
$CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1", "")

# go "one up" from the Tests folder
$Path = Split-Path -Parent -Path $PSScriptRoot

$ManifestFile = (Get-ChildItem  -Path $Path -Filter "*.psd1").FullName
Import-Module $ManifestFile -DisableNameChecking -Force

$TestConfiguration = Invoke-Expression -Command (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'Get-LegacyDataTestValue.ps1')

# 'User' is one of several possible users.
$SqlLoginCredential = (Invoke-Expression -Command (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'Get-LegacyDataTestCredential.ps1')).SqlServerUser

$cp = @{
    Provider   = 'sqloledb'
    Credential = $SqlLoginCredential
    DataSource = $TestConfiguration.SqlOleDbHostName
    # Invoke-OleDbQuery doesn't suport a -DatabaseName or -InitialCatalog
    # If we wanted to specify a particular database, we'd have to stuff thisinthe Extended properties parameter.
    # or we could cheat by using a FROM clause and a three-part name. That would only work with SqlServer.
    # DataSource = $TestConfiguration.SqlOleDbDatabaseName

Describe "SQLOLEDB simple query to '$($cp.DataSource)'" -Tag $CommandName, OLEDB {
    $Query = 'select getdate() RightNow'
    $Report = Invoke-OleDbQuery @cp -query $Query
    It "should return a result set" {
        $Report |
            Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty

Describe "SQLOLEDB query with SQLParameter to '$($cp.DataSource)'" -Tag $CommandName, OLEDB {
    # this query uses the ? as a placeholder and not @SomeName because we are using oledb and not sqlclient
    $Query = "select getdate() RightNow where getdate() > ? "
    $Params = @{WasThen = "1/1/1980 1:00 PM" }
    $Report = Invoke-OleDbQuery @cp -query $Query -SqlParameters $Params
    It "should return a result set" {
        $Report |
            Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty