', 'HexNumber')
    }elseif ($hc.Length -eq 4) {
        [int]::Parse($hc[1], 'HexNumber') * 16
        [int]::Parse($hc[2], 'HexNumber') * 16
        [int]::Parse($hc[3], 'HexNumber') * 16

$hslVal = $this.RGBToHSL($r, $g, $b)


# The hue

# The saturation

# The luminance

$hueRgb = {
    if ($t -lt 0) { $t += 1 }
    if ($t -gt 1) { $t -= 1 }
    if ($t -lt 1/6) { return $P + ($q -$p) * 6 * $t }
    if ($t -lt 1/2) { return $q }
    if ($t -lt 2/3) { return $P + ($q -$p) * 6 * (2/3 * $t) }
    return $p

$C = (1 - [Math]::Abs((2 * $Luminance) - 1)) * $Saturation
$hh = $hue / 60
$X = $c * (1 - [Math]::Abs($hh % 2 -1))
$m = $Luminance - $c /2
$red = $green = $blue = 0

if ($hh -ge 0 -and $hh -lt 1) {
    $red = $C
    $green = $X
elseif ($hh -ge 1 -and $hh -lt 2) {
    $red = $x
    $green = $c
elseif ($hh -ge 2 -and $hh -lt 3) {
    $green = $c
    $blue = $x
elseif ($hh -ge 3 -and $hh -lt 4) {
    $green = $x
    $blue = $c
elseif ($hh -ge 4 -and $hh -lt 5) {
    $red = $x
    $blue = $c
} else {
    $red = $c
    $blue = $x

$red += $m
$blue += $m
$green += $m

    Red = [Byte][Math]::Round($red * 255)
    Green = [Byte][Math]::Round($green * 255)
    Blue = [Byte][Math]::Round($blue * 255)



$o =
    if ($this.Hue -or $this.Saturation -or $this.Luminance) {
        $this.RgbToHSL($this.Red, $this.Green, $this.Blue)

if ($o.luminance -eq $null) { return }
$l = $o.luminance
if (-not $Absolute) {
    $l += $l * ($Amount / 100)
    if ($l -ge 1) { $l = 1 }
else {
    $l = ($Amount / 100)
    if ($l -ge 1) { $l = 1 }

$rgb = $this.HSLToRGB($o.Hue, $o.Saturation, $l)


# The red part

# The green part

# The blue part

[float]$PercentRed = $Red / 255
[float]$PercentGreen = $Green / 255
[float]$PercentBlue = $Blue / 255

$min = $max = $PercentRed
foreach ($_ in $PercentGreen, $PercentBlue) {
    if ($_ -lt $min) { $min = $_ }
    if ($_ -ge $max) { $max = $_ }

$Luminance = ($min + $max) / 2
$delta = $max - $min
if (-not $delta) {
    $hue = $saturation = 0
} else {
    $saturation = $delta
    $saturation /= (1 - [Math]::Abs(((2 * $Luminance) -1)))
    $hue =
        if ($Max -eq $PercentRed){
            ($PercentGreen - $PercentBlue)/$delta % 6
        } elseif ($max -eq $PercentGreen) {
            (($PercentBlue - $PercentRed)/ $delta) + 2
        } else {
            (($PercentRed - $PercentGreen)/ $delta) + 4
if ($hue -gt 360) { $hue -= 360 }
if ($hue -lt 0) { $hue = 360 + $hue }
[PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{Hue = $hue;Saturation = $saturation;Luminance = $Luminance}

                        if ($this.Hue -or $this.Saturation -or $this.Luminance) {
    "H{0}°S{1}%L{2}%" -f $this.Hue, $this.Saturation, $this.Luminance
} elseif ($this.Red -or $this.Green -or $this.Blue) {
    $o = $this.RgbToHSL($this.Red, $this.Green, $this.Blue)
    "H{0}°S{1}%L{2:}%" -f [Math]::Round($o.Hue), [Math]::Round($o.Saturation * 100), [Math]::Round($o.Luminance * 100)

                        if ($this.Red -or $this.Green -or $this.Blue) {
    "#{0:x2}{1:x2}{2:x2}" -f $this.Red, $this.Green, $this.Blue
} elseif ($this.Hue -or $this.Saturation -or $this.Luminance) {
    $o = $this.HSLToRgb($this.Hue, $this.Saturation, $this.Luminance)
    "#{0:x2}{1:x2}{2:x2}" -f $o.Red, $o.Green, $o.Blue