#requires -Module Splatter $myRoot = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.File | Split-Path Push-Location $myRoot $excludeFromGet = 'Schedule', 'Sensor', 'Rule', 'Scene', 'Group', 'Configuration', 'Capability', 'Resource', 'Light', 'Detailed' foreach ($api in 'Sensors', 'Rules', 'Schedules', 'Groups', 'Scenes', 'ResourceLinks') { $cmdletNoun = "Hue$($api.TrimEnd('s'))" if ($api -eq 'Groups') { $cmdletNoun = "HueRoom" } if ($api -eq 'ResourceLinks') { $cmdletNoun = 'HueResource' } $SplatBase = @{ CommandName = "Get-HueBridge" DefaultParameter = @{$api = $true } InputParameter = 'Name', 'ExactMatch', 'RegularExpression','ID', 'Detailed' } #region Get-$CmdletNoun $OutSplat = $SplatBase + @{ Synopsis = "Gets Hue $api" Description = "Gets $api from one or more Hue Bridges" FunctionName = "Get-$cmdletNoun" Example = "Get-$cmdletNoun" Link = "Remove-$cmdletNoun", "Get-HueBridge", "Send-HueBridge" } Out-Splat @OutSplat | Set-Content ".\$($OutSplat.FunctionName).ps1" #endregion Get-$CmdletNoun #region Remove-$CmdletNoun $OutSplat = $SplatBase + @{ FunctionName = "Remove-$cmdletNoun" Where = [ScriptBlock]::Create('$PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Delete ' + $api.TrimEnd('s') + '$($_.Name) ($($_.ID))")') PipeTo = [ScriptBlock]::Create('Send-HueBridge -Method DELETE -Command {"' + $api.ToLower() + '/$($_.ID)"}') CmdletBinding = 'SupportsShouldProcess=$true,ConfirmImpact="High"' Synopsis = "Removes Hue $api" Description = "Removes $api from one or more Hue Bridges" Example = "Remove-$cmdletNoun -Name '${cmdletNoun}Name'" Link = "Get-$cmdletNoun", "Get-HueBridge", "Send-HueBridge" ExcludeParameter = $excludeFromGet } Out-Splat @OutSplat | Set-Content ".\$($OutSplat.FunctionName).ps1" #endregion Remove-$CmdletNoun } Out-Splat -CommandName Get-HueBridge -FunctionName Read-HueSensor -DefaultParameter @{ Sensor=$true } -InputParameter Name, ExactMatch, RegularExpression,ID -ExcludeParameter $excludeFromGet -Synopsis "Reads Hue Sensors" -Description "Reads Sensors values from the Hue Bridge" -AdditionalParameter @{ Config = @' # If set, will read values from the configuration. By default, values are read from the sensor state. [switch] '@ } -Example 'Read-HueSensor -Name Daylight' -Link 'Write-HueSensor', 'Get-HueSensor', 'Get-HueBridge','Add-HueSensor', 'Remove-HueSensor' -Process { $sensor = $_ $outObj = if ($Config) { $sensor.config.pstypenames.clear() $sensor.config.pstypenames.add("Hue.Sensor.Config.$($sensor.Type)") $sensor.config } else { $sensor.state.pstypenames.clear() $sensor.state.pstypenames.add("Hue.Sensor.State.$($sensor.Type)") $sensor.State } $outObj | Add-Member NoteProperty Name $sensor.Name -PassThru -Force | Add-Member NoteProperty UniqueID $sensor.UniqueID -PassThru -Force } | Set-Content .\Read-HueSensor.ps1 Out-Splat -CommandName Get-HueBridge -FunctionName Write-HueSensor -DefaultParameter @{ Sensor=$true } -InputParameter Name, ExactMatch, RegularExpression,ID -ExcludeParameter $excludeFromGet -Synopsis "Write Hue Sensors" -Description "Writes data to sensors on the Hue Bridge" -AdditionalParameter @{ Config = @' # If set, will write values from to configuration. By default, values are written to the sensor state. [switch] '@ Data = @' # The data that will be written to the sensor [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)] [PSObject] '@ OutputInput = @' # If set, will output the data that would be sent to the bridge. This is useful for creating scheudles, routines, and other macros. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [switch] '@ } -Example 'Write-HueSensor -Name ChaseStatus1 -Data @{status=0}' -Link 'Read-HueSensor', 'Get-HueSensor', 'Get-HueBridge','Add-HueSensor', 'Remove-HueSensor' -Process { $sensor = $_ if ($Config) { $sensor | Send-HueBridge -Command "sensors/$($sensor.Id)/config" -Data $Data -Method PUT } else { $sensor | Send-HueBridge -Command "sensors/$($sensor.Id)/state" -Data $Data -Method PUT } } | Set-Content .\Write-HueSensor.ps1 Pop-Location |