.SYNOPSIS This is not a property .tests. Pester file, I am still researching how to build a FoxPro db and testing mah stuhf. #> $ConstantsFile = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path $PSScriptRoot) -childpath "Tests\constants.ps1" . $ConstantsFile Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "FoxPro Db Path: $script:FoxProDbPath" Get-ChildItem -path $script:FoxProDbPath -Filter *.dbf | Remove-Item -Verbose try { $cn = Get-FoxProConnection -datasource $FoxProDbPath # https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/4a3db1a3-28e4-4aaa-b500-cad6a8e3bcb5/create-database-command-in-vfp?forum=visualfoxprogeneral # Invoke-FoxProQuery -As 'NonQuery' -Query "create database [c:\temp\foxprotest\foxprotest] " -Connection $cn # Error: "Feature is not available." # apparently, I need a ".dbc" file to create primary keys. # No primary key? # Invoke-FoxProQuery -As 'NonQuery' -Query "create table dept (deptid int primary key) " -Connection $cn # Error: "Feature is not supported for non-.DBC tables." # That means that PK needs Visual FoxPro "databases", not just FoxPro (for DOS) "loose tables" Write-Verbose -verbose -Message "creating table" Invoke-FoxProQuery -As 'NonQuery' -Query "create table dept (deptid int NOT NULL) " -datasource $script:FoxProDbPath # Get-FoxProColumnMetaData -Datasource $FoxProDbPath -TableName $tablename Write-Verbose -verbose -Message "insert some data" for ($i = 1; $i -lt 10; $i++) { Invoke-FoxProQuery -As 'NonQuery' -Query "insert into dept (deptid) values ($i) " -datasource $script:FoxProDbPath } #Invoke-FoxProQuery -Query "select * from dept " -Connection $cn Write-Verbose -verbose -Message "Inserted $i Row(s)" # that gives us sometjhing test with. # https://github.com/AshdarPartners/LegacyData/issues/13 # Cannot run an index command of any kind on FoxPro? # I can't get these index commmands rigHt. Using the examples at the link (but my own table). # http://www.yaldex.com/fox_pro_tutorial/html/242d1feb-d43e-4831-9e4b-d0bb0b5fe4ae.htm # # error messages are vague # Exception calling "ExecuteNonQuery" with "0" argument(s): "One or more errors occurred during processing of command." # # One theory is that the DBF is somehow in use when I go to create the index. Write-Verbose -verbose -Message "use table" # EXCLUSIVE or not, no difference # Invoke-FoxProQuery -As 'NonQuery' -Query "USE dept " -Connection $cn Invoke-FoxProQuery -As 'NonQuery' -Query "USE dept EXCLUSIVE " -Connection $cn Write-Verbose -verbose -Message "indexing table, Example #1" Invoke-FoxProQuery -As 'NonQuery' -Query "INDEX ON deptid TO deptid " -Connection $cn # Write-Verbose -verbose -Message "indexing table, Example #3" # Invoke-FoxProQuery -As 'NonQuery' -Query "INDEX ON deptid TAG deptid " -Connection $cn # Get-FoxProTableMetaData -Datasource $FoxProDbPath -TableName 'dept' # Invoke-FoxProQuery -As 'NonQuery' -Query "drop table dept " -Connection $cn Write-Verbose -verbose -Message "Test SUCCESFUL" } finally { if ($cn) { $cn.Close() $cn.Dispose() } } |