Function New-LemmyComment { <# .SYNOPSIS Call Lemmy API .PARAMETER Content The content of the comment .PARAMETER FormId The ID of the form (I guess) .PARAMETER LanguageId The ID of the language to make the post with .PARAMETER ParentId The ID of the parent comment .PARAMETER PostId The ID of the post .EXAMPLE An example .NOTES Lemmy API class: createComment #> param( [string]$Content, [string]$FormId, [int]$LanguageId, [int]$ParentId, [int]$PostId ) $RequestParameters = @{ content = $Content form_id = $FormId language_id = $LanguageId parent_id = $ParentId post_id = $PostId } $RequestParametersClean = @{} $RequestParameters.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Value) { $RequestParametersClean.Add($_.key,$_.Value) } } Invoke-LemmyRestMethod -Uri '/comment' -Method 'POST' -RequestParameters $RequestParametersClean } |