about_Ldbc SHORT DESCRIPTION LiteDB Cmdlets for PowerShell LONG DESCRIPTION The module provides the following commands: New-LiteDatabase Opens new or existing database and creates the database instance Use-LiteDatabase Opens the database, invokes the script, and closes the database Use-LiteTransaction Invokes the script operating on data with a transaction Invoke-LiteCommand Invokes the LiteDB SQL command and gets results Get-LiteCollection Gets the collection with optional auto id Add-LiteData Get-LiteData Set-LiteData Test-LiteData Remove-LiteData Update-LiteData Operate on documents in the collection Register-LiteType Registers types with custom serialization. HELPERS [Ldbc.Dictionary] PowerShell friendly wrapper of [LiteDB.BsonDocument]. It is used as the default type of output documents. It is effective as input, too, avoiding conversions. Features: - dot-notation for getting and setting values - usual IDictionary properties and methods - Print() - gets indented formatted JSON - FromJson() - creates data from JSON - EnsureId() - generates ObjectId - ToBsonDocument() - gets the wrapped document - ditto by implicit conversion to BsonDocument [Ldbc.Collection] PowerShell friendly wrapper of [LiteDB.BsonArray]. It is mostly used for arrays in output documents. Normally you do not have to create it directly. Features: - usual IList properties and methods - ToBsonArray() - gets the wrapped array - ditto by implicit conversion to BsonArray [Ldbc.Expression] PowerShell friendly wrapper of [LiteDB.BsonExpression]. Features: - Parameters, wrapped by [Ldbc.Dictionary] for dot-notation SEE ALSO Ldbc https://github.com/nightroman/Ldbc LiteDB https://www.litedb.org |