.SYNOPSIS This is not a property .tests. Pester file, I am still researching how to build a FoxPro db and testing mah stuhf. #> $Path = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual FoxPro OLE DB Provider\Samples\Northwind' if (-not (Test-Path $Path )) { throw "This script assumes that the 'Northwind' sample database was installed. (This is part of the FoxPro OLEDB driver installation package.)" } # if a folder has no dbc files, which define a foxpro database, it is just "free tables". # there is a DBC for the Northwind example VFPOLEDB database, though # ls -path $Path -Filter *.dbc # there are dbf files # ls -path $Path -Filter *.dbf # I do not see any idx files # ls -path $Path -Filter *.idx # becasue they are cdx files: # cdx stands for "Compound inDeX" # ls -path $Path -Filter *.cdx # the memo file seems to be "FoxPro Text" # note that foxuser.fpt is "special" # ls -path $Path -Filter *.fpt # ls -path $Path -Filter foxuser.* $TableName = 'employees' # both of these work against the VFPOLEDB example files Get-FoxProTableMetaData -Datasource $Path Get-FoxProIndexMetaData -Datasource $Path -TableName $TableName | Out-GridView # does dbase work here? #Get-DbaseTableMetaData -Datasource $Path #Get-DbaseTable -Datasource $Path -TableName $TableName #Get-DbaseColumnMetaData -Datasource $Path -TableName $TableName | ogv |