Function Get-LatestServicingStackUpdate { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the latest Windows 10 Servicing Stack Update. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the latest Windows 10 Servicing Stack Update from the Windows 10 update history feed. More information on Windows 10 Servicing Stack Updates can be found here: .PARAMETER OperatingSystem Specifies the the Windows operating system version to search for updates. .PARAMETER Version Specifies the Windows 10 Semi-annual Channel version number. Only valid when 'Windows10' is specified for -OperatingSystem. .PARAMETER Previous Specifies that the previous to the latest update should be returned. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-LatestServicingStackUpdate This commands reads the the Windows 10 update history feed and returns an object that lists the most recent Windows 10 Servicing Stack Update. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-LatestServicingStackUpdate -OperatingSystem WindowsServer This commands reads the the Windows 10 update history feed and returns an object that lists the most recent Windows Server 2016, 2019 and Semi-Annual Channel Servicing Stack Updates. #> [OutputType([System.Management.Automation.PSObject])] [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = "")] [Alias("Get-LatestServicingStack")] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, HelpMessage = "Windows OS name.")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript( { $_ -in $script:resourceStrings.ParameterValues.VersionsAll })] [Alias('OS')] [System.String] $OperatingSystem = $script:resourceStrings.ParameterValues.VersionsAll[0], [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, Position = 1, HelpMessage = "Windows 10 Semi-annual Channel version number.")] [ValidateScript( { $_ -in $script:resourceStrings.ParameterValues.Windows10Versions })] [System.String[]] $Version, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Previous ) # If resource strings are returned we can continue If ($Null -ne $script:resourceStrings) { # Get the update feed and continue if successfully read Write-Verbose -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): get feed for $OperatingSystem." $updateFeed = Get-UpdateFeed -Uri $script:resourceStrings.UpdateFeeds.$OperatingSystem If ($Null -ne $updateFeed) { Switch -RegEx ($OperatingSystem) { "Windows10" { If (-not ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Version'))) { $Version = @($script:resourceStrings.ParameterValues.Windows10Versions[0]) } ForEach ($ver in $Version) { # Filter the feed for servicing stack updates and continue if we get updates Write-Verbose -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): search feed for version $ver." $gusParams = @{ UpdateFeed = $updateFeed Version = $ver } If ($Previous.IsPresent) { $gusParams.Previous = $True } $updateList = Get-UpdateServicingStack @gusParams If ($Null -ne $updateList) { # Get download info for each update from the catalog Write-Verbose -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): searching catalog for: [$($update.Title)]." $downloadInfoParams = @{ UpdateId = $updateList.ID OperatingSystem = $script:resourceStrings.SearchStrings.$OperatingSystem } $downloadInfo = Get-UpdateCatalogDownloadInfo @downloadInfoParams # Add the Version and Architecture properties to the list $updateListWithVersionParams = @{ InputObject = $downloadInfo Property = "Note" NewPropertyName = "Version" MatchPattern = $script:resourceStrings.Matches."$($OperatingSystem)Version" } $updateListWithVersion = Add-Property @updateListWithVersionParams $updateListWithArchParams = @{ InputObject = $updateListWithVersion Property = "Note" NewPropertyName = "Architecture" MatchPattern = $script:resourceStrings.Matches.Architecture } $updateListWithArch = Add-Property @updateListWithArchParams # If the value for Architecture is blank, make it "x86" $i = 0 ForEach ($update in $updateListWithArch) { If ($update.Architecture.Length -eq 0) { $updateListWithArch[$i].Architecture = "x86" } $i++ } # Return object to the pipeline If ($Null -ne $updateListWithArch) { Write-Output -InputObject $updateListWithArch } } } } "Windows8|Windows7" { If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Version')) { Write-Information -MessageData "INFO: The Version parameter is only valid for Windows10. Ignoring parameter." ` -InformationAction Continue -Tags UserNotify } # Filter the feed for servicing stack updates and continue if we get updates $updateList = Get-UpdateServicingStack -UpdateFeed $updateFeed Write-Verbose -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): update count is: $($updateList.Count)." If ($Null -ne $updateList) { # Get download info for each update from the catalog Write-Verbose -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): searching catalog for: [$($update.Title)]." $downloadInfoParams = @{ UpdateId = $updateList.ID OperatingSystem = $script:resourceStrings.SearchStrings.$OperatingSystem } $downloadInfo = Get-UpdateCatalogDownloadInfo @downloadInfoParams # Add the Version and Architecture properties to the list $updateListWithVersionParams = @{ InputObject = $downloadInfo Property = "Note" NewPropertyName = "Version" MatchPattern = $script:resourceStrings.Matches."$($OperatingSystem)Version" } $updateListWithVersion = Add-Property @updateListWithVersionParams $updateListWithArchParams = @{ InputObject = $updateListWithVersion Property = "Note" NewPropertyName = "Architecture" MatchPattern = $script:resourceStrings.Matches.Architecture } $updateListWithArch = Add-Property @updateListWithArchParams # If the value for Architecture is blank, make it "x86" $i = 0 ForEach ($update in $updateListWithArch) { If ($update.Architecture.Length -eq 0) { $updateListWithArch[$i].Architecture = "x86" } $i++ } # Return object to the pipeline If ($Null -ne $updateListWithArch) { Write-Output -InputObject $updateListWithArch } } } } } } } |