#Require -Version 5.0 using namespace System.Data.OleDb function Get-OleDbColumnMetadata { <# .SYNOPSIS Shows column metadata for OleDb databases .DESCRIPTION Shows column metadata for OleDb databases .PARAMETER DataSource Which location is of interest? This is uusally some sort of server hostname or a file path. .PARAMETER Credential Use alternative credentials. Accepts credential objects provided by Get-Credential. .PARAMETER Connection If the caller provides a "live", open connection, it will be used. The connection will not be closed. .PARAMETER ConnectionString If the caller provides a connection string, use that. .PARAMETER Provider Which OleDB provider should be used? .PARAMETER ExtendedProperties What extended property values should be used by the OleDB provider? .PARAMETER TableCatalog What is the name of the table(s) of interest? Null means 'the default catalog'. For databases like SQL Server 'TableCatalog' means 'database name'. .PARAMETER TableSchema What is the schema name of the table(s) of interest? Null means 'all schemas'. .PARAMETER TableName What is the name of the table(s) of interest? Null means 'all tables'. .EXAMPLE Get-OleDbColumnMetadata -DataSource '.\SQL2016' -Provider 'sqloledb' -ExtendedProperties "Trusted_Connection=Yes" .EXAMPLE Get-OleDbColumnMetadata -DataSource '.\SQL2016' -Provider 'sqloledb' -ExtendedProperties "Trusted_Connection=Yes" -TableCatalog 'AdventureWorks2016' -TableSchema 'Sales' -TableType 'TABLE' .LINK #> param ( [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'WithConnection', Mandatory = $true )] [System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection] $Connection, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'WithConnectionString', Mandatory = $true )] [string] $ConnectionString, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'WithDataSource', Mandatory = $true )] [string] $DataSource, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'WithDataSource', Mandatory = $true )] [string] $Provider, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'WithDataSource' )] [string] $ExtendedProperties, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'WithDataSource' )] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, [string] $TableCatalog, [string] $TableSchema, [string] $TableName ) Try { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'WithConnection' { $OleDbConn = $Connection } 'WithConnectionString' { $OleDbConn = Get-OleDbConnection -ConnectionString $ConnectionString } 'WithDataSource' { $OleDbConn = Get-OleDbConnection -DataSource $DataSource -Provider $Provider -ExtendedProperties $ExtendedProperties -Credential $Credential } } # Doc for parameters for GetOleDbSchemaTable call: # # because of the way that this call works, the four parameters here can't be declared as [string] in PowerShell. # It seems to have to do with the nullability of the variables. There seems to be a difference between: # [string], [nullable][string] and <no datatype declaration>. ($OleDbConn.GetOleDbSchemaTable([OleDbSchemaGuid]::Columns, ($TableCatalog, $TableSchema, $TableName, $Type))).ForEach({ [PSCustomObject] @{ TableCatalog = $_.TABLE_CATALOG TableSchema = $_.TABLE_SCHEMA TableName = $_.TABLE_NAME ColumnName = $_.COLUMN_NAME OrdinalPosition = $_.ORDINAL_POSITION ColumnHasDefault = $_.COLUMN_HASDEFAULT ColumnDefault = $_.COLUMN_DEFAULT # .TODO # is this a bitwise column? # Can you translate this, either at this, the ADO layer, or at the caller layer? ColumnFlags = $_.COLUMN_FLAGS IsNullable = $_.IS_NULLABLE DataType = $_.DATA_TYPE # I am adding this as a user convenience; looking at the Raw data_type IDs is not helpful DataTypeDescription = [OleDbType]($_.DATA_TYPE) NumericPrecision = $_.NUMERIC_PRECISION NumericScale = $_.NUMERIC_SCALE CharacterMaximumLength = $_.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH CharacterOctetLength = $_.CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH CharacterSetCatalog = $_.CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG CharacterSetSchema = $_.CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA CharacterSetName = $_.CHARACTER_SET_NAME CollationCatalog = $_.COLLATION_CATALOG CollationSchema = $_.COLLATION_SCHEMA CollationName = $_.COLLATION_NAME DomainCatalog = $_.DOMAIN_CATALOG DomainSchema = $_.DOMAIN_SCHEMA DomainName = $_.DOMAIN_NAME IsComputed = $_.IS_COMPUTED Datasource = $Datasource } } ) } Catch { Throw } Finally { # if we were passed a connection, do not close it. Closing it is the responsibility of the caller. if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'WithConnection') { # Do not free connections that don't exist if ($OleDbConn) { $OleDbConn.Close() $OleDbConn.Dispose() } } } } |