$CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1", "") # go "one up" from the Tests folder $Path = Split-Path -Parent -Path $PSScriptRoot $ManifestFile = (Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter "*.psd1").FullName Import-Module $ManifestFile -DisableNameChecking -Force $TestConfiguration = Invoke-Expression -Command (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'Get-LegacyDataTestValue.ps1') if (-not (Test-Path $TestConfiguration.FoxProNorthWindDbPath )) { throw "This script requires the 'Northwind' sample database, which is part of the Visual FoxPro OLEDB driver installation package." } $BecauseFPOleDbHasNo64BitDriver = "FPOleDb driver has no 64-bit version, only a 32-bit version" Describe "Get-FoxProTableMetaData with -Datasource to 'Northwind'" -Tag 'Get-FoxProTableMetaData', DataSource, OLEDB { It "should return a result set" { if ([Environment]::Is64BitProcess) { Set-ItResult -Skipped -Because $BecauseFPOleDbHasNo64BitDriver } Get-FoxProTableMetaData -Datasource ($TestConfiguration.FoxProNorthWindDbPath) | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } } Describe "Get-FoxProIndexMetaData with -Connection to '$($cp.DataSource)'" -Tag Get-FoxProIndexMetaData, DataSource, OLEDB { $TableName = 'employees' It "should return a result set for '$TableName'" { if ([Environment]::Is64BitProcess) { Set-ItResult -Skipped -Because $BecauseFPOleDbHasNo64BitDriver } Get-FoxProIndexMetaData -Datasource $TestConfiguration.FoxProNorthWindDbPath -TableName $TableName | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } } |